Chapter 17 Finding Home

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Okay, just like before, I placed a big time-lapse. Enjoy the story and vote!!!

I'm still driving and everyone is still in their positions. Mike and I found a way through the traffic and that's by turning around and passing by the other road which was empty.

"Michonne!! Look! Signs for the refugee center!!" Aysa yells excitedly.

I see the sign and it says:

Go to the Refugee Center where we guarantee your safety. Straight Ahead!

I got so excited, and so as the others. I drove hurriedly straight for the refugee center.

"Michonne! We're almost there!" yelled Greyson who held Harley.

Harley, on the other hand was already opening his eyes, yet still unable to talk or say a word, but can already do gestures like 'hi' and 'hello'.

Aimee signalled me to stop, probably seeing a roamer. I stopped the car and the 2 blonde girls went down to kill 4 roamers.

Aimee took out her seraph blade and stabbed 2 roamers. Angeli took her crossbow repeater and killed the remaining 2.

The blondes went back on the truck and so I started it once more.

We drove forward and straight ahead. I was moving so fast that even André complained.

"Mommy, go slow!" André told me as I went just a little bit slower.

Every minute, we always pass by a Refugee Center sign.

Each minute, when we see the signs, we grew excited.


2 Hours later.

We were in the woods and found home.

We see a fence which protects a large plot of land where lots of buildings stood. On the very high building, stood the greatest sign: Refugee Center.

I saw a parking lot (whoa!) and so I parked the car. Every one of us made our way out the vehicle and excitedly entered the gates, which was guarded by 2 men. They let us in, knowing we came here for refuge.

When we entered, it was as if the apocalypse never happened, everyone was playing, everyone was enjoying and everyone looked like they didn't notice the world going to hell.

Mike, Terry, André, the Brothers and the Blondes went to venture while Aysa and I entered a building named "Golden Oaks". It had a woman with the nametag 'Loisa' in the reception.

"Hi, welcome to Golden Oaks!" said Loisa with a very healthy smile.

Aysa and I greeted her with a smile as well. We realized Golden Oaks was the building for the old and so on our way, we had to greet a couple of elders. Aysa saw someone familiar to her.

"Aunt Amelia?!" yelled Aysa as she ran to the elderly woman who happened to be her aunt.

I gave her a smile as she reunites with someone she loved. I felt very happy for her, knowing that someone she loved was still alive especially in this world. I ventured deeper into the building and came in to a room named "The FUN Room". I entered it and saw elderly people, both men and women were playing and having fun. I smiled until I saw one woman who came running at me...


The minute I saw her running at me, I fell to my knees and let out my tears.

"You thought I didn't make it, did you?" Mecha, my Mother told me.

I hugged her tightly and she also hugged me, seeing the sword on my back.

"You found your Father's sword!"

I nodded while tears still fell from my eyes. I held my Mother so tightly, that I want to hold on to her for the whole day. Then, my Mother pushed me away and walked over to the other elders and played games.

I smiled as I walked away and out of the FUN Room. I walked over to Loisa at the reception.

"Where can I get a room? I figured I'll stay here for a while."

Loisa took out a sheet of paper.

"Fill this up and pass it to Reception Area #2." she told me as I grabbed the paper.

I sat down on a desk and started filling up everything. At the bottom-most part, I had to pick which service I'll do.

It was either:
• Fence Cleaners (kill off roamers on the fence)
• Night Guard (guard tower duty at night)
• Runners (go on runs)
• Fence Duty (guard the fence, like those two men)
• Elderly Duty (watch over the elders in Golden Oaks)

Well, obviously I picked 'Runners' because I might need to go out and grab a few things for my family, especially my Mother. I brought the sheet of paper to Loisa and she took it, photocopied it and then gave the copy to me.

"Let President Jemma Masson sign at the top. She'll tell you where your place is and if she approves your chosen service."

I nodded and took the copy and went outside. There was a sentence in the back which tells me where President Jemma Masson is. It was in the middle building, 7th Floor.

I entered the middle building and saw a great hall, to the left and right, were reception areas and straight ahead in the middle was an elevator. I entered the elevator and pressed the number '7' and it went up. I reached the seventh floor and it was an all black floor with red carpeting. There were many rooms which I believe that it belonged to the President's head officers. I went straight ahead and found ONE single door which was painted white. On the door, was the word 'President' indicating this is her room. I knock on the door and it opens. Two men dressed in black were standing, guarding the door.

"What do you need?" said one man who also happened to be an African-American.

"I'm here to see President Jemma Masson. I'm new here, so if you could..." I didn't finish my statement because a woman with an English accent cut me off.

"Please, gentlemen. Let her in. She's new here, so please." she said.

The two men moved aside and showed a woman, the one with English accent, having a platinum blonde hair, French Braided to the right and wore heavy makeup. She wore a white dress and white stilleto heels. She stood up and walked over to me. She took the sheet of paper and took out a black pen. She signed the paper thoroughly.

"You're now a runner, Michonne."

I smiled at her and I walked to the door and one of the men opened the door.

"Welcome to the Refugee Center, Michonne."

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