Chapter 13

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It wasn't even midnight and everything was already getting out of hand.

Somehow, two very inebriated Yunho and Mingi started trying to showcase their pole dancing skills using each other as the pole. Yeosang was filming everything from the countertop, explaining to Seonghwa his blackmailing methodology. The latter weakly reprimanded him but mostly brought up suggestions to make it better. Jongho was in the kitchen with Hongjoong, splitting apple after apple while belting out incredible notes, and judging by the older's reaction it was amazing to see. And San... Well, San was besides Wooyoung on the couch, watching the insanity unfold with a never-ending giggle, slightly pressed on his shoulder, and Wooyoung wasn't nearly drunk enough for this.

"I, I can't", San managed to squeeze out, folded in half.

"I don't think they can either", commented Wooyoung, watching Mingi tumble when Yunho wrapped his long legs around his waist.

San seemed to find it hilarious, throwing himself against his neighbor, hitting his arm blindly because of the tears in his eyes. His hair tickled his cheeks. Wooyoung bit his lips.

"Ah, why didn't you tell me your friends are this funny !" he complained, getting up again, but his face changed when he looked at him.

Wooyoung didn't understand, but then he noticed that San wasn't exactly looking at him in the eye. Lower. He was still biting his lips. He stopped. San looked up. What was that. What.

"Well just look at what happened when Yeosang learned you existed", quickly said Wooyoung looking elsewhere, his cheeks suddenly hot. "He stole your number and then started telling you embarrassing stuff from when we were little."

"If that can make you feel better he also said you were a good catch !"

"Oh my god", he whined, hiding his face behind his hands.

He really needed a drink now.

"Also my parents seem to like you and your friends."

"I think Seonghwa just threatened to kill me when he entered", said Wooyoung, muffled.

"What ?! Mom ! Mom !!"

"Yes Sannie ?" Seonghwa beamed, letting Yeosang do his thing alone for a second.

"Did you try to scare Wooyoung ?" he accused.

"What ? No. I just told him what consequences his actions could have. It's important to disclose that kind of things since the begging."

"Dad !!"

"Yeah ?" ringed Hongjoong's voice from the kitchen.

"Did mom scare Wooyoung ?"

"He went full-on grim reaper on him, it was hilarious", he giggled, his head appearing from behind the wall.

San pouted, and Wooyoung felt his chest hurt. He wasn't the only one affected, because Seonghwa gaped and turned around, scandalized.

"Why did you tell him ?! I thought you had my back !"

"Nope, never said that~", Hongjoong sing-songed on a surprisingly cute tone, disappearing again in the kitchen.

Seonghwa ran after him, and after a few seconds of contemplation, Yeosang followed, starting a new recording. Mingi and Yunho, confused at the disbandment of their public, looked at each other.

"Why did they leave ?" asked Mingi, lost.

"I dunno. Oh, maybe to see Jongho split apples ! Did I tell you he can split anything with his bare hands ? Once I saw him split a melon."

"Seriously ?" marveled Mingi, eyes shining.

"Yeah !! Wait I think I've got one ! Come on, I've got to show you-"

He took him by the hand and led him to the commotion on the next room. Wooyoung looked at San, apologetic.

"Do you want to see Jongho split a melon ?"

"I'm sorry he scared you", said San, ignoring his proposal. "He's really nice, he's just... A tad too protective sometimes."

"Come on, cheer up, I know he won't kill me", smiled Wooyoung.

San didn't smile.

Wooyoung stopped smiling.

"No, of course he wouldn't", panicked San, a little too late. "He wouldn't- just, forget about it okay ? He just wanted to scare you so that you wouldn't mess with me."

"Who would even do that to you ? Nobody could feel alright knowing that they hurt you, you're way too..."

San looked away, his smile turning into a straight line. Oh. Oh .

"Oh", he said, because that was the only thing he could think of. "I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's okay, I'm fine, really", he quickly said, waving his hands. "But they tend to be bit overprotective now. Don't worry though, I know you're someone good. You're fine. I feel safe with you", he concluded with a voice a bit lower, looking at his hands.

Something burned inside Wooyoung's chest. There was the good warmth, the one he became used to when he was with San, but this time there was something different. This time it hurt . It hurt so bad, and he didn't know what to do to make it better, his mind saturated with thoughts and questions. He hated that there was someone that wronged him, even though he didn't know anything about it. He hadn't fought for years but he felt ready to punch the culprit square in the jaw if he had the opportunity. And knowing that he trusted him, somehow...

"I... I used to be someone... Not good", Wooyoung started slowly, making San look up. "I really wasn't. But I'm trying to be better now, and if you think I'm worth your trust, I..."

He wet his lips, fighting with himself to uphold San's gaze.

"I won't disappoint you. I'll keep you safe."

San's eyes thinned as his smile widened, slightly angling his head, and it was so soft, and he was so beautiful, and it burned so much, and-

He really wanted to kiss him right now.





The screams shattered their bubble, and when they looked at each other again, something was lighter. Wooyoung smiled.

"I think we just missed the death of the melon."

"Worth it", San shrugged, getting up to join the chaos.

Wooyoung watched him walk away, consumed by the flame inside of him.

There was no going back now.


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