How Far This Could Go

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I took a deep breath. The air smelled almost like summer. I used to like summer. Summer used to mean no classes, no dealing with stupid, gossipy classmates and no pretensions for me. But, the school year changed me and I was now apprehensive of the thought of summer. It meant that I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. And that's if I didn't do anything.

The weather was a little hotter and I felt my uniform cling to my sweaty back as I trudged out of the school building. It was the end of the week, the end of catching up with all my missed classes and exams, the end of barely having enough rest just so I can finish my obligations to the school sooner. It was a hellish week but I was glad that it was over.


I glanced back. Misha was weaving through the crowd of students to get to me. I stopped and waited for her, ignoring the eyes that were upon me.

"Hey, Mish."

She frowned at me. "You didn't wait for me like you were supposed to."


"I needed air, Misha," I said in an apologetic tone. "It was stifling in there. You know how hard this week was for me."

Her frown gave way to a small smile.

"I know, Ellen." She put an arm around my shoulders and we resumed walking towards the parking lot. "Ryan wants to meet with us at our favorite ice cream place if you're up to it."

I sighed and looked at the sky.

"I don't know. I'm kind of tired."

She pouted. "I'll take you home directly afterwards. Please? You don't have to do anything but sit and enjoy your delicious chocolate chip ice cream while Ryan and I entertain you with our pretty selves. Please?"

I grunted and shook my head. She moved in front of me and clasped her hands to her chest while she gave me a pleading look. I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Fine," I conceded, earning me a hug from my best friend. "But, it's your treat."

She stuck her tongue playfully at me.

"Yes, princess."

I froze. Misha skipped ahead of me, oblivious to the racking emotions inside me.

"The ice princess is getting cranky these days," Nate commented as he leaned casually beside my open locker, folding his arms across his chest.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a princess, Nate. My demands are more like a queen's," I said sarcastically.

He eyed me with disdain.

"Queen, my ass," He snorted.

"Come on, Ellen."

I shook my head vigorously and plastered a smile on my face. Misha waved at me from her car. As I walked towards her, I glanced surreptitiously across the parking lot and released a sigh of relief when I spotted what I was looking for.

Nate's car was still here. He was still here.

"Ryan's meeting us there," Misha told me as I got in. "Thank God, it's Friday."

I smiled briefly at her comment. "Yeah."

Sensing that I wasn't up to a conversation, Misha turned the radio up and concentrated on driving.

I looked out of the window and at the scenes blurring past us.

I hadn't seen Nate during the week. I knew that he knew that I was finally allowed to attend my classes but he didn't come for me. I hadn't even seen Matt and Michael anywhere. My only consolation was that everytime Misha and I exit school and go to her car, their cars were there in the parking lot. Seeing their cars always made me sigh in relief because it meant that Nate hadn't left the school or the country yet.

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