A day at the market

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A/N: I'm posting this early because I already finished it but there's smut at the end of this chapter, not very detailed but there; a hint to past trauma in Raelle's past; a major fluff (and teasing but that was my favorite part writing anyway.) So, thank you for reading, I hope I won't take long writing the next chapter, please be patient (because classes are about to start again) and I hope your summers' were amazing.
<3 - K

Raelle and Scylla are in Costco, looking through the freezer section. Scylla is looking through the ice cream and sweet section, while Raelle was looking through the vegetable and frozen packs of food.

"Scylla! Come here," Raelle calls, not looking up from the back of frozen broccoli she's holding.

Scylla turns and groans at what her 'roommate' is holding. She sluggishly walks towards the blonde. "Yes?"

"Broccoli or spinach?"

"None," Scylla mumbles. She was never a fan of vegetables, but forced herself since she wasn't immune to diabetes.

"What?" Raelle finally looks up at the brunette and quirks her eyebrow.

"None," Scylla mumbles again, but loud enough for the blonde to hear.

"Stop playing and choose," she rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Ugh, fine," she whines. "Broccoli."

"Thank you," Raelle puts back the frozen blocks of spinach that she had in her hand, and closes the door with the bag of broccoli in her hand. "What other vegetables?"

"None, please."

"Nope, sorry. But we have to go to the cans section."

Scylla groans, "Can't we just get ice cream and leave?"

"You forget that we have to go to target too though," Raelle rolls her eyes at the groan Scylla produced again.

"I forgot," she pouts.

"I know," the blonde laughs.

"Can you hurry up," Scylla pushes the cart after Raelle places the broccoli in it.

"Did I hear slower?"

"No! No, no you didn't."

"That's right."

"Fuck you."

"Mhm, already happened," Raelle winked and lead the way towards the cans section.


After shopping for food at Walmart, the pair came walking out with a cart full of plastic bags, filled with food. Broccoli, steaks, frozen Tequenos, mac and cheese boxes, chicken, steaks, apples, oranges, bananas, peanut butter, jelly, bread, pop tarts, cinnamon packs, and a shit load more because it's college on a budget. (Most of the things in the cart were mostly on sale anyways.) While walking out, Scylla pushed the cart towards her car, Raelle grabbed her keys from the brunettes back pocket, getting a yelp in return. She laughed and unlocked the doors.

"Are you being dumb or what?" Scylla retorts.

"I don't know what you mean," Raelle is smirking, you can hear it in her voice.

"I hate today already. You made me buy vegetables."

"I bought them actually. Literally, I used my card."

"You refused to let me use mine!"

"That's because Target will be the hole in you wallet now," Raelle winks at the brunette while packing multiple plastic bags into the trunk of the car.

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