We Bought a House

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We had our first case since we had been back to work. Apparently serial killers were taking it slow. An unsub in Philly was killing middle aged women in their homes. Just another sick psychopath with mommy issues, murdering women who reminded him of his mother. The women were surrogates for her. After he had killed 7 women, we finally caught him. We busted into the home of a woman he was about to kill. We tried to reason with him first. That's always first. But he shot at us, almost hitting Emily. When he fired that bullet towards her, I couldn't move or breathe. But it missed her, thankfully. After the attack with Parker, I couldn't imagine watching another bad thing happen to the person I loved. But that was the job. We put our lives on the line everyday to catch the bad guys.

After three days we arrived back to D.C.. Emily and I had been looking at houses. After what we had been through, we decided we couldn't waste another minute. We wanted to start our lives together. I was sitting at my dest finishing up some paperwork from the case when my phone rang. It was our realtor. "Hello," I answered. "JJ, your offer was excepted on the house!" she said very enthusiastically. Emily and I had found a house that we both fell in love with. Brick, with a big front porch, a big back yard with a pool, and five bedrooms and three bathrooms. We wanted to fill it with lots of kids running around. "Oh my god that's amazing!" I replied. "I can't wait to tell Emily." "Congratulations you two! The place is so perfect for the two of you. I'll come by around 7 to fill out some paperwork, and then it's all yours!" she said before hanging up. I rushed to Emily's desk. She was going to be thrilled. "Hey pretty lady," I said kissing her on the cheek. "How do you feel now that you're a homeowner?" She looked at me dumbfounded for several seconds. "WE GOT THE HOUSE!?" she yelled causing the whole office to stare. She jumped out of her chair and kissed me in front of everyone. PDA wasn't exactly my thing, but with the news; I didn't care at all. Rossi came out of his office to see what all of the commotion was about. "What's this I hear about a house? You two are moving in?" He asked. We hadn't told the team yet. We were waiting until we hear if our offer was accepted or not. "Uh, actually yes." said Emily. I don't think I had ever seen her happier. "Fanstastic!" he said kissing both of our cheeks. "We must celebrate! My house tomorrow night. I'll make my famous spaghetti a'la Rossi." He said with his thick Italian accent. When we had family dinners at Rossi's mansion, it always meant the best Italian food. The rest of the team joined us, and we shared the news. Rossi told all of them to dress their best, join us for dinner. "I'm so happy for the two of you," said Reid embracing us both. "Thank you Spence, we're ecstatic!" Emily held my handas we walked to her car. I couldn't wait for this to be my forever. Going home with the girl I loved every night. We got in the car, and she leaned over and kissed me. We kissed like teenagers in the parking garage for so long, I had lost track of the time. "Shit", I said looking at the clock. It was 6:30, and we were meeting the realtor at 7. "What's wrong?" said Emily concerned. "We have to be at my place by 7 to sign the papers for the house." We sped off to my apartment. Luckily it wasn't too far away from quantico. We arrived just as the realtor was parking. We all went inside. We signed the papers. And just like that, Emily and I owned a home together.

"Zip me up?" asked Emily as we were getting ready for dinner at Rossi's. I zipped her dress and turned around so she could do mine. I felt her finger trail up and down my spine. Then she started kissing the back of my neck, making my whole body tremble. "Em, we have to go," I said knowing I wouldn't be able to resist her. I turned around and put my lips on hers. She pushed the straps of my dress down, letting it fall from the ground. "It's okay if we're a little late", she said. "We'll just tell them we got distracted," she said as we made our way to the bed. I sat down and Emily straddled my lap. I unzipped her dress, and she took it the rest of the way off. I put my fingers through her hair. I knew it made her crazy. She pushed me down on the bed, and pulled my panties off. She had never had any on. She put her clit on mine, and our bodies grinded together. She came first. I followed only seconds after. "I love you, Jennifer Jareau." she said breathing hard next to me. "I love you more. Now let's go before the food is all gone." I said. And out the door we went.

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