Lauren Reynolds

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Ian Doyle had escaped from prison. After the call I got from him, I contacted some friends at Interpol. They had told me what had happened, and that he might be coming here for me. "How does he even know I'm alive?" I asked. "Lauren Reynolds is dead." said Tsia from the other end. I had been repeating it in my head like a mantra for days.
Back in my Interpol days, I had went undercover as a woman named Lauren Reynolds. We had been trying to infiltrate the IRA, whom we believed Doyle was the head of. During my time undercover, "Lauren" had started a relationship with Ian. I had moved into his villa with him. I was very deep undercover. Ian had fallen in love with me. He had even confided in me that he had a son, Declan. He had pretended that Declan was the nanny's son. Louise had been raising him as her own so he would not be put in danger by Ian's dangerous affairs. On the day Ian told me Declan was his son, he asked me to be Declan's mother. He said that Declan would take his place as Valhalla. I couldn't let that happen. Doyle was later arrested. To keep Declan safe, I faked his and Louise's deaths, and put them in witness protection. I did everything I could to make sure Ian Doyle would never find his son.
Mentally I had been a mess since I got Ian's call. I'm sure JJ and the team were starting to notice. JJ heard me on the phone say that Lauren Reynolds was dead. "Who's Lauren Reynolds?" she asked. I told her she was a friend who had died in a car accident, thinking maybe this would explain the way I've been acting.
I was sitting at my desk at the BAU when my phone rang. "Hello", I answered. "Emily, this is Clyde Easter," said the voice from the other end. If Clyde was calling me, something was horribly wrong. "It's Jeremy Wolff, he's-he's dead." My head started spinning. Was this Doyle? "What do you think this means? Jeremy and Tsia are in London." "He's coming for all of us. I'm going to get Tsia, and we're coming to D.C.. We'll be safer if we're all in one place." said Clyde from the other end of the phone.
Later that evening JJ and I arrived home after work. My phone rang. "Prentiss," I said as I answered. "Hello, Emily," said a familiar woman's voice from the other end. "Who is it, Em?" said JJ. I put my hand up and I stepped out of the room. I hated keeping secrets from her. But this secret, would put JJ in danger. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to her because of my history with Doyle. "Hello Tsia. I take it you and Clyde have landed in D.C.." She stayed quiet for a moment. "Meet us, 5th and Jefferson," said Tsia before clicking off of the line. I went to find JJ. "Love, I have to leave for a little while. An old friend is in town. We're going to get a drink." I kissed her on the cheek and left before she could even get a word in.
When I got the spot Tsia said to meet, I couldn't see them. Only a phone left on a park bench. I sat down next the the phone and it rang. I picked it up. "Nice to see you, Emily." The voice on the phone was Clyde. "You look lovely," Tsia chimed in. I looked to my left, there sat Tsia. Then to my right and Clyde was standing by a tree. "I'm sorry you can't be at Jeremy's funeral. It's today isn't it?" I said to Tsia. "Thank you, but that's what happens when you marry a member of your team. When one of you is a target, you both are." "What's being done to locate Doyle," I said trying to get to the point. "I have every agency in the northern hemisphere searching for him." Clyde said. "Tsia what are we doing to find him?" I asked. "I tracked one of his aliases. He took a private jet out of France the day after Jeremy's murder." Just then I got a text on my phone. A 911 from Garcia. "I know what you're thinking," said Clyde. "You cannot involve your team. They don't have the clearance for this." "We don't even know where he is," chimed in Tsia. "Involving them at this point would be premature." I put my head into my hands. I knew my team could help find this asshole. But Clyde and Tsia were right. Involving them would only put them at risk. "Track the money. Even on the run Doyle can help extravagance." I said. "Emily we will find him, trust me." Clyde said trying to sound reassuring. "I don't trust anyone right now." I said before getting up, throwing away the phone, and walking away from people who used to be my friends.
I called JJ on my way home to get her. She answered and said, " hey did you get that text from Garcia?" "Yes, I'm on my way to get you now. We can go together." I pulled up to the house and there was a package on the front porch. I opened to box to find small purple flowers, lilac Freesias. Doyle had given them to me once. This was Doyle's calling card. He was here. I walked in and JJ wasn't ready yet. "Come on JJ, we need to go." I said trying to get her out of the house. She wasn't safe here. "Calm down agent," she said wrapping her arms around my neck, kissing me. "Not right now JJ, Garcia said it was important." She seemed frustrated, but nonetheless she finished getting dressed. She came out to the kitchen and noticed the purple flowers. "These are pretty," she said. "Who sent these." "They're for you," I said trying to avoid suspicion. I kissed her on the cheek and handed her the flowers. "Thank you, Emily. They're beautiful," she said putting them in a vase on the counter. "Before we go I need to make a call," I said heading to the bedroom to get the burner phone I bought when all of this started happening. I dailed Tsia's number. She answered on the second ring. "He's here," I said getting to the point. These calls needed to be quick. "How do you know this," she replied. "He sent me flowers." There was a quick pause, and then Tsia said, "you're sure they're from him." "Positive," I said and then hung up the phone.
JJ and I arrived at the BAU. "Good you're here," Hotch said as he ushered everyone to the briefing room.
"A young boy, Sammy Sparks, turned up at his school this morning in Louisiana covered in blood. When police got to his house, his parents were missing." Garcia said flipping through images on the large screen in the briefing room. "Was there a ransom note?" I asked trying to stay involved. I needed to keep my mind from wondering. "No ransom note. They were just gone," said Penelope. "I don't get it, why is this a BAU CASE?" asked Reid. "They want us to interview the boy," said Hotch "why can't locals handle that? And why hasn't the only witness been interviewed yet? He could identify the unsub," asked Morgan. "The boy is autistic. They think we'll have a better chance at getting him to talk with us. But getting him to tell us what happened won't be easy. Wheels up in twenty."
Being on a case with everything going on was exhausting me mentally. Cases involving children were always tough, especially on JJ. And now she had the added bonus of having to worry about me. We sat beside each other on the jet. Going over the case, JJ grabbed my hand. "Listen, I know something is going on with you. And I don't want you to tell me about it if you don't want to, but I'm here, love." My eyes filled with tears and I had to look away. "I know JJ. And I love you for that, but I can't." She looked hurt. This is what I had to do to protect her, to keep her safe. JJ and I have never lied to each other about anything. But right now, lying would keep her alive. I'm sure Doyle knew about us. He has been watching me. I felt it.
We arrived in Louisiana a few hours later. JJ and Reid went to talk to Sammy. I went with Hotch and Rossi to set up at the local police station. "Agent Hotchner," said the sheriff. "Thank you so much for coming." "Of course. This is SSA Emily Prentiss and SSA David Rossi. Where would you like us to set up?" The sheriff led us to a small room with a whiteboard. "Sorry it's not much," the sheriff said apologetically. "This will be fine, thank you," said Aaron.

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