Coming back

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They were of course attacked by the mountain clans.

The first attack was at night, stealthily. It was made by a man with one eye, who claimed himself Timett, son of Timett. Nymeria thought that funny, but they defeated Timett anyways.

Then came the Black Ears. That one they had trouble defeating. One would have killed Jon if not for Asha, who reacted quickly and threw her throwing knife. 

Their worst grievance was the injury that was dealt to the princess Shireen. She was struck with a hammer on her arm, and now Jon had it in a sling. Shireen was too brave to admit the pain, but Nymeria could see the girl's face when she was hurt. 

Jon confided in Asha and Sansa one day, "Stannis is going to be furious with me when he sees what has happened to the princess."

"He will," agreed Sansa. "But not before Shireen says how you rescued me."

Asha laughed aloud. "Yes, she will do that."

Jon turned to Asha. "You are sure you won't get in any trouble for coming with us?"

Asha smiled. "Shireen saves us all."

Then they continued. Their lack of food was replenished by the stores of the Eyrie. Robert Arryn was left with the maids and the knights of Sky, to keep him safe. Tysha had considered staying in the Eyrie for some time, but the next day it got so cold that the had to go down.

Nymeria especially liked travelling, maybe because she had travelled and explored with Arya many months ago. 

Every day, Nymeria used to hunt, and catch prey. One day, she got a huge deer, and she shared it with Ghost.

Ghost and Nymeria had become best friends, as usual. One day while hunting, they came upon Jon and Sansa talking in the shade of a tree.

Nymeria slid up the tree and Ghost followed. The tree was a big oak, with something that looked like mistletoe creeping up its trunk. When Ghost climbed up, his tail accidentally hit some mistletoes, and its small leaves fell down just between Jon and Sansa. Jon looked up and saw Nymeria, and smiled.

Sansa, on the other hand, was always the one for romance. She tackled Jon and kissed him under the mistletoe. "Thanks for coming," she said.

Jon said, "It was my duty. Also my wish," he added.

Sansa laughed. "Let's go back to the camp before these wolves drop a whole oak branch on us." And they shared a laugh together.

They reached Winterfell after some days, not at all lacking for food or water.

Stannis greeted them with a cold stare. "Who told you to take my daughter? And bring her back, injured?"

"It was not me, Your Grace. I was followed by Asha Greyjoy and Princess Shireen." replied Jon.

"I wanted to go, Father." Shireen said. "And I'm not that much hurt. Don't be angry at Lord Snow."

Stannis took Shireen by her arms, and said, "Your mother has been worried about you. Go on to her." Shireen obeyed.

The king turned back to Jon and Asha. "Where is the Lady Lannister?" he asked.

Sansa came out. "I am not Lady Lannister. I am Lady Stark, and this is my castle."

"And I stand with her." said Jon.

"Aye, with whatever power I can rally, me too." said Asha Greyjoy.

Stannis gritted his teeth. "As you wish. Lady Stark, welcome to your castle."

Sansa smiled, and Jon had a half smile on.

Nymeria and Ghost went to their respective rooms. But, as Nymeria was advancing up to her quarters, she heard Jon and Asha speaking.

"I don't want rebellion." said Jon.

"No. I meant the white walkers," said Asha.

"I know. We will need help of what power you can gather, Lady Greyjoy. If you want, I can request King Stannis to make you Lady of the Iron Islands."

Nymeria could hear Asha laugh. "That would be great."

"As you wish. I will tell King Stannis tomorrow. After conquering the Iron Islands, we will have the Vale, Winterfell, and the Iron Islands itself on our side. Then we must defeat the walkers."

Nymeria heard Asha standing. "Of course, Lord Snow."

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