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As mentioned before. the bonding between Nymeria and Tysha was adorable. 

Tysha cared for Nymeria as she had cared for Tyrion. No one ever came between them. Each morning, when the sun rose, Tysha would call Nymeria and run outside. Nymeria, or Nym as Tysha called her, would follow Tysha all the way down the hill. Tysha would call it "morning exercises". When Tysha wasn't looking, Nymeria would roll down the hill and cover herself in dirt and grass. When Tysha would notice, she would give the direwolf a good bath. No matter what Nymeria did, Tysha did her best to make her clean. 

One night, when Nymeria was huddled up against Tysha, the latter asked, "Where do you come from, Nym?" 

Nymeria looked up at Tysha. The direwolf's face was speckled with many expressions, mainly love and cuteness, but Tysha noticed a hint of sadness in Nym's face.

"Are you sad?" asked Tysha. "Don't be sad. I will care for you."

If Nymeria could speak, she would have told Tysha her full history. Starting from her birth, the death of their mother, Robb and Jon finding them, her time with Arya, travelling to King's Landing, the thing with that brat Joffrey, her separation from Arya, the two men talking, her running away from King's Landing, her travel to the God's Eye, her almost being caught by Ser Armory Lorch, and finally her coming here and staying with Tysha.

Tysha had a tapestry of all the houses of Westeros, great and small. It was a big and long one, and so far Nymeria knew none of the houses had been missed out. There was a map hanging next to it too. Suddenly Nymeria got an idea. 

She stood, and went to the tapestry. "What are you doing, dear Nym?" asked Tysha, bewildered. 

Nymeria pointed with her front left paw. First she pointed to the spot in which was written Winterfell. 

"Winterfell? You come from Winterfell?" Tysha was very quick.

Nymeria nodded, and then moved her paw down towards the kingsroad.

"You travelled from Winterfell through the kingsroad," Tysha said. "But where?"

Nymeria trailed her paw at the edge of the Trident. There she stopped, and poinbted at the tapestry of the houses. She stood on her hind paws, and kept one paw each on House Stark and House Baratheon. Then she brought the paws in, making a loud clap.

"A war?" Tysha suggested. "Maybe one between Houses Stark and Baratheon?"

Nymeria shook her head. She mimicked Arya and Mycah sparring as best as she could, then she made Sansa and Joffrey arrive. Joffrey kicked Mycah and hurt him. Arya and Joffrey fought. Sansa cried. Nymeria then mimicked biting down hard on Joffrey's arm. Then she ran away.

Tysha grasped it all. "The crown prince Joffrey and Arya Stark," she said. "Okay, next?"

Nymeria moved back to the map, and then traced a line through the jungle to the castle of Darry.

"You stopped at the castle of Darry," Tysha said.

Nymeria nodded, then moved her paw in a swift stroke down to King's Landing, so fast that she tore the map a little.

"Oh, so you were travelling to King's Landing," Tysha said. 

Nymeria nodded her head. Then she traced her paw back up towards the God's Eye. Then she stopped at Harrenhal for a few seconds, then moved her paw down towards the jungle. She mimicked eating, and then stopped at the place in which she thought she had fainted.

Tysha understood. "Want to listen to my history?" she said.

Nymeria nodded her head eagerly.

Tysha stood and moved towards the map. "I was a simple crofter's daughter," she said. Nymeria caught the sadness in Tysha's voice, and howled.

Tysha ignored Nym's howl, and continued. "One day, some robbers killed my father and mother and were chasing me through the woods. I was very scared and small at that time. Do you know who saved me, Nym?"

Nymeria shook her head.

Tysha sighed. "It was that golden knight, the one that they call the Kingslayer. And his brother, my love Tyrion Lannister. The Kingslayer chased the robbers through the woods and I don't know if he killed them. Tyrion wrapped me in a cloak and lifted me in front of him on his own horse. When the knight came back, the two brothers took me back to the castle. Tyrion and Jaime gave me food and clothes. And after a day, I married Tyrion."

Nymeria snorted. While back at Winterfell, she and Arya had listened to stories from Old Nan. Both of them hated love stories.

Tysha continued. "Tyrion's father, Lord Tywin Lannister, hated me. He thought that I had married Tyrion only for his gold and his position. But that was wrong. I really really loved Tyrion."

"One day, as I was walking through the castle, I was seized by a knight. He brought me to a chamber where Lord Tywin, Tyrion, and Jaime stood. Lord Tywin made Jaime confess a false sin that I was a whore, and that Jaime had it all decided to make Tyrion a man. Tyrion looked shocked. I was heartbroken. 

Lord Tywin then gave me to each of his guards, who gave me a silver. Lastly, he had me given to Tyrion one last time. I received from him a gold dragon instead of a silver stag. Because Lannisters have a place of honor, and they always pay their debts, Lord Tywin said.

Bruised and bloody, I was set free that very night. I made my way back to the direction of my house. It had been burnt. So I wandered for many years in search of a good house. Some months ago, I found this house. I settled here and  planted some crops." Tysha looked at Nymeria.

"Then you came to me."

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