On the Way

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Nymeria was finally on the way to King's Landing. She used to go out with Arya and explore the vast marshes, grasslands, lakes, ponds, everything. Her new companion was the butcher's boy, Mycah. Nymeria used to watch as Arya and Mycah sparred with each other, Mycah using a stick sword and Arya using Needle. 

Arya won every time. Nymeria liked Mycah's sword style, but Arya was better. Obviously, a real sword is much better than a stick sword. But, Arya never hurt Mycah. 

Then came the day, on which the disaster happened.

As usual, Arya and Mycah were sparring, and Nymeria was sitting in a nearby bush. She suddenly heard the sound of hoofs, rounding up around Arya and Mycah. Nymeria growled and was starting to leap out when she saw Sansa and the crown prince Joffrey, son of Robert Baratheon. 

Nymeria retreated into the bush, confused. Why would Sansa come with Joffrey, and not with Lady?

Arya turned around to see her sister and Joffrey. Joffrey was the first to react. He laughed an evil laugh, and drew his sword. A real sword. 

He pushed Arya away, and hit Mycah on the cheek. A thin trickle of blood dropped down from Mycah's face.

"Pretending to be knights, are you?" sneered Joffrey.

"M'lord, I didn't do anything, she asked me to spar, she asked me, I didn't do anything." Mycah's voice seemed almost frightened to Nymeria.

Then Arya was back. "You leave him alone!" she screamed. 

Sansa came closer. "Sister, that's not how you talk to the crown prince," she said.

"If someone is stupid, if it is even the crown prince, he deserves to be rudely behaved!" With that, Arya drew Needle.

A flurry of things happened at once. Sansa screamed, Joffrey said, "Want to spar?",  and Arya swung her sword.

But before two swords could clash, suddenly Nymeria was there, biting Joffrey on his hand. Nymeria was angry that Joffrey had drawn steel against Arya, and she wanted to kill him then and there.

Sansa screamed. "No, you both stop it, Arya, get your beast off my prince, please," she wailed.

Then Arya was there, and she dragged Nymeria off. Not before the direwolf snatched from Joffrey his sword. 

Arya held up Joffrey's sword. And, with a soft laugh, she threw it in the river.

Joffrey was wailing in pain. "No, please, stop the pain, please, please, please," he cried.

Arya looked at him, and beckoned to Nymeria. "Come on, we have to get out of here," she whispered. And they both ran. 

Arya could see behind her Sansa comforting Joffrey. She turned away when Joffrey gave Sansa that evil look. She pitied her sister, to be betrothed to such a man.

Nymeria ran swift as a deer, and Arya behind her. She ran and ran and ran, until they were finally tired and away from the scene.

Nymeria looked to Arya. "Come with me," Arya panted. Nymeria walked with Arya, and after some time Arya sat down hard on the ground.

Nymeria whimpered. Sounds of footsteps echoed around the trees. "Go," whispered Arya. "I'll be right behind you." 

But Nymeria would not leave Arya.

Finally, the bushes parted to reveal Jory Cassel, the captain of the guard for Lord Eddard Stark. "Arya," he said. She ran into him and hugged him. Jory looked startled. "Arya, we did not come for hugs. You are missing throughout the caravan. Your lord father was most worried."

"Yes, yes, let's go," said Arya. "I know he will understand. Nymeria!" she called out.

"Sadly, we can't take her," said Jory.

Arya was horrorstruck. "Why?!" she shouted.

"The queen Cersei is demanding a hundred thousand golden dragons to anyone who brings her Nymeria's pelt," explained Jory. "She is extremely angry at the injury of her son."

"But that brat deserved it!" screamed Arya.

"If you take Nymeria back, she will be killed." said Jory. "I understand your pain, Arya."

Arya slowly turned around to face Nymeria. "Go," she said. 

Nymeria howled, and swore she would never leave Arya.

That was when Arya picked up a stone, and hit Nymeria.

"GO!," she said. Nymeria saw the tears glistening on her face. "GO IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!"

With sadness filling inside her, Nymeria turned around, and vanished into the woods.

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