OC Introduction

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From the OC Guide with a backstory: 

Vade Drifter (x Alexa Bliss)

Entrance Gear: 

Entrance Gear: 

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Ring Gear:

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Entrance theme: Turn the Page by Metallica

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Entrance theme: Turn the Page by Metallica

Billed from: Duluth, Minnesota

Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/ Manila, Philippines

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 200 lbs

Gimmick: The Ambassador of Anger, The Voice of Rage, The Emissary of Embitterment, The Omen of Oblivion

Fighting style: Brawler

Signature Moves: Cloverleaf Backbreaker, Half Nelson Bulldog, Knee strikes, Running Elbow, Die together (Side Effect), FaceDown (Battering Ram Facebuster), VadeOut (Eye of the Hurricane/Spinning Inverted facelock elbow drop)

Finishers: Drifter's Farewell (Swinging leg hook fireman's carry/ Paige Turner), Rage-a-Hol (Stump Puller Piledriver), G.K.Y. (Curb Stomp/ Standing reverse Indian Deathlock Surfboard with a head stomp), Hope Zero (Arm Trapped Sleeper Hold; see the finish of Edge v. Seth Rollins in Summerslam 2021)


Pat Tolentino grew up from a well-off family back in Manila. Despite the economic status, Pat was often on his lonesome. Only talking when it was necessary, otherwise he would sink in and roam on his own. His family was worried of what would become of him and after he graduated from High School, he was made to transfer to Vancouver as his parents saw having him study for University there would be better than any school.

Upon moving to Vancouver, Pat was taken in by his relatives but he had to learn the value of hard work and began his life there as a working student during his university days, working odd jobs to get by and save up for his university expenses. Life was not smooth sailing for Pat as he did not socialize as much and kept to himself, to the point that he had been into fights. Luckily he was able to finish his schooling abroad with no untoward incident.

Instead of joining the work force, he suddenly wanted to learn how to fight and would frequent the gym. This would be where he would be a troublemaker as he would catch the ire of some locals, which usually led to some amateur fights in the wrestling ring in the same gym. Somehow someway, Pat would beat his opposition handily despite his size. This caught the eye of WWE scouts who happened to see the fights.

After one in-ring exhibition match, a talent scout was able to stop Pat and offered him a contract. Pat saw that maybe wrestling would be his outlet and accepted the offer. After this, Pat signed with the WWE and mainly trained in the Performance Center, necessitating him to move from Vancouver to Florida.

He had a two year stint in NXT, adopting the name, Vade Drifter as he felt that he was a loner and that he was running on anger and bitterness. Although he may have never won a title in NXT, he had memorable feuds with the likes of Ricochet, Alestair Black, Tomasso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano.

Now that he was called up, what exactly can Vade Drifter bring to the main roster? Will the main roster Drift to Darkness? Or will the Drifter find himself crossing paths with one who may be able to calm the inner tensions and rage?

A/N: So this will be my first WWE OC pairing story. Feel free to comment so I would know in what areas of my storytelling to improve on.

This will not spell a hiatus for my Burning Blade book. For now, I just want this out of the way first. I will find a way to be able to work on both.

Keep safe and stay awesome!

Drift to Bliss ( OC x Alexa Bliss)Where stories live. Discover now