7 months, 18 days

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I had been at the BAU for exactly 7 months, and 18 days. I had gotten the idea of JJ and I out of my head. We had started to become good friends. We often had girls nights with Garcia. The three of us would sit around drinking wine, and laughing for hours. Sometimes we would go back to that bar. And sometimes, I would long for that moment with JJ again.
We were on a case in Massachusetts. An unsub was killing prostitutes, and leaving their bodies on park benches. It was late and we were all heading back to the hotel we were staying in. Since JJ and I were the only women, we always shared a room. I was exhausted. It was two in the morning when we walked into our hotel room. "This bed looks amazing ." JJ said as she collapsed onto the queen sized pillow top. She laid there still for several moments. Then she sat up quickly. "I'm gonna shower," JJ said making her way to the bathroom. The water turned on and I laid on the bed imagining JJ getting undressed. Even though I knew JJ and I could never be together, I thought about that night in that bar every day.
About 15 minutes later JJ came out of the bathroom. Steam rolled out as she came out in nothing but a towel. She was still a little wet from the shower. I had to make myself look away. She rummaged through her go bag looking for her pjs. She went back into the bathroom and came out dressed in a big t shirt, and nothing else. "Look what I have," she said as she pulled a bottle of red wine out of her bag. "Perfect." I said with a smile. She grabbed two plastic cups from the stand where the microwave was. She filled the glasses half full and handed one to me. We drank and talked until 4 in the morning. We were both feeling a little drunk. "Emily," she said looking at me with somber eyes. "Do you ever think about that night, in the bathroom at the bar?" she said. I took a moment before I replied. I didn't want to say the wrong thing. "Of course I do. I think about it all of the time." I said as I fell back on the bed. She looked down and wouldn't make eye contact with me.  "Tell me what you're thinking." I said. She laid back next to me. I brushed some hair out of her face behind her ear. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted everything with her, but I knew I couldn't have her. She stared at me for what seemed like forever and then said, "I think about it every day. I think about us all of the time. I try no to, Em. But you are always there, in my head." I didn't know what to say. I had no idea she felt like that about us. I had no idea she thought about me, like that. "Will is not you." she said with tears in her eyes. I grabbed her hand, and laced my fingers through hers. It felt perfect, like when you get that last piece of the puzzle. "No he isn't," I said. She moved closer to me, and I could feel her heart beating. I cradled her face with my hand. Our faces got closer and closer until our lips were almost touching.  I pulled at the bottom of her shirt and took it off slowly. She unbuttoned my pants and slid them down my thighs. After my pants were off, I kissed her softly and slowly. Her lips felt like magic. Our bodies tangled up into one another and she pulled my shirt over my head. Then she unclamped my bra letting it fall onto the bed. I have wanted this for the last 7 months. I slid her panties off and tossed them to the side. We were both completely naked, our hands covering every inch of each others bodies. She moaned into my ear as I slid my hand down further and further. Her whole body was shaking as I slid my finger inside of her. In and out in and out, our bodies moving against each other in unison. She arched her back underneath me and screamed my name. "Oh god Emily!" She said scratching my back hard with her nails. She finished and flipped me over hard. She climbed on top of me and our clits touched. My whole body pulsed. I needed every part of her on me. I pulled her down and kissed her hard, slipping my tongue in and out of her mouth. We finished together. Our hot, sweaty bodies collapsed next to each other. Breathing hard, she looked at me. "Emily Prentiss." She said so sweetly. Tears fell from her eyes and she didn't hide them. Lost in the passion she put her fingertips on my bare stomach, "I want to fall in love with you."
She rolled over and assumed the "little spoon" position. I held her tight and we fell asleep.

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