Chapter 9

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"Oh come on !!" screamed San, his Daisy falling to her demise on the void of Star Road.

"That's what you get for using blue shells !!" shouted back Wooyoung, this close to have Yoshi fly off the track.

"The game wouldn't give it to me if I wasn't supposed to use it !!"

"Well the gam- DON'T PUSH ME !!" he screeched, fighting against San's elbow.

Multiple loud bangs coming from the ceiling shut them up, San stopping his attack.

"What time is it ?" he whispered, eyes on Daisy.

"I don't know, why won't you look at your phone ?" answered Wooyoung, still focused despite his intense need to sleep.

"Don't you know how dangerous it is to text and drive ?" San gritted out, leaning onto Wooyoung again, locking his arm in an uncomfortable position.

"Don't give me th- OH ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW ?!"

Wooyoung, right at the end of the track, got hit by a blue shell, and could only watch, powerless, as Daisy lazily bumped on his Yoshi before finishing the race and San exploded with a high pitched, breaking laugh. Scandalized, Wooyoung crossed his arms.

"I want a rematch."

"It's our fifth cup and I won three ! Just admit it, I'm better than you !"

"No you're not ! You're just lucky ! I won with my skills ! How is it fair that you always get the most overpowered items ?!" he whined, desperate.

"Talent ?" San suggested with a cocky grin, and Wooyoung tried to hit him with whatever strength he still had.

"You're a cheater", he accused weakly, trying to wrestle him with the help of his righteous wrath instead of his long gone energy.

"No I'm not", he protested, holding Wooyoung's vengeful fists without much trouble. "You're the one that kicked my controller mid-race ! Don't act all mighty on me !"

"That was one time !" he moaned, closing his eyes just a second because it was really, really hard to keep them open. "Doesn't count."

"If it doesn't count then the cup you won with it doesn't count either."

"Shut up..."

He sighed, hanging his head low. He was so, so tired. He should get back to his bed, but he didn't know how to say it without being a killjoy. Wasn't sure he really wanted, either.

He opened his eyes.

His neck was stiff. Little spots of cold winter light sipped through the holes in the blinds and reflected on the dark screen. Slowly, he realized he was more or less laying down. Trying to fight the dizziness off, he closed his eyes again, remembering how he ended up like this. Nothing. He just gave a break to his eyes, and... He might have passed out from exhaustion on the spot. He didn't feel like he had slept, but at least the world stopped moving on its own when his eyes turned too quickly.

He collected his thoughts, focusing on how his body felt. A bit sore, but warm. Very warm. There was a blanket around him. Something around his wrist, and a rhythmic tingling on the crown of his head. Confused, he opened his eyes again. The fabric against his cheek wasn't pink. It was Yellow. A bright, warm yellow.

Something dropped in his stomach, and his breath got stuck for a bit, processing what it implied. Now perfectly awake, he took a better look around him, not moving a muscle. The thick blanket thrown over him hid most of the situation, but he could clearly feel San's torso under his head and arm. His eyes followed said arm, to find San's fingers loosely wrapped around his wrist, barely visible with this angle. Left where it was when he tried to attack him. They were slightly bended on the bed, propped up by the huge bear in the corner. And if that was their position, then that sensation on his head... Was probably San's breath.

He closed his eyes again, swallowing the panic rising in his guts. Everything was fine. If he wasn't supposed to be there, San would've pushed him, or startled him awake at the beginning, or something else like send him home. He wasn't overstepping his boundaries. It was fine . So he should just take a deep breath, and let it be.

That was a mistake. San smelled good. Too good to ignore it. The only reason he kept breathing was by fear that it would wake him up if he was too irregular. Wooyoung was a mess. It was terrible, and he should just get up and apologize for disturbing. Instead, he slightly opened his eyes, watching San's chest rise and fall with each breath, synchronized with the breeze on his hair. He could even feel his heartbeat against him. With each one, he felt a bit more relaxed. It was okay. He could just... Enjoy it.

San's thumb grazed the thin skin of Wooyoung's wrist.

Wooyoung twitched.

San stopped breathing.

A loud ringtone shattered the silence, making them jump in terror. They looked at each other. Both perfectly awake. Wooyoung's mouth was dry.

The short song was almost finished when San broke eye contact, climbing out of bed to turn off the alarm.

For the first time, the air was awkward between them. Were they supposed to talk about it ? Ignore it ? Eyes were fixated on the floor and bodies made of stone. Somewhere in the hallway, a door slammed. Finally, San waved his phone.

"I, uh, I should... Finish packing. I can't miss my train."

"Yeah... and... I should probably go home now. Sorry for taking over your bed", he tried to joke.

San tried to smile. Both of their efforts were mildly successful. Wooyoung didn't like that. Right now, he would give a lot to get a bad pick-up line with a wink. Wooyoung took a deep breath. He could turn this around. He just had to be brave enough. It could end terribly, but he just had to try. No way was he going to see San with that guilty face from now on.

"Hey, so, I was wondering", he started, cheeks burning and looking everywhere except at him. "Maybe this is a bad timing but... I was thinking, maybe... You know, you're going home and... Perhaps we could... Exchange numbers ? To keep in touch ?"

San gaped a little, stunned, before nodding energetically, handing him his unlocked phone.

"YES. Please. Thank you."

Wooyoung smiled, sincerely this time, taking it to input his number, and San clapped his hands, realizing something.

"Oh, I almost forgot ! Don't move, I'll be right back."

He got on his knees, unearthing something from a mountain of bright furs while Wooyoung took the opportunity to send himself a text, so that he wouldn't have to wait for him to do it.

"There", said San, getting up again. "For you. Don't open it until Christmas, okay ?"

It was a very decent size, wrapped in shiny blue paper with white stars, a big and complicated ribbon topping it. Wooyoung subconsciously put a hand on his chest.

"That's... that's so nice of you, really. Thank you, San."

"You'll tell me that after you find out what's inside", he shrugged.

"Wait, I've got to give you mine ! Give me a sec."

San blinked while Wooyoung rushed out.

"Yours ?"

Wooyoung was already back, his bright red and green wrapper shining in the morning light. San kept his round eyes on it as they exchanged their presents.

"I wasn't expecting that", he whispered.

"What were you expecting ? You told me you were getting one for me !"

"Well, yeah, but I- I just wanted to give you something, I don't know, I didn't consider you might give one back !"

"You should raise your standards then ! It's me you're talking about, have a little faith. Am I or am I not a god ?"

He laughed, agreeing, and all the tension was gone. When they said goodbye, there was a moment of hesitation, where they just stood there, facing each other. But then, San had smiled with a nod, and turned to the elevator with his bags, and Wooyoung went back to his apartment, putting the gift on his bed and sitting besides it. Eyes on the horizon, he listened to the silence surrounding him that would soon become his new companion.

Without thinking about it, he began to stroke his wrist, where the ghost of a finger still burned his cold skin.

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