Nymeria's Fate

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Dead, said the shadows around her.

Dead, echoed the shadows again.

She spun through the vortex, catching sight of many things.

Dead, said the shadows again.

Then suddenly Nymeria was awake. She was beside a sickly boy, still in his bed.

"Sweetrobin, you will have eggs, as soon as Mya brings them up from the bottom," the words came out of her mouth.

The sickly boy replied, "No! I want eggs now!"

The person who Nymeria was inside in sighed, and looked at the mirror in the room. There, Nymeria saw Sansa Stark.

Then she fell again into darkness.

Dead, said the shadows.

Then she was again awake, in a light filled alley. She could see people coming and going, but no one ever talked to her.

Then two people came over to her. "Hey, are you a whore?" the mailed person said.

"Only to pleasure my lords," the words spilled out of her mouth.

"Then come with me into that room. I'm Lord Rafford."

She followed Rafford into the room, and then silently drew a dagger. 

"Come," Raff said.

Then she slid into his lap, and then pierced her dagger in his femoral artery.

"Oh, look, you're bleeding," said the person.

"You got to carry me," said Rafford.

Then the person smirked. "Think so?" And then suddenly Rafford was dead, a dagger through his chest.

When the person looked into the mirror of the room, Nymeria saw Arya Stark. Before she had time to contemplate it, though, she was eaten by the darkness again. 

This time, Nymeria entered a man's body. She could feel it.

They were at a wedding. When Nymeria turned, she recognized Lady Catelyn.

Then suddenly a bolt pierced Nymeria's heart. 

"Robb!" screamed Lady Catelyn.

Nymeria let the darkness swallow her up again this time. She knew what she had seen. The Red Wedding.

Now Nymeria entered an unknown girl's body.

She was singing. "It's always summer, under the sea, I know I know, oh oh oh."

When she turned to the mirror in that room, Nymeria saw a comely face, made even uglier by the grey mass around her left cheek.

Next time, Nymeria joined the body of one in Dorne. She could understand it by the environment, it was so nice and hot. She was sitting on a wheelchair, with four girls and a burly guard around her.

"Your mother was a septa. You can go to the new High Septon. This one is not as manipulated as the others, I hear." said the man in whom Nymeria was inside.

"Unbowed, unbent, unbroken," the three girls chanted together. Then they left, leaving only the girl who looked like a princess.

"Arianne," said the man.

The girl called Arianne held a mirror to him, and Nymeria saw a face covered in gout.

Then Nymeria joined the body of a queen. She could feel it, by her regal ways.

Although she was a queen, she was locked up in a cell.

Three old women entered the cell. "I have no need of you. Get away!" the queen said.

One of the women held a mirror to the queen, and Nymeria saw Queen Cersei.

Dead, said the shadows. Dead.

Then Nymeria entered Tysha. She knew her so well that she could guess correctly that it was her.

Tears streamed down her cheek. "Nym, wake up." she whispered.

Then Nymeria saw the black mass which was her own body. 

She felt a strange kind of tug at her tail. The shadows were pulling her back.

No, she thought. I will save myself.

She reached for her body with all her strength, and entered it.

She howled.

"Nym, you're awake!" said Tysha, tears turning into smiles.

Nymeria jumped down from the bed and snuggled up against Tysha, who held her tight.

When Jon and the others entered, all they could see was Tysha hugging Nymeria so tight that the wolf looked no more than a little child in her arms.

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