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Scylla walked into the cafe that Adil sent her. She looked around and found him sipping his coffee and giving a wave at her from the corner of the cafe. Scylla walked towards Adil and sat on the opposite side of the booth that he was sitting at.

"Hey, how you doing?" Scylla asks while grabbing the menu.

"I've been good. How bout you?"

"Actually. Good," Scylla smiles thinking about Raelle.

"What's with the smile ramshorn?" Adil asks, looking at Scylla with a little smirk on his face.

"Nothing. Did you order already?" Scylla says, changing the subject quit quickly.

"Nu-uh. You're answering my question. I may be older than you but I don't have dementia."

Scylla chuckles at the joke, "Well if I'm being honest, I met someone."

"Ooohh. Who?" Adil asks folding his arms and looking at Scylla with the smirk that says 'spill' on his lips.

"Nope. You maybe like an older brother for me, including since I sorta grew up with you, but doesn't make up that I'm literally paying you to find my parents. Full at that too, not even a discount. How can you do that to me?" Scylla says, faking a hurt voice and facial expression.

"One, you are gonna spill because I'm paying for this meal, and because I need to feed myself and Kalida. Remember her?" Adil asks with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yes, dumbass. I do remember her, but it's literally the two of you. What do you need all the money for anyways?"

"Kalida got into Fort Salem Private High School, that's why."

"Seriously?! Tell her I said congrats." Scylla says with a smile on her face than blinks again. Remembering something. "Wait- isn't that school based in Massachusetts? Literally the other side of the country?" Scylla asks, her eyes widening.

"Uh- yea," Adil answers, scratching the back of his head.

"Is she actually going? How do you feel about that? How does she actually feel about that?"

"She wants to go, I told her about the money and all, she started selling all her things and all. I told her I'd get the money, but that she also has to strive for a scholarship too. Lowering the money and all. But I'm happy for her, she's been wanting to go to this school since she found out our mom went there too. But we're getting off topic, tell me about this person you met," Adil says, quickly changing the subject since he knew that Scylla likes to change the subject quickly.

"Ugh... Fine. What do you wanna know?"


"Fine! Fine, SHE, is probably the best thing that's happened to me since my parents and everything," Scylla says with a slight blush and smile.

"Damn, you already fell haven't you?"

"What?! N-no. Not yet, but it feels like it. I haven't felt this deep since Porter. Maybe deeper to be honest Adil. She treats me amazing, she's kind, loving, can cook, is absolutely beautiful, passionate, and amazingly smart. Even though she acts like an idiot sometimes."

"Yes no Scylla. You're in love," Adil says with a slight chuckle and rolls his eyes.

"Maybe.. But onto the information you have on my parents," Scylla says, blush and smile gone. Going into a serious facial expression and stern voice.

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