Chapter 15

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Wooyoung opened his eyes when he felt his head move on its own. Everything was drowned out by the dull ache between his temples. Something clinged on the table, and he winced. Right, he slept on the sofa. That was bound to happen. Fighting against his body, he started to get up, but something pushed on his shoulder so that he would lie down again.

"C'mon, stay here", groaned Yunho with a voice a bit hoarse, putting a hand on his forehead, and that's when Wooyoung realised what woke him up was his friend putting his head on his lap. "I need my quota of skinship."

"... What time is it ?" he croaked, noticing the bright sunlight thankfully blocked by the curtains.

"Way-too-late o'clock."

"... I need to..."

"I gotchu", interrupted Yunho, handing him a glass of water and a small pill.


He got up on an elbow, straight enough to drink but close enough not to displease Yunho, and once the glass was empty, he came back to his position obediently. Like it was natural, a large hand started threading through his hair.

"Where's Mingi ?" he asked, throat feeling better.

"Still in bed, we took some time to sleep."

"I don't wanna know. I'm not like you people, I don't like to live vicariously through my friend's love life."

"Aw, someone's still salty about yesterday."

Yesterday. The events in the bathroom flashed before his eyes, and his stomach defied gravity for a few seconds. Right. That happend. San. San's hug. San's warmth. San's lips. San's skin. So, so soft. He had no idea it could even be this soft. Nothing could ever top that. He felt like crying all of a sudden. Burying all those emotions where they wouldn't make him look like a fool, he took the easy way out.

"What were you even doing behind that door ?" he sighed, defeated.

"Mingi helped with the watermelon and he wanted to wash his hands but Jongho and Seonghwa were already using the kitchen's sink, so he went to the bathroom, but he saw you two and didn't want to interrupt, so he came back, explained the situation to me, Hongjoong heard, went to check, so I followed with Mingi, but then Yeosang noticed and wanted to take pictures, but we were already three people stacked up to see by the crack of the door without being seen, and he kept reaching out for a better angle, and then everyone collapsed and the door closed and, well, that was a failure."

Yunho was rambling without taking the time to breathe or even remember the beginning of his sentence. Wooyoung just blinked, humming at random times to prove he was still listening. Overall he could deduce that it was the usual. They got curious and then invasive. He really loved them, but sometimes he wished they would learn about boundaries.

"Yeah", said Yunho out of nowhere. "Sorry about that. Ruining the mood and stuff."

"Mmh. 'S okay."

"You were gonna kiss him ?"

Wooyoung blinked, slowly. He was too hungover to deal with this.

"I mean I know you really insisted with me that he was only your neighbor and all but that and the christmas thing, that seems a bit more than friendly."

He didn't even roll his eyes. Too tired.

"Look, I just want to make sure that you're not in complete denial and going head first into a wall. What if you really think what happened was normal ? Come on, you've got to tell me that there's something. I'm not asking for a love confession, just tell me you're beyond the no homo phase."

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