The Wall

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The small band got through Moat Cailin safely, and then they continued north to the Wall.

"Roose Bolton holds Winterfell," said Anguy. "We must slip through Winterfell at night and stealthily if we are to pass to the Wall safely."

So they went in the gates of Winterfell in the black of the night. But their passing wasn't at all safe.

Nymeria accidentally trod on so many twigs at once that a guard woke up, and woke two more. Then, while the guard with the horn was about to blow it, Nymeria jumped and bit his neck. The guard screamed, and the other two people descended on them.

Tysha was with the first guard, wielding her dagger fiercely. Anguy and Ned were with the other, fighting so silently Nymeria could not see them at all.

Suddenly, a scream of pain from Tysha gave Nymeria knowledge of where she was. She jumped onto the guard fighting Tysha and tore out his throat. When she turned back, she saw Tysha bleeding from a deep cut in her dagger hand. Nymeria went to her and snuggled up against her, trying to soothe her pain.

By the time Anguy and Ned returned, the bleeding had intensified.

Anguy told Tysha to heave it up and move, and she obliged. They exited Winterfell and continued to the Wall.

When they were in Mole's Town, Tysha fell. The wound had turned from red to black, and the pain was extreme.

"We have to carry her," said Ned, from on top of Nymeria.

"I'll do it," Anguy picked up Tysha, and continued.

Mole's Town was right before the Wall, and they reached it some few hours later. When they entered the Night's Watch, Nymeria saw a door with a red mark.

Nymeria growled to Anguy, and showed him the door.

Anguy and Nymeria continued to the door. They could hear nothing inside, only the murmurings of a woman, and something that surprised Nymeria.

She felt Ghost, her old brother, in that room. 

She drew herself up and howled. Inside the room, Ghost howled as well, sitting beside his master. 

"Nymeria, what happened?" said Anguy.

But barely before they had said it were they surrounded by wildlings.

"Who are you?" a man spoke, coming out from the crowd.

"We are men of The Brotherhood Without Banners, and we have come to seek out Jon Snow," said Anguy.

"Who is that boy riding on?" said the man.

Nymeria had hid herself and camouflaged herself, and she drew forth from the darkness.

"A bloody direwolf," said a woman.

"We understand you," said the man. "I introduce myself as Ryk. Most people know me as Longspear Ryk. And, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Jon Snow is dead. Stabbed by his own brothers."

"Treacherous crows," said a tall man.

"Shut up, Tormund," said Ryk.

"Who is inside?" asked Anguy.

"The dead body of the commander lies there," said Ryk. "We all liked Lord Snow, and we heard that red women from Asshai could regenerate people, so Lady Melisandre's in with him, trying to bring him back to life."

"Meli who?" said Ned.

"Lady Melisandre," said Ryk. "The red woman, as people call her now. She came with the king, and stayed behind when he rode out to conquer Winterfell."

"Wait." said Anguy. "Which king?" 

"King Stannis," piped up a man, who Nymeria hadn't seen before. He was not a wildling, and he wore the black of the Night's Watch.

"Look, we would really love to talk to you, but right now we have someone who needs to be healed." said Ned. He gestured to Anguy, and he lowered Tysha, who was unconscious.

"That's a hell of a gash," said the man called Tormund. "Pyp, take the pretty woman to Clydas."

"I'll go with you, to help carry her," said Ned. He slipped down from Nymeria, winced a little at his wound, and went on with Pyp.

"Now, let's talk. Explain all that happened here since King Robert Baratheon died," said Anguy.

Tormund laughed. "That would be so bloody long and hard," he said.

Ryk was just starting to say something, when they all heard the loud and sharp intake of breath, And this time, Nymeria recognized it as Lord Commander Jon Snow.

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