Escape From Battery City-Part 19

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Hello Fans! A message from Val! I am feeling unloved! D: You should all fan me :3 (Psst, I'm Valerie_Edison !) ^^

We start to walk, but unlike when I was walking with Gas and Crash, it's not in silence. Static talks to me, and he's really nice.

Here's an idea! I should just stay with him, Dead and Hydrogen! They're so much nicer. Well, at least Static and Hydrogen are, I'm not too sure about Dead.

Yeah, that's what I'll do. It's not like either of them are going to miss me. They seemed to be pretty happy talking between themselves, blocking be out, ignoring me.

I start to kick the sand as I walk. I'm lost in my thoughts, feeling angry about how they made it pretty clear they didn't want to be with me.

Static obviously notices that I've stopped talking.

"Something wrong, Cell?" He asks. Isn't is weird how he notices straight off that something's up with me, yet Crash and Gas were oblivious to how upset they were making me.

I shake my head, not wanting to have to explain what I was thinking. I don't look up at him, my eyes fixed on the sand beneath my boots.

Before he can say anything else, Dead catches up with the two of us. He had been walking behind us, on his own, while Hydrogen walked ahead.

"So Cell, Have any ideas on how to find these two?" He asked, saying my name in a sarcastic tone.

If I had any ideas would we be walking aimlessly around the abandoned desert, with nothing to find but sand, sand and more sand?

"No." I say quietly. Static turns to talk to Dead, so I walk up to Hydrogen.

"Hey." She says, smiling at me.

I reply with a quiet, "Hey." Back to her.

We walk in silence for a few moments before she says, "I don't think we'll find them."

I look at her in shock. "So, what? We're giving up?"

She nods, and stops walking. "Suppose the best thing we can do now is go on to Zone Three and hope they got there safely."

But what if they didn't? Was there any chance that Gas didn't know how to survive a sandstorm? If they were caught in it, what if they didn't get out safely? I start to panic before remembering, they pretty much abandoned me, left me in the car on my own. It's their own fault.

But I still feel disappointed that we're giving up on the search. We hadn't really searched much.

When Static and Dead catch up, Hydrogen explains our change of plan. Dead nods in agreement, but Static looks annoyed.

"Yeah, and is that such a smart idea? Leave them stranded here? We were given a job to do. Giving up on them is not part of the job."

"Face it, we're never going to find them. Not in Zone Two.  It's a waste of time searching here. Maybe they went to Zone Three? If they have, what's the point of us staying here? None." Hydrogen answers. Static shrugs, and follows as Hydrogen starts to walk in a different direction.

Now its clear who's the leader here. Hydrogen. Static didn't even bother trying to argue with her.

She storms ahead, and Dead walks alongside her, with me and Static following.

"Cell... Are you sure you're okay? You don't look ok..." Static says, staring at me with a look of true concern.

I sigh, realising that he's not going to give up asking. Should I just go ahead and tell him what's up? But what if he knows one of them? If he does, he's more than likely going to be offended that I would think they hate me. No, I correct, I Know they hate me.

"I... don't exactly want to try and find Gas and Crash." I admit.

"Why not?"

"I know that they hate me. They excluded me when I was with them. I'd much rather be with you three. Even Dead isn't as bad as the two of them."

He laughs. "Wow, that's something. Dead's horrible!"

I nod. "But at least he makes it clear that he doesn't like me. Crash was always pretending that she wanted to talk to me, to be my friend. But when Gas was there, Crash always chose her over me."

"I know Gas. I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate you. She doesn't seem to be capable of hating anyone. She's so nice. As for Crash... I don't know her, but I'm sure she doesn't hate you." He stops for a moment to think. "I really don't see how anyone can hate you."

AWW That's so nice of him to say!

"Thanks Static." I say. I'm about to say something else to him, something nice like what he had said to me, but I hear the oh-so-familiar sounds of someone (Or possibly something?) following behind.

I stop, and turn around. For the first time since I started hearing the noises, I saw something. Just a blur, a small, almost unnoticeable blur, dodging behind... A cactus? I don't even know what it was! But it confirms one thing. Something is following me.

Static turns around too, a second after I see the blur. He has no idea what I'm staring at, and to be honest, neither do I.

"Uh... What are you staring at Cell?" He asks, and I shake my head.


He looks at me a bit strangely, but then nods. We turn around and run a little to catch up with Hydrogen and Dead.

I hardly noticed, but all our walking today had tired me out. I can see the sun setting, It's getting late, and soon it would be dark. Hydrogen stops walking.

"I'm tired." She says, sitting down on the ground.

"And we're going to stop and sleep here?" Dead complains, joining her on the sandy floor.

"Yes." She answers, matter-of-factly.

I look at Static, who shrugs, and sits down, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me down with him.

"And what are we meant to do if a Draculoid happens to come by while we're asleep?" I ask. After how defenceless as I was against them while I was awake, I didn't want to try to imagine how many times worse an ambush would be while we were sleeping.

Hydrogen bites her lip, showing that her tiredness had stopped her from considering what to do.

"Well... Um..." She thinks.

"I could stay up and watch out." I suggest, not liking to see her looking so uncomfortable and tired. "I can wake you up if anything shows up?"

Hydrogen nods, relieved, and lies down to sleep. She has enough clothes on to keep the coldness away from her when she slept, as does both Dead and Static.

I'm not too sure I will be able to withstand the cold though, I'm wearing a short sleeved top.

Dead lies down, like Hydrogen, and in moments, the two of them are asleep.

I shiver, the sudden coldness reaching me.

"Cold?" Static whispers, quietly. I nod, and instead of lying down to sleep, he sits beside me, in an attempt to keep me warm.

"I'll stay up with you." He whispers, and I shake my head.

"No, don't. I'll be fine." I protest, but he doesn't listen. Nothing I say will change his mind, so I don't try.

We sit in silence, looking out over the desert that surrounds us. There's nothing but sand.

I yawn, and Static notices. "Sleep, Cell." He tells me. If I weren't so tired I would argue with him, tell him that I suggested to stay up in the first place, that it was him who should sleep.

But instead I nod slowly, my eyes drifting closed, and my head falling to rest on his shoulder as I fall asleep.

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