Dazai x reader (Because I love you)

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OkAy this is angst but it ends good okay? Okay..? You trust me right? QwQ

Warning: mention of suicide. Angst.

His smile never fooled you. His cheerful behaviour never failed to make you worry for him.

He was never someone that'd be opening up to anyone. Not anytime soon. Tho you never mentioned it to him. You just let it be.

It was a normal day, Dazai was late, like he usually was and Kunikida was shouting and complaining about him.

You sighed heavily and closed your ears with both palms of your hands.

"Kunikida-kun please don't be so loud... my ears might start bleeding!" You pout a bit almost banging your head on your desk.

It was then when you heard the door crack open and the familiar cheerful voice.


You look up only to get even more worried.

Dazai's eyes were puffy and red and his lips dry and chopped, as if he'd been crying, he looked even more tired than usual, even tho he had that smile of his that fooled and got past everyone.

"Where have you been, you bandage wasting machine??" Kunikida grabbed him by the collar and gave him a shake as Dazai laughed.

"I was doing something very important kunikida-kun, don't be rude!" He protested.

You stood up and walked over to kunikida, placing a hand over his wrists. "It's okay Kunikida, I'll manage him now."

"I don't get payed enough for this.." he growled.

"For what?" You asked a bit confused.

He points at Dazai "For having to babysit him!" He shouted and stomped away cursing under his breath.

You turn to look at Dazai as he smiled at you.

"Don't give me that fake look." You said leaving him shocked.

"H-haha.. funny joke (Y/N).." his smile was shaky, almost as if he was scared of you saying anything. His act was all falling apart now and it pained you to see that sad look in his eyes.

Grabbing his wrist you pulled him down into a warm hug. His hands were shaky and he wanted to push you away but instead he just grabbed the back of your shirt tightly. Then he found the power to part from your hug smiling like he usually did.

"You're so silly (Y/N), if you have a crush o me just say it~" he laughed it off and walked to his desk leaving you a blushing mess.

"I-I DID THIS FOR YOU, YOU BASTARD! tch!" Crossing your arms you walk over your desk and sit down trying not to make eye contact with him for the rest of the day. But something was quite off with Dazai. He was doing his work, and acting...normal.. it was very weird. It worried you.

It didn't take long for the day to end and Dazai was the first one to leave saying he had to go meet his girlfriend called 'Suicide' . (-._-.)

Getting up, and gathering your stuff, you start walking home, tiredly yawning. It was a hard day but nothing you hadn't experienced before-

You got a message on your phone. Unlocking it, you saw it was from dazai. A heavy sigh left your mouth. You were either about to be faced with his bullshit or with the request of commitiong double suicide with him.

Opening his message your eyes widden in shock and worry.

'I wish we could have spent more time together. It was fun while it lasted. Too bad I'm not the person you deserve to be with. Please be safe.'

'Dazai stop joking around. What are you doing asshole?' You knew exactly that it wasn't a joke. You were just trying to buy some time till you could find where he was.

'I hopoed you'd understand now, since you've always known..'

Not now! Not now! Din't you dare die! Not now that I finally realised how much you mean to me..

You thought, your breath hitching in your throat as you ran around the city looking for the suicidal maniac that had stolen your heart.

'Please explain. I don't understand what you mean.'

He left you on read. Your heart skipped a beat, you look up and see a small figure on the edge of a roof top. You had been tracking his number and finally found him.

It was him...

Without thinking twice you start going up the stairs, trying to catch him before he jumped off.

Just then you got a message that made you want to cry.

'I'm finally ending my life. I am too much of a bother to keep staying here. I love you (Y/N) .. I always have.. I just never had the guts to tell you, since you'd call me a womaniser. A liar. And I am one.'

You kick the door open and Dazai turns to look at you, shock in his eyes.

"... you never fail to surprise me, my dear (y/n)." He gave you a charming yet true smile. It wasn't fake. He wasn't faking it.

"Don't jump..please.." your voice was low and weak, yet he heard it.

"I have no purpose on living any longer my dear."

"Let me be that one purpose of you still being alive.. please..I-I .." Your voice cracked several times, as you made eye contact. "I love you.."

" ... (y/n) ..." he managed to say. "Do you know how much trounle I've caused? How much people I've killed? I'm a womaniser! How do you know I wouldn't use you too..hurt you..you precious little thing.." He looked away, your heart breaking in two.

" ... you wouldn't- NO DON'T JUMP!" you ran toward him as he leaned backwards falling off the roof.

Your hand grabbing his wrist just in time almost taking you down with him.

A groan left your sore throat. You didn't cry, you didnt scream, you didn't yell, yet your throat was sore.

Dazai looked up at you shocked at your behaviour and reflexes and that you're still protesting on him living.

"..you're beautiful (y/n) .." he said smiling.

"Th-this is not the time.. D-Dazai please..don't go.." you managed to say while trying not to let go of his writ.

" ... I'll only hurt you more dear.. I am a good for nothing with no purpose in living.. I'm someone you should hate.. not love.. so let me go-"

"I'll jump with you if you decide to die! I-I'll... never be able to bare living without you.." you take in a deep, shaky breath, trying not to let go of him.

His other free hand made it's way up to hold onto the edge of the roof as you pulled him up.

Once he was all the way up, you gave him a hard pull and he fell on top of you. No. You didn't mind it at all, instead you took this chance to hug him as tight as you could, tears couldn't be helped but start falling down your cheeks as he wrapped his arms around you keeping you close.

"Why..why didn't you want me to jump with you? Isn't it what you've always wanted?" You asked sobbing loudly in his arms.

" you're precious to me darling..don't compare yourself with anyone else.. I don't want you wasting your life by commiting suicide with a man like me-"

"Sh-shut up...zip it..or I'll break you! I-I love you, stop saying shit about yourself! I love you for who you are, and who you want to be, I'll always be here for you no matter what, I'll be here to support you NO MATTER WHAT DUMB SHIT YOU DO!" You cried out loud not letting go of him.

His hands start to tremble as he looked at you with tears in his eyes. "Why..?"

"Because I love you.." and with that you two locked lips, holding each other close as if one of you was going to leave forever if you let go.

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