chapter 3 one week vacation (deel 2)

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(It was now the next day)
(Lemon in this chapter)

Izuku was now walking to Takoba beach he was still exhausted about yesterday: first waking up and seeing that he grew 1 feet then having to shop with his girlfriend that was the most exhausting of the day and then training and meeting previous predecessors of one for all then calling all might and then saying dadmight and the i have to hear that my mom is dating all might for all most 4 months ( i dont know how long it is from after the dorms till after the schoolfestival). I am happy that i could go emmaditly to bed and that luci accepted it.

(Scen change to all might and grand torino).

All might and Gran Torino are waiting on the beach for izuku when he comes runnen to them. And says hey All might and Grand Torino. All might looks confused and grand torino looks suprised. So izuku says to the confused all might: all might its me izuku i grew taller remeber.

 So izuku says to the confused all might: all might its me izuku i grew taller remeber

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All might coughs up blood and Grand Torino is just watching in amusement.
All might response with: r-right young midoriya you grew taller but your voice changed to. Grand Torino response with: yeah but why are we here about, if i remeber then it was about one for all.
Izuku sighes and says: yeah about that *he begins to use float and flyes up 1 feet and extens blackwhip 6 feet* both all might and Gran Torino look suprised, shocked and in awe. Then midoriya says: yeah yesterday i was training after the grow spurt happend and first i wanted to see if i was stronger or equal using 25% after i came to the conclusion that 25% grew stronger after the grow spurt and testing it out i wanted to begin and train more then 25% out put so after i rised my power to 50% it feeled like i blacked out and when i woke up i was in mindscape and there i met my predecessors Daigoro Banjo the fifth user of one for all and his quirk as you can see Blackwhip and Nana Shimura the seventh holder of one for all and you already know her quirk is float ow and i had to say hi for her. After Grand Torino and all might procesd what just and holding a tear back they both said: young midoriya/kid can you talk to her now in your mindscape because you have her quirk. Midoriya responded with: no i can,t i first have to gain control of there quirks before i can talk to them in my mindscape i trained about 1 hour yesterday and what i,m capabele of right now is: with nana,s quirk i can glide about 1 feet above ground and with daigoro,s quirk i,m capable to extend those blacktenderals about 6 feet.
All might and Grand Torino look at each other both suprised and shocked that he is capable to use the quirks to that extend after only 1 hour of training. Grand Torino then asked: so i,m geussing that you want us to help to train you with your new quirks *he said this with a sly smirk* all might shiverd at grand torino words and remeber the training he got from grand torino. Midoriya then says with stars in his eyes: yeah i want you to train me because you both know more about nana,s quirk and you both have more experience with quirks so you can train me to with blackwhip. Grand Torino response with: yeah we will train you but you know it is going to be hell right. Izuku response eagerly with: yep give me the hardest training you can give me you old man and brat *when he said this his eyes turned silver* Toshinorie and Sarohiko both looked at each other in amusement. Sarohiko said: okey brat we will begin training tommorow 6 am sharp we will first will work on your quirks control and later on we will work on the out put so simply your going to use your quirks with the power enhencement side of one for all, wait qeustion did you already use one for all when you used float or blackwhip. Izuku response with: no i haven,t done i want to have firts some control over both quirks before i trow one for all in the mix because probably when i use one for all and float at same time i will shoot of as a rocket and it is probably even harder to control so i want to know and learn the basics of the quirks before i use one for all on top of them. Sarohiko response with: okey that is very smart of you to began with basics of you but it is to easy on the other hand so we will make it harder with you wearing waits so that you will gain control about your quirks and that you improve your body me and Toshi will think about how to train you for the week so you are now free to go. Izuku says: okey till tommorow bye*and then runs back to hi house* when he is out of sight all might says: i will get the waited clothing i think 50 kilo,s per wristband and a 100 kilo vest and shoes that weigh 75 kilo is good so that ads up to 350 kilo,s or 771 pounds he will be wearing.
( that is 771 pounds all might weights around 496 pounds in his buff form and a refrigerator weighs normaly 250 and 350 pounds so i will the make 300 pounds so that is 796 pounds that izuku could drag behind him in episode 1 watch episode one to understand this and now he is bigger and has more muscels so thats why he is going to wear so much weight)
Grand Torino asks: isn,t that a bit much weight. All might response with: no because before he entered ua he could drag a refridegerator with me on top in my buff form and that is around 800 pounds so he will probably do just fine, he will stugge in the beginning but after some time he will do just fine. Grand Torino just response with a sly smirk and says then: that is going to be some hard training for the brat and i like it. All might just shivers at of the metion grand torino and training together.

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