Are You Jealous?

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"How can you call me oblivious? Don't even get me started with Raelle," Adil said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Scylla added, blush creeping her cheeks, and the tips of her ears were turning a bright shade of red.

"Mhm.. Now tell me.. Is that the girl?" Adil whisper asked.

"I'm discussing this with you- literally in the kitchen- of my door Adil."

"At le-"

Adil was cut off from Raelle walking towards Scylla asking, "Where'd you go earlier?"

"I went to a coffee place with Adil. We were just catching up, we haven't seen each other for a while," Scylla asnwered.

"What do you mean? You didn't tell me you were meeting up with somone."

"I don't need to tell you who I'm going to see Rae."

"Yea but jeez, can I at least have a warning."

"Are you jealous? Seriously?" Scylla teased with a slight smirk and an eyebrow raised.

"What?! No- no I'm not jealous Scylla. Just- whatever, I'm going to my room," Raelle said with her eyes rolled, and after walking towards her dorm room.

"Wait-" Scylla tried calling out but it was too late. Raelle was already in the living room and walked down the hallway towards her dorm room.


By then Adil left the two to talk and went to the living room where the other two ladies were. He sat on the dinning table and sipped his beer that Scylla gave him when they walked into the kitchen.

"So, Adil? What are you doing here?" Tally asked after a silence that was occupied with the sound of the movie playing.

"I'm just in town for a couple of days, I knew Scylla was here so I just called her up and asked if she wanted to meet," Adil answered.

"Why are you in town?" Abigail asked, looking at Adil.

They locked eyes and for a split second, Adil didn't wanna look away. But he soon answered her question, "Mostly for my job. I'm a P.I."

"Oh wow! That must be so cool. I wonder what it's like just being able to investigate to be honest," Tally said.

"It's exciting, but scary. It gets rough from time to time, mostly because you're working on it alone, unless you have a partner of course, but yea. I like my job."

"I've been thinking about going into the military. Mostly because of my mother, she said after college I should enroll," Abigail says.

"What's your mom? A Sargent? General?" Adil asks.

"A General, but shes Five-Star General."

"Oh wow, she's high up I see. You mu-" Adil was cut off from Scylla calling towards Raelle.

"Should we ask? Tally said.

"No, I'll handle it," Scylla said and tried to walk towards Raelles' room, but was cut off by Abigail.

"Yea, no. Sorry but whenever things like this happen, it's better to give her space, including since you didn't tell her about something. Tally go and check on her, I'll be there in a bit." Abigail ordered.

Tally nodded and walked towards Raelles' closed bedroom door, knocking three times before calling out, "Rae? Can I come in?"

"Yea," was all Raelle said, sitting up on her bed with a pillow in her lap, watching Tally open the door and enter her dorm bedroom.

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