Wake Up Emily

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Dry. My mouth was so dry. Water, I needed water. My eyes fluttered open. I had no clue where I was, or how I got there. I looked around the room. Penelope, sweet Penelope, was sitting by my bed side. I reached out and put my hand on hers. "Oh Emily! You're awake!" she bellowed out. I went to speak, but my throat was like the Sahara Desert. "Water," I managed to choke out," she quickly got to her feet, and got my a glass of water. After a couple sips I felt like I could get words out. "What happened?" I asked. "You were in an explosion at James Parker's house,"she explained. Then it all came back to me. Parker, the house blowing up, JJ. "JJ!" I yelled. "Penelope is JJ safe!?" The look on her face was not reassuring. "Penelope, where is JJ," I demanded. "JJ is missing. We think she went to meet Parker. She left a note. She thinks this is all her fault, that she can fix it." explained Garcia. Why would she do that? How could she be so stupid to risk her life? "How long? How long have I been here for? How long has JJ been missing?" I asked her. Garcia looked down to the floor. "Two days." she replied. I felt all of the air escape my lungs. "Em, the team is doing everything they can to find her. And they will find her." she said trying to be optimistic. "I have to get out of here. I have to help find her." I ripped the IV out of my arm. "Where are my clothes?" I asked stumbling around the room. "Em, you've been unconscious for two days. You need to stay here." Garcia said. "I cannot stay here when JJ-" My voice cut off, and I started to cry. I sat down on the hospital bed, my face in my hands sobbing. "Em, what's going on with you two. You guys seem different. When she was here after the explosion, she reacted the same way you are right now." We sat quietly together for what felt like hours, but it was only minutes. Garcia held my hand and said, "Emily Prentiss, you and JJ are my best friends. You can talk to me about ANYTHING. Do you understand me, anything." she said. "JJ left Will. She left Will, for me. We've been seeing each other behind Will's back." Garcia looked genuinely shocked, and maybe a little hurt that we didn't tell her. "I think I love her Penelope." I said. Garcia didn't say anything for a while. "So your girls night the other night?" "Not the usual girls night," I said. I could feel my cheeks getting warm. "Wow, that's wonderful, Em. You really care about her, huh?" "More than anything in this world," I replied. Before we could keep discussing JJ and I, Hotch came through the door. "Hey, you're awake." he said walking towards Garcia and I. There was only one thing on my mind. "Did you find her Hotch?" He just started at me. I needed answers. I needed JJ. "Emily, we are doing everything we can." "WELL ITS NOT ENOUGH!" I yelled throwing my cup of water at the the wall behind Aaron. I felt horrible immediately. "Hotch, I'm sorry." He cut me off. "No need to apologize Emily. We will find her, I promise you. Garcia, we need you to find all of the abandoned warehouses near the highway where all of the victims were found. We think that's where he's keeping JJ." Sure thing boss man," said Garcia as she got up and left the room. Hotch sat down next to the bed. "How are you feeling?" he said. That was a dumb question, I thought. I almost got blown up, and the girl I love is being held captive by a psychopath if she was even alive. "Not so great," I replied. "Emily, I know you and JJ love each other. You're reaction to what has happened, and her reaction when she came here to see you; have not been the reactions of two people who are just friends." I didn't know if I was ready to tell Hotch, or the rest of the team, everything yet. Reid and Penelope knowing was about all that I could handle. "No, it's not," was all that I could say to him. "Hotch, I need to get out of here. I need to help find her." He looked confused. "Emily you have just had major surgery. You need to stay here." He stood up and walked to the door. He put his hand on the handle and paused. "We will find her Emily. But what if she comes home, and the girl she loves is dead? Stay here, and get better." He walked out of the door.
I couldn't stay here. I couldn't sit in this fucking hospital bed while that son of a bitch had JJ. There was a bag of my clothes laying on the dresser. I got up and got them out. They were covered in blood. I put them on anyway. I left that room. I left the hospital. I took an Uber to my hotel. The pain from my incision was unbearable. Every time I breathed it felt like I was being stabbed with 100 knives. I changed into clean clothes, got my gun and vest, and left. Just as I walked out of the door my cellphone dinged. It was a voicemail. "Emily." JJ's voice was on the other end. "I'm so sorry, love. I'm sorry that this happened to you, that you got hurt. But I'm going to fix it. Sinclair ST. I know you'll get this after you wake up, and come looking for me. I'll be there, hopefully alive. I love you so much Em. I always have. You are my everything. I hope we get our life together, because Em; this cannot be how our story ends. It's just begun." The message ended. Wet, hot tears were pouring down my cheeks. What the hell was I thinking? Going after Parker alone. I needed my team.
I arrived at the precinct, and when I walked through the doors; the team did not look happy. "Emily, what the hell-" Morgan tried to say before I cut him off. "I know where she is Derek. Well I kinda know where she is." I said. I played them the voicemail. "One of the warehouses I was looking into is on Sinclair ST." Garcia chimed in. Morgan got Hotch on the phone. "We got her Hotch. We know where she is." Garcia sent the location to the rest of the team, who was out searching for our girl. "You don't look so good," Garcia said to me as she helped me to a chair. I was pouring sweat, and shaking. "You need to get back to the hospital." Morgan said. But I wasn't leaving, not until JJ was found, and safe. "Derek, I'm not going anywhere." Then everything went dark, and I passed out.

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