Jennifer Jareau

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I ran so fast of of that bar. I had no clue what came over me. It was like some other person had taken over me. And she wanted Agent Emily Prentiss. The way she made me feel in that bathroom took my breath away. I felt things no man had ever made me feel. When she walked into the bureau yesterday, there was just something about her. It made my whole body tremble. The look in her eyes when she had her gun pointed at the unsub; it was like she was ready to go to war for me.
I arrived home, to Will. Oh god Will. What am I supposed to tell him? I took off my shirt and pants. Every part of my body that Emily touched was on fire. I took off my bra, and I could still feel her fingertips graze across my nipple.
I crawled into bed next to Will and he rolled over and threw his arm around me. "Did you have a good time babe?" Will said. My thoughts went to that bathroom, in that bar, with that girl. I turned over and started kissing Will. I closed my eyes and pictured Emily. "I want you to fuck me." I said as I pulled him on top of me. He pulled me up and pulled of my shirt, then my pants. I laid back down and he slid off my panties. Will kissed me again as he went inside me. "Harder," I said as I pretended his hands were Emily's. He fucked me harder and harder until he came. It was quick. I didn't finish, but I didn't think I would. Not with Emily Prentiss in my head.
The weekend went quickly. Monday came, and I was not thrilled to be back at work. I got off of the elevator and walked into the BAU. Emily hadn't arrived yet. I was usually early. I liked to go over cases before the rest of the team arrived. I went into my office and closed the door. Ten minutes later there was a knock on my door. It was Emily. I was not ready to do this. "Hey," she said. "Got a minute." "Sure," I said reluctantly. "I just wanted to make sure we were okay." Prentiss said. She seemed genuine. "Yeah, we're good." I said not knowing if that was even true. "I don't really know what happened the other night. I would like it to stay between us. I've never done anything like that. I've never been with women before. I actually am dating someone." She looked hurt when I said this. Like all of the air had been sucked out of her lungs. "I'm sorry, I was drunk, and it was a crazy day." I said apologetically. Her eyes were breath taking. I could have looked into them all day. "No worries," she said somberly. She turned around and walked out. Garcia quickly came to the doorway "We have a case."

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