chapter 10.

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( i,m sorry that i end this story so slopy but i don,t realy have any idea how i could end it. And i want to start a new story that is in my opinion better then this one, so i hope you like the end of the story because i don,t also i will start uploading next week a new story)


Izuku was standing right infront of an afo infused shigaraki, he knew that he had to fight him some day, but he didn,t expect it to be this soon, lucky for him they stopped the proces before it could reach 100% so he will likely have more of a drawback on the quirks he is using. In the few months before the fight, izuku had reached 85% of ofa,s capacity. The only thing he now had to do is take down shigaraki, it is easyer said then done, because even endeavors attacks were not strong enough to keep him down and aizawa was already down because shigaraki targetted him at first so they now have no way to cancel his quirks.

Izuku had an idea but that would probably damage his arms beyond repair, he wanted to use a 1000000% procent smash, but he couldn,t find an opening, because he knew he had to go for his vitals if he wanted enough time to defeat him and restrain him in quirkcanceling cufs and also the other heroes on the scene had to be out of the attack range because a lot of windpresure would be generated because he knew that he was already stronger then all might at his 100% even tho he only he had control over 85% but same was for shigaraki he was probably already two times the strenght of all might whit his injurie, so if he used a million procent a lot of destruction would happen. lucky for him his prayers where answered because he saw the regeneration slow down on shigaraki and small cuts began to appear on his upperbody and that was the opening he needed because he saw that shigaraki was distracted for a second or two before when he focussed back on the fight he was already to late because when he looked back up he saw deku appear right infront of him. And lucky for deku his clasmates and the proheros who fought with against shigaraki where a good few 500 meters away from were he and shigaraki were.

 And lucky for deku his clasmates and the proheros who fought with against shigaraki where a good few 500 meters away from were he and shigaraki were

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Shigaraki tried to grab for deku,s head but he was already to late because deku already was trowing a punch right at his ribcage when it conected. Izuku shouted at the top of his langs" SMAAASSSHHHEE" and a lot of things happend at the same time like, the rest of the league of villians enter the battlefield because most of the liberation army was already taken down by the heros who were position to stop them, also gigantomachia tried to intercept the punch before it conected only to be flung back by the power of the wind presure that the punch created. The villians, the heros and the civilians that watched the news, all looked in awe and in fear of the power of the hero deku that he simpely did with one punch.

 The villians, the heros and the civilians that watched the news, all looked in awe and in fear of the power of the hero deku that he simpely did with one punch

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