chapter 9.

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The family of five were eating there breakfast and tv was on, it was about the events that happen yesterday at Aldera Junior High about how a hero in training defeated a high end nomu, and they were asking the civilians in the area what they thought about. There was only praise and recohnition for the heros in training. After they were done with dinner and inko and nana had finnaly there talk it was actualy more about teasing toshinori and izuku who where both a blushing mess at the end.

Luci, Eri and Izuku said there goodbyes because they had to go back to school, on there way to U.A they also went to a sweetshop to buy some candyappels for eri and luci because the both love sweet things, izuku payed and after that they walked to the trainstation to pick there train.

After a our they were infront of the U.A dormetory when the trio walked in, izuku was immediately tackelt to the ground by the classmates who were yesterday not at Aldera High except for todoroki he just stood there with a small smile on his face, after there grouphug, aizawa and the big3 walked in and eri immediately ran to mirio while yelling Uncle miri, mirio picked her up and walked into the commonroom with the rest of the people who just arrived. And they seated them self on the coach where the rest of the class was, they began talking about the events that happend yesterday. Kirishima then asked, so midobro do you already have fans? Midoriya looked at Kirishima and said, yeah pretty much some people asked for an autograph or a photo. After some more talking, eri went back to luci and izuku when she stood infront of them she asked, mommy why did you say last harder and you made those wierd noises? Everthing went quit kaminarie and mineta then yelled you bastard. Kirishima, bakugou and sero silenced the two perverts of the class. Aizawa then coughed and said, what!? Eri then responded with, granny inko said to me you were having fun so i,m asking you. Izuku had a small blush while luci was a blushing mess not that you could see because her skin is red, izuku then said when he was composed enough again, eri you will get to know when your older okay. Eri then began to whine that she wanted to know now. Izuku stood up and said, eri that,s not gonna work and if you don,t stop you will not get the candy Apple. Eri immediately quited down and only pouted. Mina then ran up to luci and grabbed her arm and then dragged her with her while all the other girls from class followed, nejire went with them to. And that left only the boys in the commonroom because aizawa left with eri to five them some time to talk ahout some matured things. Kaminari immediately ran to midoriya when aizawa and eri where out of sight, kaminari began to agressively shaking midoriya. Mineta then came in and said casuealy if it was the normalest to say, how many times did you make her come. Izuku almost responded but stopped himself and then said, what is that for a question? Mineta just shrugged and said, i,m pretty sure i can do a lot better. Midoriya frowned at that statement but then it turned in a smirk he then said, that,s a lot coming from a virgin. It was for a second quited after everybody started to burst out laughing except for midoriya and mineta he was now crying blood and saying repeatly under his breath why you. Izuku smirk then became even whider and he said, mineta i think if you so continue. Mineta looked up at midoriya, he had a bit of hope in his eyes but that vanished when midoriya began to talk again, mineta i think if you so continue you will die a virgin. Everybody was clutching there sides except for midoriya who just roasted mineta. Kirishima then stood up still a bit chuckeling he said, dude since when where you such a savage. Izuku only shrugged and began walking to his room..

(708 words)
( sorry for the short chapter but i don,t realy have an idea how to continue it, so there will probably 2 or 3 chapters about the fight between shigaraki and deku and the last one will be about how they live in the futere. Also i have an new idea for a fanfic but before i can began writhing i have to watch the anime, so that will come later( if you have an idea wich anime it is please comment and i will give you one hint and that is red). I hoped you liked the small chapter and sorry for the quality, i didn,t realy had an idea about how to writhe it further so i will be going to use a bit of the manga also if you don,t read the manga then don,t read the next chapter. Bye

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