Agent Emily Prentiss

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When you walk into qunatico, you expect chaos. Frantic people running in circles looking for monsters. But walking in those doors on my first day at the Behavioral Analysis Unit, I felt nothing but calm. There was no hustle or bustle. I thought it was odd. I walked to the door of Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. He had his face buried in a case file. Several seconds went by and he didn't look up. "Um,  hello," I said. His head jerked up and for a moment I felt bad for disturbing him. "Agent Emily Prentiss", I said with my hand out. He shook it and stood up from his desk. He was tall, and he had this seriousness about him. "Hello agent." He almost sounded annoyed with my being here. "We have a case. Let's go meet the team so we can get to the jet." "You have a jet!?" I said following quickly behind him.  He replied with a simple "yes" and continued leading me to the briefing room. The room was filled with unnaturally attractive people. One in particular caught my eye. Long blonde hair, diamond blue eyes, cheek bones of a goddess; this girl is stunning, I thought. My thoughts were quickly interrupted as Agent Hotchner started the introductions. "This is Special Agent Emily Prentiss. Emily this is Agent Spencer Reid, Agent Derek Morgan, Agent Dave Rossi, our technical analyst Penelope Garcia, and our communications liaison, Jennifer Jareau." I walked around the room shaking hands with each of my new team members, saving miss Jareau for last. "You can call me JJ", she said as our hands met. We locked eyes and my knees felt weak. Just as my knees started to tremble, Hotch's sharp voice brought me back. "We have a case in Boulder, Colorado. Three young girls have went missing in the last three nights. Each girl approximately 8-10 years old. The unsub took them from their homes late at night. The police chief needs us there immediately. Wheels up in twenty."

"We're ready to deliver the profile." Reid said after 4 hours of going over the kidnappings over and over. "The unsub is most likely a male in his mid to late 30's," I said to the room of local law enforcement officers. "He comes in at night and takes the girls without a struggle. We think this means that the girls know the unsub, and trust him enough to go with him,"said Morgan. The rest of the team delivered the rest of the profile. I couldn't help stealing glances at JJ. She was so intense. I wanted to know her. I needed to know her. But we were on a case. A case that needed all of my attention. I had to fight the urge to give it all to JJ.

"FBI PUT YOUR HANDS UP," I yelled at the unsub with my gun pointed at him. "Let her go," Reid added. The unsub had JJ. His arm around her neck holding her with a gun at her head. Hotch went inside the house and got two of the three girls. The unsub has killed one of them. He left her in an open grave in the back yard. The girls were safe and all I could think of was JJ. All of my focus on this girl I had just met. This girl I didn't know, yet I knew I needed. "I can't go to prison", the unsub said pushing the gun into JJ's head. In that moment I saw his finger twitch on the trigger. He was going to kill JJ, and then himself. I fired my gun at his chest. He fell to the ground, and JJ ran to the girls we had just saved. She had almost lost her own life, yet her first instinct was to make sure they were okay. "Jesus this girl is perfect," I thought to myself.

On the flight home I sat alone to decompress. In the CIA, hunting terrorists seemed intense, but that was nothing compared to this. JJ came over and sat next to me. "Hey," she said. She stared at me for a long time before grabbing my hand. "You saved me out there today." "All in a days work," I said trying to be nonchalant. She gripped my hand tighter. The way she looked at my gave me all of the butterflies. "Thank you," she said as she stood up and went to join Reid.

Back at the BAU I sat down at my new desk. My head flooded with thoughts of JJ. A voice jerked me back to earth, "hey Prentiss, we're gonna have a few drinks. You up for it?" Morgan said. I looked over at JJ as if I was looking for her approval. Almost like she was reading my mind, she nodded at me and went to join the rest of the team. "Absolutely I said following him and the rest of the team to the elevators.
We arrived at the small dive bar across the street. Penelope grabbed mine and JJ's arm and dragged us to the bar. "3 shots of tequila please," Garcia said to the bartender. "God tequila, I haven't drank that since I went to Mexico with my college roommate," I said. The bartender poured out shots, and each of us grabbed one of the small glasses. "To new gal pals," Garcia said. We clanked our glasses together, and then threw back out shots.
Several tequila shots later, JJ and I were dancing with Penelope. "I need to go to the bathroom," I said and started to turn away. JJ grabbed my arm and stopped me. "I'll go with you. Friends don't let friends go pee alone in a bar," she said taking my hand and following me. I was drunk, and nervous. After I used the bathroom I was washing my hands waiting for JJ to finish. She got done and walked over to me. She got so close I could feel her chest rise and fall as she breathed. "I thought I was going to die today", she said as she put her hands on my shoulders. "But you saved me Emily." My pulse was racing. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out. She moved her hands down my arm to my hip. Sliding them to the small of my back. She pulled me in closer and pressed her lips against mine. God they were so soft. She kissed me hard, and brushed her fingers through my hair. I grabbed her and sat her on top of the bathroom counter. We kissed Harder and faster. I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She bit my lip and my lady parts started tingling.  This is all I have thought about since I first saw her. Being with her, touching her, I had to know what her skin felt like. It was soft and gentle. I put my hand down her jeans, gliding my finger over the top of her panties. Suddenly she pulled back. She took a step back and almost looked frightened. Just as I was about to say something she walked out of the bathroom. I got myself together, and a few minutes later went to join JJ and the rest of the team. But JJ wasn't there.

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