chapter 2 One Week Vacation (deel 1)

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(Spoilers in this chapter)
This is a longer chapter.

After Luci tryed to seduce the dense cinnamonroll who was completly oblivious to this. Whent to kitchen to make dinner for himself his girlfriend and his mom, who came in while izuku was cooking his favourite dish katsudon while luci and inko were preparing the tabel for dinner after the cooking was done they began to eat and talk obout how there day went when it was izuku,s turn he said  what happend today(after expanding because i,m lazy). Luci was ready to go to ua and beat the shit out the one that hit izuku, after luci calmed down they went to bed but luci and izuku did not go to sleep but had some fun or in luci case being pinned down to the bed and have a      12 inch rod slammed in to her flower at a rapid speed after a few rounds they went to sleep it was hard for izuku to stay asleep because his whole body was aching after some time izuku fell asleep due to exhaustion.

(Timeskip to when they wake up)

Izuku was first awake his body was still a bit aching but he shaked that of and went to the bathroom to take a shower while he was in the shower he was thinking why the showerhead was so close by his face after he was done he walked back to his bedroom to see his girlfriend wake up they locked eyes for a moment and then luci asked. Izu-kun what happend to you. Izuku looked only confused so luci responded whit your taller izuku looked down and started freaked out about how he grew so much taller in one night after he came with a theory that this was maybe because of one for all. They went to have breakfast       after they eated izuku decided to call all might obout.

Izuku: hey all might i have a question about one for all?

All might: okay go ahead and ask young midoriya.

Izuku: okay so i had a grew spurt and went from 5,5 feet to 6,5 feet in one night so is this due to one for all stimulating my growth?

All might: yeah that,s right i had to when i was your age so i think its because of one for all but i,m not sure, ow and you can now probably use twice as much as before, so first you could use 25% now you can probably use 50%. So it will be smart that you train with your quirk that you can get comfortable whit the out put.

Izuku: okay and thanks for your answer bye all might.

All might: bye young midoriya and till next week.

After hanging up the phone luci asked who he was talking to he responded with all might i had some qeustions about one for all. Luci responden with oww but we need first to the mall because most of your clothes are now to small.

Izuku let out a deel sigh and said okey we will go with my motercycle.

(Timeskip after they went to the mall)

After izuku and luci came home they put there new clothes in the closet and deku did already half of his clothes in his suitcase for when he needs to go back to school. Izuku went to Takoba beach municipal park to train and Luci fell asleep on the couch.

After izuku arrived at Takoba beach he began his training over control about a higher percentage when he went over 25% his mind went blank and he found himself in his mindscape only his hands and upper face was visable the rest of his body was a black in front of him stood two people it was the seventh holder of one for all her name is nana shimura and she was all mights predecessor and on her left sight was a man this was the fifth holder of one for all and his name was Daigoro Banjo. Izuku looked shocked and confused. The two holders where amused with his reaction but then went back to being sirious nana the seventh began to speak about how he reach the signularity and that he now can use rhe quirk float and blackwhip and told about how he best could control there quirk after she said this banjo added a few words of his own obout if you master our quirks to a degree that you then can talk to us in your mindscape, after that they began to fade away and nana screeched one last thing that he needed to say hi to Toshi for her.

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