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The time at Winterfell was the time of Nymeria's life.

When he reached Winterfell Robb had given the direwolf pup to Arya Stark, who had instantly fallen in love. She had taught Nymeria many tricks, and the direwolf was slowly beginning to understand Arya's words. 

Nymeria loved Arya too.

Especially her awkward needles, and her kindness towards Nymeria.

Wherever Arya went, Nymeria followed. The only place where Nymeria wasn't allowed to go was the dining hall. 

Then came the king, Robert Baratheon. During the feast held for him, Arya sneaked Nymeria under her table, and fed her food from her hand.

Nymeria nipped gently at Arya's hand, when suddenly she heard a familiar quiet howl. She turned around, to Jon Snow's table. Her eyes found Ghost, who Jon had also carried to the hall without notice. Nymeria howled quietly, and Ghost looked at her.

"Nymeria! Food!" came Arya's voice. Nymeria turned her eyes away from Ghost and ate the food which Arya threw down.

After the feast Nymeria came to know that she was to go to King's Landing. She was so excited. Two cities! she thought. She helped Arya to pack up, and even helped her sew some clothes. Nymeria's s stitches were as awkward as Arya's, but the latter laughed and put on the cloth that Nymeria had made.

Once Arya was finished packing, Nymeria went out to meet with the other wolves more often. Jon would come over for a visit with Ghost many times, and Grey Wind was nowhere but near.  Lady was given to the elder Stark female, Sansa, and Summer and Shaggydog were given to Bran and Rickon respectively. Summer sometimes came by to talk with Nymeria, but Shaggydog was never seen. Lady, however, now scowled at her as she would at Ghost when they were in the snow.  

Sansa and Arya's relationship seemed to be fading too. They got into arguments more often, and oft as not would Arya prank Sansa.

But Nymeria was happy with Arya. She played with her. slept with her, sewed with her, and what not. Nymeria was so glad with Arya that one day, when Arya and Sansa were arguing, Nymeria growled to Sansa. Sansa's neck hairs stood. She was plainly scared, but after all Lady came to the rescue. She pushed Nymeria and jumped at Arya. Arya would have been bitten if not for Sansa, who ordered Lady to stand down.

From that day on, Nymeria avoided Lady. Nymeria also got into history with Arya. She used to read out to the direwolf, and the latter got to know many things. Nymeria now knew the original Nymeria, the warrior queen who brought her ten thousand ships to land in Dorne. Maybe I can visit Dorne one day too, she thought.

Truth be told, Nymeria and Lady were absolute opposites. Nymeria was rebellious, always caked with mud and dirty, always with a smile on her face. Lady was like a proper lady, always clean, always with a frown. Whenever Nymeria saw her sister, she used to hide in a bush and let Lady pass.

Then came the day when Bran fell from the tower.

Nymeria was not so jolly as she was the past days. She could sense Summer's grief, and all the pack grieved.

The next day when Nymeria felt sad was the day when she and Arya left for King's Landing. Thye had to say a lot of farewells, and the hardest was to part with Ghost. 

But that was the funniest farewell too.  For the last time, Jon mussed Arya's hair as he gave her her new sword, which Arya took to calling Needle. Nymeria was amused, but Jon and Arya said together-

Don't tell Sansa!

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