Chapter 27

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A couple weeks later...

Rin's P.O.V.

I shot up with a gasp from my bed. I had a nightmare about that. I hid my face in my knees and covered my ears, I also wrapped my tail around me like I do with Kimi. I was panting with a cold sweat and I felt phantom hands touching my body. My neck, thighs, hips, breasts, clawing at my behind, and my-

"Rin, look at me." I heard someone say before I looked up from my knees. Yukio was by my bedside and looked worried. We had gotten back from Kyoto, so we were back in the dorms. I forgot that he was staying up a little later tonight to work on school stuff. He was in his pajamas though, which was a green t-shirt and sweat pants, and his desk lamp was on as well as his laptop.

"Take deep breaths." He said as he sat in front of me on my bed. He kept his hands in front of him where I could see them. I tried to control my breathing like he said.

"Is it okay to touch you?" He asked once I was a little more calm. I nodded as I reached for his hand. He held my hand with both of his before putting one of his hands on my shoulder.

"You're safe. You're in the dorms. You're okay." He said before I let go of his hand and hugged him. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and I smelled the cologne he usually whore, it smelled like mint and pine trees. It calmed me down a little more as he hugged me back and he rubbed my back in comforting circles. My face felt cold against his shirt and I realized I had been crying.

"It's okay." He said as he stopped rubbing my back and started to run his hand though my hair. I held him tighter and hummed in response.

"It was just a bad dream." I said with a weak voice as I pulled out of the hug and wiped the tears off my eyes and cheeks.

"You woke up and had a panic attack, Rin. That seems like it was more then just a dream." He said before I looked away from him. "Was it about..." He said before trailing off, not wanting to say it.

"Yes." I answered as I started scratching my arm and he sighed. Then we just sat in silence before I spoke up again. "Is it okay if I sleep with you the rest of the night?"

"Yeah, I'll turn the lights out." He said before getting off my bed and turning off his lamp and laptop. He used his phone for light to get back to my bed. He set his phone and glasses on floor next to my bed as I moved so he could lay down. He laid on his back before I laid next to him on my side. I put the blanket over us and he moved it a little bit as I put my arm around him. He also put his arm around me as I laid my head on his chest.

"I guess I didn't wake up Kimi." I said to break the silence. I kinda looked in the direction of her crib.

"No, you didn't." He replied.

"Probably a good thing. How did you know how to calm me down?"

"I have been reading up on that kind of stuff. So, I could help you if anything like this happened. And I figured you didn't like to talk about what happened because you haven't said anything."

"Thank you."

"Welcome. You used to do this for me when we were younger."

"I know."

"We should probably get some sleep now."

"Yeah." I said before yawning. He rested his chin on my head as I laid my tail over his legs. We both eventually fell sleep, only to be waken up by our alarms on our phones. "Five more minutes." I groaned out as Yukio turned them off.

"Okay." He said before putting down my phone, which he probably put it on snooze. Then he wrapped both his arms around me and I turned my head away, but still laying on his chest. I didn't want to have my eyes in the sunlight. I almost fell back asleep before Kimi started to cry. Me and Yukio groaned in response.

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