I Beat You, Ian

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I sat in The Black Shamrock, in the same booth Fayhe introduced Ian and I all of those years ago. My mind went back to that moment. A moment that had been haunting me for days. I was jolted back to the present, when I heard Jack Fayhe. "You can't kick me out! Do you know who I am?! I'm Jack Fayhe. I'M THE MAN!" The bar owner bounced Fayhe out of the bar. I followed closely behind.
He headed to his car, rambling the whole way. He opened the driver's door to get in, and I slid in the backseat right behind him. "Hello Jack." I said getting my gun out. He heard me take the safety off, and started to panic. "I don't know what you want but-", he cut himself off. He finally looked into the mirror to see me. "Holy shit, Lauren Reynolds. I thought you were dead." "Cut that crap, Fayhe. I know you're working with Doyle. How many men does he have working for him." He tried to play dumb, like he didn't know what I was talking about. "I haven't seen Ian Doyle in-", I shoved my gun up against his head. "Okay! He has maybe fifteen, twenty guys; mostly mob guys. Some are IRA. What are you gonna do, huh Lauren?" "Oh what am I gonna do?" I asked. Jack Fayhe was a coward, he would tell me what I wanted to know. "I'll tell you where he is!" Jack pleaded. "Just please don't kill me." "I already know where he is. Are you going to tell him I'm here?" I asked "No Lauren, god no!" I didn't believe him. I knew as soon as he left he'd find Ian, and tell him I knew where he was. I fired my gun, grazing his ear. I got out of the car and went to get in mine. I drove for what felt like hours. A voicemail pinged on my phone. It was Garcia. I wondered how much they knew by now. My heart ached for JJ. All I wanted was for us to be safe. Tucked away in our new home, spending our time loving each other. But it had to be this way. Doyle would kill them, as promised. But I would get him first. I opened the voicemail and let it play.

Hey, it's me. Hotch asked me to try all of your old numbers, and I have this as an old listing. You probably don't even use it anymore. But if it is you, and you're out there; come home. Please, god Emily, what did you think!? That we would just let you walk out of our lives? I am SO furious with you right now. Then I think of how scared you must be, hiding in some dark place all alone. But you're not alone, okay! We are in that dark place with you. We are waving flashlights, and calling your name. So if you can see us, come home. But if you can't, then you stay alive! Because we're coming.

My face was hot with tears. I knew they wouldn't just let me go. How could they? We were a family. Of course they would be right here with me, fighting this battle that they never asked for.
I slept in my car. When the sun rose, I drove to DuPont road. When I arrived Ian and his men were loading what seemed to be guns into an suv. I took photos with my surveillance camera. How did it feel to be watched, Ian?
I spent the day mustering up the courage for what I had planned. Ian was smart, he was always one move ahead. Maybe he knew I was coming, or maybe he would never think that Lauren Reynolds would have the courage to come after him. But Lauren Reynolds was dead, and Emily Prentiss was coming for him.
The night came. I slipped on my bullet proof vest, and tied my hair up; like I always did when chasing an unsub. That's all Ian was to me, just another unsub. But I was so much more for him. I was his trigger. I sat parked across the street from The Black Shamrock. Ian and his men were all inside. They were in there for hours. I didn't care how long it took. I would wait for him. Then the door to the pub opened. Several of his men walked out, Ian in the middle of them. There were three black SVU's lined up outside. Ian got into the second one, just like I knew he would. Ian once told me why he always rides in the second car. "The first car is always the first to get hit in an ambush." I waited for the first one to drive away. Then I grabbed a gun and a flash grenade, and made my way towards the second car. I shot the man in the drivers seat. Two more got out, and I shot them too. I threw the Grenade inside the vehicle, and the rest got out. I pointed my gun at them. "I only want Doyle!" I shouted. "Where's Doyle?" "Right here, love," I heard from behind me. I turned around and Ian fired two bullets into my vest before I could shoot him. It knocked me down. Ian stood over me. "Hello love," he said. He he hit me with the butt of his gun, and I went unconscious.
I woke up in the warehouse Ian had been using. I looked around, and there was no sign of Ian. Suddenly I felt hands around my neck. "Where's my ring?" he said gripping harder. I laughed a little. "I flushed it." "That was a gift," he said. "And since you threw the first one away, I'm gonna give you another one." His rough hands slid down my neck. He unbuttoned my shirt, and ran his hands over my breasts. Fear wasn't something I was used to feeling, but I had been afraid for days. "You still have only two tattoos?" He asked turning on a machine. "Yep, and that's enough ink." I said sarcastically. He laughed. "Ink? Oh no love, North Koreans can't afford ink. You know what they do instead? They brand themselves." he said putting the hot wand to my skin. I screamed, trying not to yell too loud. The pain was agonizing. I could smell my skin burning. He burned his four leaf clover right above my left breast, forever marking me as his. One of Ian's men appeared in the door. "Her people are here, they grabbed Fayhe. It won't be long before the little pig starts squealing, and he tells them where we are." The man held out a gun for Ian to grab. "Let's get this done, so we can get the hell out of here." He would take my team out if he felt threatened. I needed to distract him. "I know what you want, Ian. You want Lauren Reynolds back. I can do that. I can be her. But please don't hurt them." I pleaded with him. "You think that will save you?" He asked. "You can do what you want to me, I just want them safe. I'm tired of being afraid Ian." "We don't have time for this!" The other man shouted from the doorway. "MAKE TIME!" Ian shouted at him. "And what about Fayhe, huh? What about when he tells the FBI right where to find us? They could be on their way here now!" "I'll deal with Fayhe. He smokes right?" Ian asked the man. "He has to come outside at some point. You know Fayhe can't go five minutes without a smoke. Looks like you've just earned yourself a reprieve." He said looking at me.
Ian left me alone for a little while. When he came back, he sat a chair in front of me, and sat down. "What is it you do, Lauren?" He was recreating our first meeting. Staying alive meant going along with whatever he wanted. "I'm looking to get into business with a former IRA captain, whose gone free lance; Valhalla. I smiled at him. "Let me out of these." I said seductively. "That's not how it went," he said becoming angry. "I just want to make you happy, Ian. I can't do that in these handcuffs." He walked behind me, putting his hands around my throat. "You're just trying to get into my head. I let you in once Emily, I won't be doing it again." He said tightening his hands. "I'm going to make you suffer, the way you made me suffer. This won't be the first time you've killed an innocent person." He said brushing his mouth over my ear. The man from earlier sat a laptop in front of me. A camera from a sniper was focused on Rossi, JJ, and Fayhe. All of the air left my lungs. He wanted me to watch as he took JJ from me, just like I took Lauren from him. A voice came over the laptop, "what's the target?" The other man spoke into a phone, "take the blonde one out first, then the lad with the beard." I thrusted myself under the Ian's hands. He had them gripping my shoulder. "No, no!" I yelled. "This was between you and me!" "Then why are they here!?" Ian replied. "Ian, whatever you want to do to me, I will accept. But I'm begging you, leave them out of it." I begged with him. "Well you see, love, I didn't bring them into it," Ian said struggling to hold me still. I sobbed, loud and hard. He was going to kill JJ right in front of me, and there wasn't a thing I could do to stop him. Suddenly a thought came to me, "shoot Fayhe," I bargained. "If he dies my team has nothing." "There she is," Ian said smiling. "Hello Lauren, it's good to see you again." The sniper took out Fayhe, and Rossi took JJ to the ground. Ian let his grip on me go, and left the room.
When Ian came back, he had a gun in his hands. He walked up behind me. "When Jack told me you were here, he said you already knew where I was." He told Ian just like I knew he would. I should have killed him. "If that's true, then I know exactly what this is about. It's over, love," he said as he pressed the barrel of the gun to my head. "I want to see where he died," I said hoping to bide my time. He pulled the gun away. "Take me there Ian, I want to see it." The only humanity Ian had left was for his son. His son whose death I had faked in this warehouse seven years earlier.
He led me down a dark, dank hall. "I never told anyone about Declan," he said pushing ahead. "And you put him in your profile. The North Koreans used everything you gave them in your profile to get me to talk. The one thing they didn't have was Declan. But you gave him to them, didn't you!?" Ian stepped up behind me, his body pressing up against mine. "Then they showed me these," he said pulling out a familiar photo of Louise and Declan with a gun aimed at them. "You caused all of this, didn't you?" "Yes," I said letting the tears fall. He pushed me into a room, and pointed to a corner. "That's where he died, and that where I'm gonna kill you." He shoved me down and pointed the gun at me. "There's something you don't know, Ian. There's a piece of the puzzle that you're missing," I said smiling. This made him angry. "After you were arrested, I relocated Louise and Declan. Then I got a call that Interpol had sent back the profile we gave on you. The head of the terrorism department wanted more on you, to break you." "So you used my son, to get ahead in your career?" He shouted. "No, I couldn't let them get to him. God Ian, they would have done umimaginable things to him to get you to talk. I knew even if I didn't tell them, they would have found him eventually. So I had to-" Ian cut me off hitting me in the face. "Had to what!?" He yelled. "I had to end his suffering." I said quietly. "What did you do!" He started beating me. "You put him in the profile, then what!" He kicked me hard in the ribs. "I put him in the profile after the pictures were taken." I said gasping for air. "You don't know when those pictures were taken, you don't know that." He said bending down. "Yes I do. I was the one holding the gun." I said smiling because I had beat him. Even if he killed me, he would never find his son. He lifted me off of the ground, throwing me around the room. He slammed my face into a wall and i fell to the ground. He started kicking me over and over. I rolled over and said to him, "you want to know what his last words were?" He kicked me again. "He said, I looked pretty good for a dead kid." This made Ian stop in his tracks. "What do you mean? He's still alive!" Ian shouted. "And then he got on a plane and I never saw him again." Ian picked me up and started throwing me around again. I elbowed him in the groin and wrapped my cuffs around his neck. "I beat you Ian, before you ever left North Korea. I beat you. I gave Declan his life back." I said gripping harder. "I'll find him," Ian choked out. "No you won't," I said laughing. "Ever since you told me my people had Fayhe, I've been stalling you." Suddenly all of the lights when out. I looked away and Ian flipped me over him. We landed on a wooden shelf, and broke it. I took a piece of the shelf and started hitting Ian with it. Over and over, blood was spilling out of his mouth, but I didn't care. The only way to end this, was to end him. I threw the wood down and turned away, thinking Ian was done. Suddenly Ian rolled over and grabbed the steak. He shoved it into my abdomen. I fell to the ground, sharp agonizing pain burning through my body. I heard shots from outside of the room. Ian heard them too and took off. He left me laying there, the stake still inside of me. I opened my eyes and there was JJ. " oh god Emily," she said putting her hand to my forehead. "Help!" She yelled. "Get a medic, get a medic now!" I grabbed her hand. "Let me go," I said. I could feel myself slipping away. "No! You stay with me Emily! Don't you dare leave me! I need you. Open your eyes baby!" I opened my eyes and squeezed her hand tighter. "There you go, squeeze my hand. Stay with me. Stay right here." She was crying. I could feel her tears as the fell from her cheeks. She leaned down and kissed my lips. "I love you. I love you." she whispered. Then everything went black.

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