Marry Me, JJ

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"I think tonight deserves a toast," said Dave tapping his fork on his champagne glass. "To two of my best girls. I couldn't be more happy or proud to see the two of you together. In all my years I don't think I've ever seen so much love. They way you two look at each other captivates all of us. I think I speak for everyone when I say, I cannot wait to see what life brings the two of you. We love you ladies.." Everyone lifted their glasses, clanking them together in cheer. We ate our dinner, surrounded by the people we loved the most. I thought to myself, could life get any better?
After dinner, we all headed for the dance floor. I took JJ in my arms, and twirled her around to the music. Morgan cut in taking my hands in his. "Can I have a turn?" he asked JJ. She handed me over and spun around with Reid. A slow song came on, and Morgan and I moved in closer. "You know I couldn't be more happy for the two of you," he said moving his face next to mine. "No two people deserve each other more." Derek kissed me on my cheek, and spun me around. Hotch grabbed me next. Spinning around the dance floor, Hotch pulled me close. "You and JJ are perfect for one another," he said to me. "I can't wait to see what your lives together will be like." "Thank you Aaron." I said hugging him tight. We all danced and laughed together for what felt like hours. It was the perfect night. These people were my family, and I was so glad to have them.

I finally had JJ back in my arms, dancing to a slow song. I pulled her in close, slowing swaying back and forth. "Marry me?" I whispered in her ear. She stopped moving and just looked at me. I didn't have a ring, or a thought about what I was doing. It just felt right. We just felt right. She kissed me hard. "Yes!" She shouted "I'll marry you right here, right now." She said hugging me hard. I spun her around, her blonde hair twirling with her. "I don't have a ring," I said. "I'd marry you with a ring pop," she said. I kissed her. I pulled her close and we finished dancing. Then we all went back inside for more champagne. Penelope and I were standing alone in the dining room. "You seem so happy, Em. Maybe the happiest I've ever seen you." She said to me. I smiled and said, "I can't describe how happy I am Penelope. Can't I tell you a secret?" She got all wide eyed like she does when she knows something that the others don't. "Of course!" she yelled. I got real close to her and whispered in her ear. "I asked JJ to marry me." "Oh my god! What did she say!?" she said clearly overjoyed. I looked over at JJ and she winked at me. She was breathtaking, all blonde hair and ocean eyes. "She said yes."

JJ was quiet on the ride home. "What's on your mind, love?" I asked. She sat quietly for a moment before answering. "I just can't believe how perfect life is right now. It's like in one breath you came in, and swept me away. It all feels like a dream." I reached over and pinched her arm. "Ouch!" she yelled. "What was that for?" she said with a little giggle. "Wel, you felt that. So you're not dreaming," I said. She laid her head on my shoulder, and we rode in silence. Only quiet music playing. She was right this all did feel like a dream. It seemed too good to be true.

Once we were inside we got undressed, and into comfy clothes. I sat on the couch and JJ joined me, snuggling herself under my arm; her head on my chest. I kissed her head and she looked up at me. "Tonight was perfect," she said. My proposal wasn't planned, and it wasn't how I pictured it happening. But our lives seemed to be moving at hyper speed lately. We had waited long enough, and all I wanted was forever with her. "This is how it's going to be from now on, isn't it?" she said interrupting my thoughts. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Every night is going to be perfect, because I'm with you." She explained. I kissed her, and she kissed me back hard. We made love right there on the couch. Our hands covering every part of each other's bodies. After we laid tangled up together, naked under a blanked. JJ fell asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. Suddenly my phone rang. "Prentiss." I said as I answered. "Hello Lauren." said the voice from the other end. My heart sank, and my mouth went dry. My happy ending just came to a screeching halt.

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