Chapter Four

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After Jase's statement, I politely excused myself. I was drunk and I needed to find Kate so we could get the hell out of here, I was over this party and being in Grey's presence...I couldn't breathe.

"Kate!" I called over the dancing bodies by the pool, standing on my tip toes to try and see her over the mass crowd that had now formed.

"Emily!" I was pulled back sharply with a hand on my arm, which almost cost me my balance in these bloody heels.

My feet were currently on fire, breaking new heels in at a party maybe wasn't the best idea.

"What...Grey?" I turned surprised taking in his appearance, he gave nothing away.

"You have a boyfriend?" He demanded and I shook my head with a scoff, pulling my arm out of his hand forcefully.

"Why is that so surprising, yes I have a boyfriend!" I confirmed, "Kate!" I yelled over the music again, where the hell was that girl.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me looking completely and utterly pissed off, his anger made me infuriated.

"Why would I? At what point should I have told you I had a boyfriend?" I asked him miraculously, my hands in the air to exaggerate my point.

"Maybe before you decided to grind on me?" I winced, fair play.

"We were just dancing Grey, don't let your head blow off your shoulders." I brushed him off as he scoffed.

"Do you dance with all men like that?" He asked me taking a step closer to me, lowering his face closer to mine. "Do you look at all men like this Ems? Tell me." He asked placing a hand on my waist, his minty breath hitting my senses like a fire straight to my core.

"I don't know what your talking about Grey." I told him holding my composure, "like I said before don't get ahead of yourself." He looked at me heated, his grey orbs swirling with unsaid promises, promises that I wanted him to tell me so I can keep them forever.

"Your doing it now Ems." He replied huskily, "your biting your lip again, your eyes are filled with want me." I recoiled at that statement, heat flushing to my cheeks quicker than a volcano erupting.

"Keep dreaming Grey, I was looking behind you." I waved with a sweet smile upto Maddox, he caught it at the right time and sent me a wink back. Perfect timing for Grey to see.

"Playing games your thing now huh?" He asked amused before leaning close to my ear, "I'll win if that's the game you want to play Ems." I groaned pushing him away.

"What do you want?" I asked him, I needed him away from me now before my resolve goes and I end up in one of lavish bedrooms with him.

I didn't trust myself around Grey. I had it all planned. Tonight I would come here and be confident, I wouldn't be that 11 year old girl heartbroken over her crush leaving. I wasn't her anymore. I was mature, responsible and intelligent. I felt like I could hold my ground tonight and prepare myself not to see him for another 15 years.

That plan went to shit.

The moment I laid my eyes on his ridiculously sexy self, my resolved craved. My body craved him. Thinking about not seeing him again for a while...hurt me more than I would like to admit. When he looks at me, I know I should run. The hot shot rockstar and the girl who put her dreams on hold, it's laughable.

"I want you to admit it...admit that you want me." He asked me, his hands applying more delightful pressure to my hips.

"Every girl at this party probably wants you Grey, including Allison who..."

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