The Lady Of Winterfell

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Sansa wasn't too pleased at the time being. She had previously learned that The North now how to support the feeding of the additional armies and three fully-grown dragons. Jon didn't even tell her of how many there were that fought for the two Targaryen Queens, or how big the dragons were. 

   He told her there were four of them before he left, but she only saw three. She had also learned from Bran that the fourth was killed by the Night King and was merely a mounted-vessel for him to use. Now, the undead army was getting closer to Winterfell.

   Sansa knew she should have thanked the additional forces for arriving, but she didn't. She was still upset that the very two daughters of the Mad King were in her home, the daughters of the man that killed her uncle and burned her grandfather alive. Perhaps they weren't like him, perhaps not, though they were bounded by their blood.

   The only thing she did to collect herself was to walk onto the balcony and overview her men and Unsullied working on creating a trench. She learned from Jon that Wights could only die by Valyrian-steel, Dragonglass, or fire. She chose fire. 

   Hopefully it would be enough to keep the Wights from entering Winterfell, as it would be their last resort to do so. 

   However, her deep thoughts were soon intervened when she saw in the corner of her eye one of the said Targaryen Queens. Though it was not Daenerys, it was her sister. She recognized the white hair braided evenly against her head, and her crimson-gray dress with fur sewed around the neck and chest. It was the face that was different.

   When she was still in Kings Landing, she heard a rumor that two Targaryen Queens took residence in the city of Mereen in Essos. Even if she didn't know much about them back then, she does now.

   Queen Vaerya was her name, though slightly different from her Targaryen bloodline. They said that though her hair was covered in snow, her heart had been touched by fire and that she was said to be a gentle Queen, though carrying a hard hand when need be.

   The two didn't speak to one another for a moment, they only looked down at the workers. A few seconds passed and eventually, Vaerya decided to even the silence.

   "I was wrong when we arrived this morning." She said. "The Northerners are swift workers, not to mention on how effective they are on their tasks."

   Sansa wasn't sure on how to respond, whether it was a compliment or a slight disapproval. Then she remembered the meeting in the Great Hall, when she sent Lord Glover to gather many of his troops for the battle, and that Queen Vaerya hadn't even disapproved of any of her opinions. 

   Come to it, she had hardly spoken at all. Sansa knew Vaerya did speak here and there during the meeting, though she could hardly remember it as her voice was rather calm and gentle. There were points of it increasing its volume for everyone else to hear, but other than that, Sansa could at least compliment on how gentle she seemed.

   "Perhaps we wouldn't have gotten this far without the Unsullied, Dothraki or Dornishmen." She said finally. 

   "I've seen enough to know they have probably worked twice as hard than our armies have in the past." Vaerya said, though Lady Sansa was correct in her sentence. 

   Vaerya then turned to Sansa, gently and slowly. "I should have told you that I have felt a slight tension since our arrival, between us and our armies. I have no right to judge you, though I believe you have every right to feel slightly unpleasant to meet the two daughters of the previous Targaryen King." She stated. 

   "And it is not my right to judge the two Queens of his legacy." Sansa replied.

   Vaerya gave a slight now. "His legacy fell apart when he lost his humanity," she pointed out, "though I will assure you his daughters will not."

   "I have no doubt that it will not happen, I doubt the fact of our old Houses reviving its old alliance."

   "That was a long time ago, and our ancestors were greedy on ruling the Seven Kingdoms. They never should have done that."

   "You father never should have either." Sansa countered.

   Again, Vaerya did nothing else but slightly nod head. Sansa was smart and elusive, perhaps the perfect Queen of Winterfell. Vaerya had met many women and men that would a match to her personality, though she could stand out if she wanted to.

   "If you are wondering of why I am here, Lady Sansa, it is because I know why there is mainly tension between both you and Daenerys. And I can assume it is because of Jon Snow?" She cautiously questioned.

   "His pride and bravery has never failed me, it is his loyalty that I question the most." Sansa reluctantly said.

   "I will say that men will do many, many things for the likes of women. Whether it is killing someone, betraying another's trust, or to even turn their backs on their own flesh and blood. Though I assure you he will not do any but one of those things." 

   "If I say it, will we both agree on the fact that his loyalty could one day be blinded?"

   "We can try, though I am not certain if it would remain that way." 

   "How did you know this?" Sansa then asked. "How did you know that men do stupid things for women?"

   "Lets just say that one fell for me a long time ago before we even had our name known to the outside world. He was actually the first one I knew of well."

   "Who was the man who fell for you?"

   "The one who taught me how to swing a sword." Vaerya answered, remembering Cronno. 

   It had been years since she last remembered him, though she would never forget him. He was a Dothraki in Khal Drogo's Khalasar and was a Blood-rider to her a long time ago. And even though he was no longer around, she always appreciated him teaching her on how to wield a sword and how to love someone for the first time.

   But now she had moved on, and her heart belonged to the man who would be the father of her children. Didn't mean she wouldn't remember him, however.

   Sansa seemed to enjoy the short backstory, smiling as she could relate to someone who could be like the man Vaerya had just described. He had just lost his way for a moment before knowing who's side he was on.

   Vaerya then smiled back, her white teeth showing for a bit before being covered by her gentle lips. She originally wanted to speak with Sansa to ease the tension from their arrival, and it seemed to have worked its way. She had no trickery up her sleeves, she just wanted to make a better impression. 

   "I should have thanked you for arriving this morning, I should have done a better introduction than just a bland smile." Sansa said.

   "Nothing that I couldn't argue with, even a fake smile could go a long way." Vaerya reassured.

   "Then hopefully we've been give another chance to improve it."

   Even though she was looking straight into the horizon, at the falling snow of where she saw Daenerys and Jon head to their dragons, Vaerya couldn't hide the little smile on her face when she heard those words.

   Daenerys would be a Queen one day and Winterfell did belong to her claim, but the Lady of Winterfell controlled The North and what would be best for The North would be best for Winterfell. Not even a Targaryen could do such a thing, it would be the wolf that survived when the lone wolf died. And the Lady of Winterfell was just the preferred wolf. 

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