chapter 6. Dad?

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It was now a week ago that midoriya had the conversation about all for one and midoriya was nervous that he was going to meet all for one or maybe his dad.

Midoriya was eating breakfast while he was in his hero suit for some reason he had to wear it, from all might. Mina the curious girl she is immediately asked why he is wearing his suit. Midoriya replied with that he has some hero business to take care of that is why i have to wear the suit. Only an Oww askaped from mina,s mouth when she presumed that izuku had to keep it a secret because if it wasn,t he would tell every one what he had to do. Midoriya stood up cleaned his dishes and brushed his teeth and walked out of the dormetory.

Midoriya was walking to all mights office when he arrived, the others were already there and they were Sorahiko/Gran Torino, Tsukauchi and Toshinori. We talked for a bit and then walked to the car and we drove off to the prison where they kept All for One.

(Timeskip to the prison)

We arrived at the entrance then the warden walked up to us and said that we had to follow him to were they contain Afo. When we arrived at the entrance were they kept afo, they stood infront of a huge metal door. The warden unlocked it and Izuku, Toshinori, Sorahiko and Tsukauchi walked in. For some reason afo already began to smile like he knew who walked in even is he is blind.

Afo then asked: for what are you here all might and Izuku midoriya. Midoriya replied with: I think you already know. He said it with venom that could rival the hero killer. All for one only chuckled with his respond. Izuku then activated ofa and he concentreted to summon the past users of ofa when they appeard, it looked like afo already knew what was happening because he smiled devilish he then replied with: oh my little brother. The first then said: yeah yeah we have some questions for that i already think i know the awnser of, but first izuku has some qeustions for you. Afo then said: okey my dear little brother so what is it that you want to ask me kid, but first nana long time no see. Nana replied you to potatohead how does it feel like that you look like mister potato. Afo then ignored her and said: so what is your qeustion kid. Izuku then asked: did you ever have a child with the same quirk as you? Afo nodded his head and then said: but with his quirk you can also create one if you know exactly how it is going to work and what the conscience are. Izuku then asked: so how many Kids did you have before you had achieved this quirk? Afo said: only one. They where all shocked to hear this midoriya also asked Tsukauchi if it was true and it was after they recomposed them self midoriya went further with qeustioning so he then asked: so does he still have his quirk or have you stolen it and did you have a real relationship? Afo replied with: I couldn,t steal his quirk so i sealed it but when it grows to powerfull he is going to be able to use this quirk and for your second qeustion yes i had a real relationship before. The first just snorted and then asked: so who did you date? Afo smirked and said: Inko shimura. Izuku then replied a bit angry: What di you mean i would know when my last name is Izuku Midoriya Shimura. Afo then replied with: ow but she doesn,t know either she only had one picture of her biologig mom and i recognized her when i saw the picture. Midoriya then asked so why is it that i never saw this picture? Afo responded with: ow that is because the picture was destroyed in a housefire. Midoriya then replied with: so your saying that shigaraki or Tenko Shimura is my niece and that your my fucking dad and that i have a quirk that still has to activate. Afo then said: yeah basicly.

When they talked to each other. Nana, Toshinori and Sorahiko stood there still processing what was said, all might then asked Tsukauchi if it was all true. All might thinking to himself: so basicly i fucked Nana,s daughter, only to realise that he said that out loud. Nana stood there for a second and then said: so your saying that the symbol of evil and peace had sex with my daughter. Izuku just stood there like i don,t know any more what is going on. Izuku then said: when i,m going home i am going to tell what was said here because she derserves it. Everybody nodded there head and then midoriya said: alright next qeustion why did you change our memories? Afo said: ow that,s because i didn,t want to hurt your feelings and if inko found out i would probably die of her wrath. Izuku asked: what do you mean. Afo then said: you don,t want to make you or inko mad because you will not be able to tell the tail. Nana then said: so that was past down nioce. The first said so i am an uncle. Tsukauchi then said: can we please go back to the matter at hand. The first then asked: so is shigaraki or tenko your quirks sucseser? Afo smiled and said: yes he is bit it will take resources and time before he can achieve my quirk so were this all your qeustions my lovely visitors. The first nodded and disapeard. Nana then said before she disapeard: if one of you two * pointing at afo and toshinori* hurts my daughter or grandkid i will come back to hunt you. Daigoro disapeard to after saying bye. Afo then asked: so izuku what for quirk are you going to make first when you are able to use it. Midoriya responded with: probably something so i can bring the past users back to live or something like that. All might and Sorahiko smiled while afo frowned he then asked: why? Izuku made a sly smile and then said: so that your brother is able to annoy you. The others just chuckeld while afo just looked iritated. Izuku, Toshinori, Sorahiko and Tsukauchi left to discus the new information they got now. Midoriya let out a breath he didn,t know he was holding and then said to himself: what just happend in there...

(1125 words)
(Sorry for the short chapter and i hope you like and also read my other fanfic. See ya next chapter)

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