Chapter 6

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Wooyoung threw his bag at the bottom of his bed, bitter. It had not been a good day. He had been working on this project for two months, two whole months skipping meals and sleep to present everything in time. And all that for what ? Pity points that didn't even reach a third of a passing grade ? The teacher using it as an example of terrible work ? Students asking him if he even tried ?

He crouched, face hidden behind his hands, trying to calm his breathing. He shouldn't let it get to him. He shouldn't, but he really gave it his best this time. If he had done a part of it sloppily, skipped any detail, then it would be better, because he would know that he could have done a better job. But he didn't. He monitored every single aspect of this project. He didn't know what he could have done to make it good.

Maybe it was just him that wasn't good enough.

He jumped up, slapping himself. No. He was not going down that road. He was going to pull himself together, start a new project, and nail it. He could do it. He made it this far, nothing was going to stop him now. It was going to be okay.

His model, a bit askew because of the impact, was sitting on top of the paper showing the single-digit grade, as if to mock him. Wooyoung glared at it, each second hating it just a little more. Maybe he should go visit his parents, just to get an opportunity to make it burn et seeing it turn to ashes. The idea was enticing. Maybe in the meantime he should put it-

A sudden knock on the door made him jump. Was it the landlord ? He said he wasn't coming to check this leaking issue before next week ! Wooyoung really wasn't in the mood for this right now. He groaned, and firmly opened the door.

"What ?!"

San looked at him with wide eyes, quickly checking behind him to see if there was anyone else there.

"I'm sorry. Is it a bad time ? I can come back later. Or, you know. Not at all."

Wooyoung sighed, hiding his face behind a hand, trying to look less aggressive. That's not what he was expecting. They never interacted outside of their morning routine, except that one time with the knock on the wall, and if he had to be perfectly honest he had been waiting for this kind of event for quite some time now. It would have been better if it wasn't the worst possible timing. He breathed in, channeling his inner peace for San's sake - he was still looking panicked -, and dropped his hand, forcing a smile.

"No, it's fine, I was just - nevermind. Do you, uh, need something ?"

San tried to smile, still a little hesitant.

"So... My stove just broke."

He pulled out a pack of ramen.

"Can I cook it here ?"

In a horrifying vision, Wooyoung saw the trash laying around, multiple underwear thrown haphazardly regardless of the location, used tissues -

"Be right back."

He slammed the door, proceeded to accomplish emergency maneuvers in record time, and came back to the door. San was still in the same position, ramen raised, and his lips sealed tightly in a long line ending in cheeks slightly puffed. How could he be so cute when he was dying there. Wooyoung stepped aside, giving him some space.

"Okay, come in."

He entered carefully, looking around with curious eyes. It felt weird to have someone there. Aside from his parents to set up and the landlord, no one wandered inside.

"Should I get off my shoes ?"

"Do whatever, I don't really care."

Wooyoung suddenly felt nervous. With the way that San examined everything, it was just like he was naked. He could see his pile of books and magazines, his messy bed, the dishes in the sink and - oh god, what if he opened his wardrobe and found out he had no style whatsoever ?

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