chapter 5 A one for all Talk.

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Midoriya was silently siting in his seat while everyone was staring at him.

Why because Luci his girlfriend was siting on his lab. And midoriya was still not over the fact that Luci kept it a secret that she was going to ua. The bell ringed signaling that the les was over. Izuku stook his hand up, aizawa signaled that he can ask his question. Midoriya asked then: um aizawa-sensei where is Luci going to sleep because there are only twenty dormrooms. Everybody was now waiting for aizawa,s response. Aizawa smirked and then said: well of course she is going to sleep in the same room as you. Everbody looked at midoriya expecting him if he was going to stutterd or brush brightly. Everybody was shocked what he then said. Midoriya said: okey, but i only have one bed in my room. Aizawa responded with: ow that is already fixed are there any questions left * he looked around his class and nobody had a question* good i,m going to sleep and don,t wake me up.

Midoriya walked to the door when he was about to leave, luci asked where he was going. Midoriya responded with: i,m going to all might i have to ask something. Luci nodded her head and went back to the girls who were huddeld together ready to ask the demon-girl some questions.

Mina: so Luci is it okey if i say Luci because morngingstar is a hassle to say. Luci nodded her head in aprouval. Mina asked then: so how long do you now midori also how long have you been dating and how far did you went and why didn,t midori ever mention you. Luci said: um.. we are childhoodfriends he asked me 3 years ago out on valentinesday and for your third question i will say it when we some more privacy and he didn,t mention me because you have a huge pervert in your class who probably will be dead if he harres me. The girls just nodded there head espicaly when she mentiond mineta.

Now back to midoriya he knocked on the door of all mights office he waited for a moment and then all might opend the door he looked inside the room and saw Sorahiko/Gran Torino, Nezu and detective Tsukauchi he walked inside and seated himself on the couch. Sorahiko enidly asked: why are we here. Izuku responded with: this is about ofa and afo you probably should neet to sit down for this. They complied and seated them self infront of izuku. Izuku then activated ofa and then he concentreted on the past users about the feeling when he uses there quirks, after that a small amount of fog came from midoriya then a blinding light and then in front of them was midoriya siting in between nana shimura

 Izuku then activated ofa and then he concentreted on the past users about the feeling when he uses there quirks, after that a small amount of fog came from midoriya then a blinding light and then in front of them was midoriya siting in between na...

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and daigoro banjo

and daigoro banjo

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