I'm Gay

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I woke up late the next day. It must be because I had the most wonderful and peaceful sleep for the first time this month. I trudged down the stairs in my pajamas. My nice mood abated some when I saw that the devil's spawn was here. Again. And I didn't mean Nate. We were in good terms now. I meant Ben, Quinn's best friend. Why they were best friends was beyond me.

Ben and Quinn was lying stomach first on the carpet in the living room and they were surrounded with books, papers and pens. They were busy scribbling and comparing papers with each other.

"Hey sis," Quinn greeted without looking up from his paper, "Already prepared your food. It's on the kitchen counter."

I nodded at him. Knowing Quinn, he had prepared it just in time for me. Sometimes, I wonder who the eldest among us really was. He was like a pampering big brother to me.

"Are mom and dad out?"


I yawned and stretched my arms as I ambled to the kitchen. I grabbed the bowl of cereal and my glass of OJ then went back to living room. I sat cross-legged on the couch and began eating.

"Careful, now," Ben said, looking at me in distaste, "Don't you spill that on our work or I'll pound you."

Did I mention how much I disliked him? He was such a brat. I ignored his threat as always because he was just bluffing. And I was pretty used to him now. He practically lived in the house already because he always hanged out here. I used to think that he was homeless.

I rolled my eyes. "Homework?"

"No," Ben replied, scowling at me. "We're preparing a plan for world domination."

I blinked. "What?"

"We're halfway done already. We're now making sure that we covered all bases and loopholes. Make sure that our plan is flawless, effective and perfect. All that's left is training evil geniuses."

I gave Quinn a what-the-hell look. He snorted.

"It's just homework, Ellen," he told me.

I chucked a throw cushion at Ben. He snickered at me. I furiously told Quinn once before when I couldn't stand Ben's snide remarks anymore that I wasn't keen with them being best friends and that I disliked him intensely because he was so rude and cheeky. Quinn explained to me patiently that Ben was like that because he didn't have any siblings and he was just lonely. His parents were divorced and he was living with his father who was a workaholic and never home.

Okay, so he wasn't happy with his life. I would have pitied the kid if he wasn't always trying to rile me all the time. Damn brat. Looking at him, I realized that he was like Nate. Always pushing my buttons just to get a reaction out of me.

Speaking of Nate, he sent me a 'good morning' text this morning. I remembered yesterday and I felt the weird feeling in my stomach again. It wasn't a bad feeling, though. It was just way beyond comprehension for me. I sighed as I remembered yesterday's events. I felt happiness simmering in me.

"Are you reminiscing your date with Nate?" Quinn asked with a big smile, cutting swiftly through my thoughts of Nate.

I frowned at him. "No. And it wasn't a date, Q."

"Suuure," he drawled. I could tell that he knew that Nate and I were alone for the most part of the day.

"That Nate sure has bad tastes," Ben interjected, sitting up. "Why would he go for a hag like you? He could really do better."

I glared at him. Stupid boy didn't even wince. "How about you shut up or I'll chuck this bowl at you."

"How about you shut up and shove your face into the bowl?" he suggested cheekily. "That would be a pretty sight."

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