(Chapter 25) Is Somebody To You

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Y/n P.O.V

"I hope you realise that you two are in serious trouble" The principal shouts. "Not only did you assault three students and damage school property, but you messed with werewolf matters. Which is strictly against the rules to ensure the safety of all students. Now Y/n since this is the first incident like this, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and let you off with a serious warning. Another event like this and we will be considering suspension. But you" She says sternly as she changes her glare towards Aaron. "This was a step to far. Involving another student in your reckless behaviour. You'll be in detention for a month and I'll be considering your position at this school. And whether you shall remain" She turns to leave and starts to walk off.

"No!" I speak up.

"What?" She says as she looks back.

"I intervened of my own will. Aaron didn't drag me into anything" I say strongly.

"Are you sure this is the route you want to go down Ro'Meave? It's your name and your name only that I am giving you a warning and nothing else" She gruffs while looking pissed.

I look at Aaron then back at her. "Yeah it is"

Silence fills the room. She takes in a deep breath to attempt to calm herself. "You'll both be in detention of the rest of the week. No further punishment. But if you two step out of line again, you're surnames won't help you in anyway" She turns and leaves. A teacher walks in and sits at the desk.

"Alright sit down" He says tiredly. I suddenly realise that I stood up during my confrontation with the principal. "You two are both in here every break, lunch and free period you have for the rest of the week. And considering neither of you have a lesson now. You best make yourself comfortable"

I sit down and look over at Aaron.


He looks the other way.


He gruffs in annoyance.


"Will you cut that out" He whisper shouts.

"Sorry" I say quietly. He relaxes a bit. Seems like he enjoys the silence. "Just one question"


"Why did she say you were interfering with werewolf matters. You're a werewolf yourself" I say and his expression changes from annoyed to surprised. "In fact there's something odd about you that I can't quite put my finger on" He looks scared.

"Shut up" He whispers. "How do you know I'm a werewolf?"

"I'm a neko. Basically a special kind of meif'wa" I say confidently. I don't know why I said that, normally I keep it a secret but something about this guy seems familiar.

"You're kinda like me then" He whispers.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. How exactly do you know?"

"I've got a better sense of smell than most. Plus you're really strong, it kinda gives it away. Why do you hide your ears and tail?"

"I can't" He says sadly.

"You can't hide them?" I ask, confused.

"No! I can't bring them out. They've been in my whole life"

"Oh, well that sucks"

"Yeah, I've just learned to live with it"

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, you just kinda see, trustworthy. And some what familiar"


He gets a text on his phone. He looks down and starts typing away. Telling who ever it is that he can't talk right now. I look at who he's messaging. Shu?

"FC?" I ask and his expression perks up.


"The one and only"

"Is Shu here?"

I take a moment to think. "Not gonna say" I say as I decide that it's best to respect Aph's privacy.

Aaron looks slightly annoyed but he seems to understand well enough.

We spend the rest of the hour talking. Getting to know each other a little better and I tell him everything about Gene. Soon enough the hour is over and we're both free to go. We walk out and right outside the room I immediately run into Lucinda. She's standing there with her arms crossed looking annoyed.

"Hey babe" I say nervously.

"Don't hey babe me. You got into a fight. What were you thinking"

"Aph was in trouble" I say nervously.

She looks at me with a strong glare in her eyes.

"It's true" Aaron says.

Lucinda looks slightly less annoyed. "Are you hurt?" She asks sincerely.

"Just a bit sore"

"Well I gotta get home. Cya tonight?" Aaron asks.

"Sure thing" I say happily. Aaron waves goodbye and walks off.

"Isn't that the grumpy guy Aphmau keeps complaining about?" Lucinda asks.

"Yep. Though he's not so bad, we actually have a lot in common. You could say we share a healer" I joke.

I go to turn back to Lucinda and immediately feel her crashing down on me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Please don't do that again. I was really worried" She whimpers.

I rest my hand on her head in an effort to comfort her. "I'll try"

She gets off me and jokingly punches my arm. "Y/n Ro'Meave, you'll do more than try"

"Okay okay I'm sorry" I joke.

"Now come on" She says as she reaches out for my hand. I gladly accept it and we walk off feeling completely from the contact.


Hi PTH here

Don't really have anything to say. Sorry but it's true. Hope you're enjoying this. I'm going through some person shit right now so I'm a little off. I'm sure it's gonna be okay in the end. Well cya whenever.

Goodbye and goodnight
Thanks for reading

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