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(Y/N) pov

    I walked into the gym for today's first official practice, we were a mixture of first years, second year's, and third years. And of course, half of them were already on the team before the second tryouts.
Lots of girls had either quit or just weren't as good as the coach first thought. Lucky me though, it gave me the chance to prove myself. I just found it strange to recruit one week before the Interhigh tournament.

I felt really uneasy though... Oikawa and I almost, actually, did it...
Every time I thought about it I would get flustered and shake my head. I took a deep breath, I needed to focus.

"HEY, GIRLS!" yelled a voice from the gym doors.
We all turned our heads and sadly, it was Heather along with her was Oikawa, London, and the new girl I saw the other week.

I let out a breath of irritation and dread.
"Miss Böse you're not supposed to be in here unless you're on the team or you're a manager." said the volleyball coach.
"Well, I brought you guys a congratulation present! Come on in girls!" said Heather way too happy for my liking.

A group of girls walked in, they each had on a jersey with their number. But I had realized who they were before anyone else. They were the Niiyama Girls High School volleyball team, they were considered the "Queens".

'What the hell was wrong with her, did she have it out for me or the entire volleyball team?' I thought to myself.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by the coach. "Ok girls gather around!"
We had a brief meeting about what was about to happen, instead of a nice and breezy practice today we're going to do an entire practice match. I sat there in disbelief. Heather definitely knew what she was doing, setting up a match for us when we barely know each other's skillsets. It was the perfect recipe for disaster.

"So since some of you just joined you're going to sit out for this game, it would be crazy if we just threw you in."  explained my coach.
I relaxed a little. I wouldn't be hated if I totally flunked the game cause I won't even be in it.

I glanced over at Heather, she was telling Oikawa something but he wasn't paying her any mind. He was too busy staring at me.
I shook my head to clear away the dirty thought that had flooded my head. I needed to be the best supporter for my team that I could be.

The game was cutting it close. We had taken one set while Niiyama had taken the other. It was twenty-three to twenty-four, Niiyama was at match point but it was our ball.
I started to fiddle with the golden locket that I held in my hands trying to settle my thoughts.

'Could we actually win this?'
'Number seven has a really powerful spike, and their libero is on the court too...'

"(Y/N)!" I jumped from my coach calling my name so abruptly. I snapped my head up and looked at her with concern.
"I need you to switch with Sakura..." she said.

Sakura was the next one up about to serve, yet the coach wanted me to take her place, like a pinch server...
I started panicking like crazy. I couldn't just go out there and serve like in the middle of a match point!

My coach must have known what I was thinking from the look on my face. "Please, I saw your serve at tryouts, we need you (Y/N)." she said trying to win me over.
I took a deep breath and tried to not freak out, I accepted being pinch server but I was terrified. If I mess this up, it's game over.

I was handed the ball and I could suddenly feel all eyes on me. My legs started to feel weak and my breathing quickened.
I started to smile, was this how Oikawa feels when he serves?
I glanced up at him and Heather. He seemed anxious and excited, Heather, on the other hand, was biting her nails and had her eyebrows furrowed. She wanted me to mess up bad, I could feel her energy from here.

I had decided that this moment was mine. I will put an end to this game single handle by myself with my serves.
I took a deep breath and began my signature serve.

One point, Ace. Duce.

Two points, Ace. Matchpoint, Aoba Johsai  High.

I felt my legs wanting to give out again. It was now or never.
I threw the ball in the air but, it was a bad throw... But my body wouldn't stop moving. They ended up receiving my flunked serve. I kept calm though, I couldn't afford to panic now.

From being on the bench I knew their flow, all I had to do was shut it down. Number seven was going to go in for the spike, I ran to the front row and braced myself to receive it.
"GOT IT" I yelled.

Compared to Oikawa's serves that was nothing. Number seven glared at me with her dark eyes, as if she was falling down in slow motion.
"Chance Ball!"
We all ran back into formation, the ball went to the setter, then my body wouldn't stop moving once again.

I couldn't keep up my muscles with my brain... "Over here!" I yelled.
I didn't want to yell that but I did. The setter trusted me and set the ball to my position.

I wanted to freak out but I didn't, I ran and ran then I jumped. As high as I could, everything was in slow motion, from the ball to the blockers.

I saw a spot highlighted like it was calling my name.

I hit the ball as hard as I could.

I had hit it out though, it seemed to close to the line for my liking.
Suddenly the flagger held down his flag.

It was in...

The girls tackled me in hugs. They were all crying and wailing. At first, I didn't notice what was going on. In my mind, I was still in the air hitting the ball.


I was finally able to get out of my teammate's grasps. I looked around the gym for Oikawa but he was nowhere to be found...
I let out a sigh of disappointment and went back to the bench and put the locket necklace back on.

'I just really hope he saw me fly.'

Heather's pov

I'm going to kill her. First, she interferes with Oikawa, then she rips out my beautiful hair extensions now look at her. She's swaying Oikawa over somehow by simply playing volleyball... The audacity she has.

She doesn't understand that her life mines. But it won't matter soon anyway...

"Hey Lilith, when does her mom leave for her business trip again?"
"...Whos mom?" she asked me confused.
"(Y/N)'s you idiot" I said irritated.
"Ohh she leaves tonight."
"I almost feel bad, her mom is gonna come home next week to a dead daughter... Oh well"

I noticed Oikawa walking away.
"Where the hell are you going?" I asked in a warning tone.
"T-to the bathroom" he stuttered.
"Not without my permission, I don't trust you"
"Then why am I your boyfriend?"
"Because I like you, trust and like are two different things babe," I said as I batted my eyelashes.

He sighed in defeat.

(Y/N) has to be exterminated. And as soon as possible.

"Um, Heather, what do you plan to do this time" I glanced over at the new girl. She's been oddly interested in me lately.

"Well new girl, I'm going to kill (Y/N)." I said blandly.

to be continued...

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