chapter 7 reunion with the past.

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It was now the next day and today they were going to midoriya old school and eri was going to meet inko for the first time. And izuku was already making breakfast for the one,s that went with him today. When he was almost done with making breakfast, luci walked in while carrying eri and lida and uraraka walked in behind them and some minutes later bakugou walked in they started eating and while they were eating, aizawa and nezu walked in and nezu said: so are you ready to go.
Bakugou responded with: where the fuck are we going i only heard how late i had to be ready. Nezu then smirked and said: ow i see you didn,t tell them were we are going to midoriya. Bakugou then said: Shitty nerd were the fuck are we going to. Midoriya then responded with a bloodlust aura around him: first don,t swear infront of eri and for your question we are going to Aldera Junior High and eri is going to meet my mom to day. Bakugou: why the fuck are we going back to our shitty school. Nezu replied with a meniscus smile: ow i am going to talk to there principal and maybe i am going to tarnish there reputation if they don,t egree with what i have to say. Bakugou looked at midoriya who was smiling at him. Bakugou then thought that school is probably going to have to close after today. Aizawa then said: get ready and be at the gate in 20 minutes. Eri: daddy are we going to your old school and i,m going to meet grandma. Izuku responded with: yep altough i think my old school isn,t going to be that happy with us coming there. Eri then asked: why? Izuku said: lets just say they are going to get karma about what they did to me or i can rahter say what they didn,t do for me. Eri: okay but what means karma. Luci then replied with: you will see eri. Eri replied with: okay mommy.

(Timeskip when they are driving to Aldera Junior High)

Bakugou then asked: deku why the fuck do i have to go to. Izuku replied with: ow i thought you wanted to see your lackeys. Bakugou flinched and then said: why the fuck would i want to see them, they only follewed me because i had a stronger quirk then them. Midoriya responded with: true but you can still meet them i just want to see there reaction about how we changed. Uraraka then asked: but why are me and lida here. Izuku responded with: ow thats because your my first and best friensds so thats why. Lida responded with: wait did you say first. Izuku: yeah you know that i was a late bloomer right. Uraraka and lida: right so. Izuku then replied: that means that i was quirkless till i was 14 years old so i wasn,t treated that good so that is also why nezu wants to speak with my old school principal. Uraraka and lida: ow... ow if some one does something meand to you deku/midoriya then say it to us we will handel it ( while punching there fists together). Midoriya then replied: and thats why i brought you with me. Aizawa then said: problem children and problem child Junior we are here. Eri then asked with confusion: am i problem child Junior? Aizawa responded with: yep. Eri then smiled and said: daddy, daddy i am also a promblem child. Every one thought: so pure.

They were now walking to the school and nezu then said: i am going the principal office and you children and aizawa are going to your old class. Izuku then asked: aizawa do you know were it is. Aizawa responded with: yeah i know were it is also i am going first i will call you when you can walk in. They responded with: okay. Bakugou then said: they probably don,t reconise you deku. Midoriya responded: probably but that will make it only more fun. They were know infront of the door and then aizawa said: wait here till i call you. And he went inside the class quited down immediately he walked up to the teacher who looked confused because a hobo walked in so the teacher asked: who are you and what are you doing here. Aizawa responded with: i thought you knew that we came today. Teacher then replied: wait are you from ua? Aizawa responded with: yeah so do your students know. While this was going on the students were whispering about it and this irritated aizawa he looked at them and used his quirk and then said: be quit. They quited down and some were scared shitless. Then the teacher announced: that there are ua students here and that you know one of them. Aizawa then said: no there are two from this school. The teacher looked at aizawa in confusion and thought: only Bakugou got in right. Aizawa said: you can come in now. Bakugou walked in first they immediately reconised him then came luci, lida and uraraka and then izuku walked in while carrying eri, eri looked a bit anxious at the students and then buried here face in midoriya,s chest. Then one student said: um sir there is only one student that went here to school and thats bakugou over there and why is there a child whit them. Bakugou and midoriya looked at each other and then shrugged. Aizawa then said: problem children please introduce yourself your name, heroname and quirk. Bakugou said: you know me already my name is katsuki bakugou my hero name is groundzero and my quirk is explosion. Then luci said: my name is luci mornigstar and i don,t have a heroname yet( you guys can give her a hero name because i don,t know what for hero name i should give her) and my quirk is demon. Uraraka then said: my name is ochaco uraraka my hero name is uravity and my quirk is zero-gravity. Then the class pervert yelled at them and asked: are you single, uraraka and luci both looked at him disgusted and luci then said: i am already in a relationship with him pointing at izuku who was talking to eri and they both didn,t pay attention. Uraraka then said: ew, no i jump rather in the pits of hell then dating some one like you, every girl clapped in the room and said: yes. Then Iida said: now that,s done i am Tenya Iida my hero name is Ingenium and my quirk is engine. Midoriya then said: you already know me because i went to this school, every student thought but i never saw you before. My name is Izuku Midoriya, everybody looked at him like they had seen a ghost the teacher to, he Chuckeld a bit and then he went further with his introduction my hero name is deku and my quirks are enhancment, float and blackwhip. Every student looked at him and then began laughing, bakugou thrn said its true then they looked at izuku who smiled at them. Then eri asked nervous: daddy can you introduce. Everybody who didn,t know took the information in and then they yelled in unison: DADDY!? Midoriya silenced them with a glare and then said: don,t be so loud you will scare her, anyways this is eri midoriya my adoptive daughter and her quirk is rewind. Some girls then said: she is cute/ so adorebal/ midoriya looks hot. Midoriya then asked: snowball do want to play with my phone? Eri nodded and then said: yep daddy. Aizawa also gave his sleeping bag. Everybody thought were did pull that from. Midoriya grabbed the sleeping bag and put eri in and gave her his phone and his airpods he layed her down in the corner of the room and went back to stand next to Iida. You could here giggels coming from eri. Aizawa then asked what for video did you put on. Izuku replied my recommendation video. Aizawa asked: and that is? Midoriya replied with: Cat video's. Aizawa said: plus 10 for you midoriya on your next test. Iida then asked: but why sensei? Aizawa responded with: because he watches cat video's. Everbody just sweatdropped and thought he realy loves cats except for midoriya who already knew. Then a random kid said: but midoriya you were quirkless.  Izuku responded with: yeah was, i just was a late bloomer. Class pervert says then pointing at luci: i am pretty sure that i am better then that loser of a deku so why not ditch him and date me. Luci/katsuki response with: you fucked up. Class pervert replies: maybe he has quirks but i m pretty sure that i,m still stronger then that loser. Midoriya walkes to the guy and then says with a lot of bloodlust: say it right in my face. And the dense pervert that he is says then: i,m pretty sure that your still as weak as you were back then, and then spits in midoriya,s face. Midoriya cleans the spit of his face and then grabs his collar and then says in a deadly tone: big mistake. The perv realise now what he has done and looks around the room, but everybody is looking away and then the pervert asks: bakugou please help me. Katsuki responded with: you digged your own grave and then turns around. The perv looks back at midoriya who is smiling, he smiles nervously back and then asks: midoriya can you forgive me? Izuku responded with: no, no i don,t think i can and then punches him in the face. And with one punch he is unconscious and has a broken nose, and then goes back to the front and says with a smile: don,t say something to piss me of oké? And then eri says with stars in her eyes: daddy your so awesome you beat that meany. Izuku chuckles and then says: snowball if some one is mean to you say it to me and if you are punched by some one beat him or her till some one has to pull you off oke. Eri asks: why daddy? Izuku respons with: because nobody hurts my lil snowball. Eri then says: thanks daddy your the best dad ever. Aizawa/bakugou and luci then say in unison: right he is beat the crap out of mean persons. The teacher then says: i don,t think that is the best idea. Izuku then says: shh be quit i am learning her one of the important lessons here right eri. Eri then respons with: yeah he is and i know it,s true because he also beat the crap out of overhaul. The teacher then asks: wait i thought a pro-hero did that. Aizawa then says: actualy no midoriya did that. The whole class looks at midoriya who is smiling at them izuku then says: she is not wrong. While he says that nezu clears his trought to get attention, they look at him and see that there are some reporters behind him. And one of the reporters asks: wait aren,t you the hero deku? Midoriya replies: yeah. And then another reporter ask: is it true that you beated overhaul. Izuku looks at nezu who nods at him and then he says: yes i did. She then turns around looking at a camera and then says: we got new information about who fought overhaul we got the name of that hero now and it is deku who is still a hero in training. Nezu then said: maybe we can move outside it is bit crowded here.

(Timeskip to when they are outside)

When the reporters where about to ask there qeustions a black figure crashed inftont of them about 20 meters away. They all looked were it happen when the dust settled they saw a nomu whit the same appearance as the one that endeavor fought.

 They all looked were it happen when the dust settled they saw a nomu whit the same appearance as the one that endeavor fought

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The high end then said: ki..ll.. i-izuuk-u m-mido-ri-ya.. midoriya then activated his quirk and went immediately infront of the reporters and the sudents of Aldera High he then said: aizawa, uraraka and Iida you evacuate the civilians here. Is one of the reporters here live so yes then make this breaking news and say that the civilians in this area have to evacuate. Luci protect eri and bakugou if there is a nomu here please find the member of league of villians and nezu can you ask for backup. The one,s that were asked something to do by izuku replied with: yes/ yeah, and be carefull. Aizawa then asked: midoriya are you going to fight that thing alone. Midoriya responded with: yeah i have not to sound cocky but i have the strenght to do it. Aizawa then replied: i guess so but be carefull. Midoriya replied with: yeah i will do. And with that midoriya rushed to the high-end-nomu with 60% ofa they clashed with there fists together and a lot of windpresure was created they began to trade blows izuku was having the upperhand because he got more hits in. While this is going on a news helicopter came in to film it. The news reporter then said: the information says that its a same type of nomu that endeavor fought the one who is fighting it is a hero in training who goes by the name of deku we also found out today that he was the one who fought overhaul. Izuku thought i have to get him air to cost as little damage as possible to the area. So he moved his power up to 70% and uppercutted the nomu into the air he used float to go after tje nomu. When he was close again he gave the nomu a barage of punches it was sent higher. Izuku then saw it regenerate and thought i have to destroy the brain to stop it. And then used blackwhip around his arm make a sharp point when he was doing this the  nomu shot tentacals to izuku he tried to dodge them but he was hit in both his legs he cut them of with blackwhip and the airpresure he created with the swing. While this was going on everybody in ua was watching and all might to and said to himself come on young midoriya, his class was on the edge of there seat hoping that he is going to win the rest of ua was nervous to because he is fighting a nomu that endeavor had hard time with. Inko was crying her eyes out for her baby. Midoriya then closed the gab and tried something that he trained for in his vacation he manipulated the electricty around blackwhip when he punched against the nomu,s head blackwhip went true the brain and the electricty shot off blackwhip frying the brain it lighted the whole area up in greenlight the electricty shot up into the air and driving the clouds apart by the windpresure that was created. The nomu fell dead to the ground and izuku landed next to it ta make sure it was dead, everybody was holding his or her breath, because they couldn,t see what was going on because of the dust cloud that was where they crash landed it when it cleared they saw izuku whit a fist in air and a smile on his face. Aizawa, luci and bakugou went to izuku when they came in to view for izuku walked to them and asked: did all the civilians get evacuated. Aizawa then said: problem  child can you look at yourself for one,s. Midoriya only smiled. Then they walked back to were the medici and the police were. When izuku came in view the whole crowd was cheering him on and a white and a red blur came crashing into him it were eri and luci. Eri said while crying: daddy that was scary, he picked eri up and kissed her forehead  and said: i am alright my little snowball. Then luci hit him on the head and said: be more carefull next time. Izuku looked at aizawa and then asked: can you pick eri for me for a sec. Aizawa replied: yeah sure, when eri was out of his hands he grabbed luci by her waist and said: okey babe but don,t i get my victory price from you. Luci smiled and said: with pleasure, and kissed him izuku kissed back when they parted the crowd cheered again, izuku then whisperd in luci,s ear: i expect to get the rest tonight. They rhen parted while luci was blushing, izuku picked eri back and walked to the medics to get his wounds handeld, while talkinf to eri. Aizawa, nezu and rest where being qeustioned..

(2845 words)
(I hope you liked this chapter you will get the next part in the next chapter)

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