Chapter 3

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It took two weeks for Wooyoung's classes to become regular, after all the chaos following the beginning of a new year. Coincidentally, it also took two weeks for San to get out at the same time as him ; way too early.

"Oh hi, Wooyoung !" he smiled, and his lungs squeezed a little. He had been this close to forgetting him and his stupid eye smile. This close. "Finally I see you again ! I missed you~ !"

He even had the audacity to wink. Wooyoung huffed, passing him to get to the elevator.

"Hi, San."

"You remembered my name !"

How did he shine so bright saying that ? Was he the actual sun ? Wooyoung cringed at the thought. What had de become.

"Well, you remembered mine, so, that's only fair", he answered, defensive.

"You know, it's hard to forget a God's name when you've met them."

Wooyoung gagged, supporting himself against the mirror while the doors closed, and besides him, San smiled peacefully, as if he didn't just utter the worst pick-up line he had ever heard.

"This one was really bad."

"Yeah, I had more inspiration with the masterpiece one. Go easy on me, it's only 5 AM, I can't always find the right metaphor for your stunning beauty."

"Please stop saying that."

"My granny always told me to say the truth though."

Wooyoung sighed stepping out of the elevator, deciding not to fight this battle, and was only half annoyed when he realized that they were both walking towards the same station. He wished he could be fully annoyed.

"You get up pretty early", said San out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I like to have the time to clean up my presentation before I have to do it and I work better there. What about you, is your school far away ?"

"No, I just like to use some tools they have there and there's always someone using it during the evening", he whined.

A couple of seconds passed before San started again.

"That's pretty cool. Your dedication."

"I'm not... a natural at it, so I just have to work harder. And I hear you work until morning sometimes, so I think we're equal here."

The regular tshk-tshk-tshk of his sewing machine sometimes kept him company during his working nights. He started off hating it, but at this point it was more comforting than anything else. It felt... Less lonely.

San was horrified.

"Oh, oh no, I never considered - I'm so sorry ! I'll try to not use it after midnight or-"

"It's fine. I like it. Seriously."

They finally reached their stop, but San wasn't as bright as before. As he was suspicious, Wooyoung smiled at him, in hopes of convincing him. Instead of seeming reassured, he was in shock, rising a hand to his chest.

"Oh my god. How do you even survive when you look at yourself in the mirror ? How does ANYONE survive that ? That's it. I'm dead. I can't. That's too much for me."

Frustrated, Wooyoung groaned. Why couldn't he go just two minutes before spewing nonsense ? And it was so pleasant talking to him when he wasn't.

What ? No. Not pleasant. Who said that ?

"Dead people can't talk, San."

Just like a child, San zipped his mouth, threw the zipper away, and proceeded to mimic a series of events ranging from a heart attack to his ascension to heaven. He was flapping his arms around like ridiculous - but weirdly gracious - wings when a laugh escaped from a Wooyoung with a pretty bad poker face. And the huge smile that revealed his dimples and made his eyes shine somehow made it okay.

A bus turned at the end of the street, and San indicated energetically that it was his. He climbed it, waved, flew him a kiss, and winked. The doors closed, the bus roared.

Wooyoung's heart too.

Stupid, stupid wink.

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