You know nothing, Jon Snow

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A/N- This chapter has a Jon Snow POV!!!!! Yay I was so excited for this!!!!


As soon as Jon Snow awoke, he had seen to all their preparations. He had recognized Nymeria at once, and Ghost had loved to see her again. They played and talked all day and night, and talked so much that Nymeria almost forgot about Tysha. The day she went to Tysha, she saw a young woman and a burly man attending her. She never saw Anguy or Ned.

The woman introduced herself as Alys Karstark, and the man as Sigorn, Magnar of Thenn. Nymeria understood that by marrying Sigorn, Alys had made a new House - House Thenn.

Anguy and Ned were occupying a tower, as was informed to Nymeria. Tysha had been badly wounded and her hand would take time to heal, but she was okay for now. 

Nymeria spent all her time now with the girl called Alys, and Ghost. Alys looked like Arya in so many ways except the age, that Nymeria could believe she was playing with Arya again.

Alys used to run, and Nymeria and Ghost used to chase her. It reminded Nymeria of the game she used to play with Tysha when they were in that house atop the hill, but this was different. Now they used to chase.

After some days, Ghost and Nymeria wandered off to the Wall, where a winch cage was hanging. Ghost gestured to Nymeria to enter, and she did, albeit scared. She knew that the Wall was very high.

As Ghost closed the doors with his snout, the winch cage took off into the air. 

Nymeria turned her back to the rising cage and stared at the monotonous Wall, but Ghost kicked her around and there she was again looking down at Castle Black. They had reached so high that all the people were smithereens. 

When they reached at the top of the Wall, the winch cage opened and Ghost got out. Nymeria was scared she would fall from the Wall, but Ghost grabbed Nymeria and there they stood.

A shriek cut down from below.

Nymeria was so scared she went off the edge. At first she was shocked that she was standing on the air, and then suddenly the ground rose up to meet her.


He was attending Lady Selyse and Ser Malegorn when the shriek cut through the air. 

Jon kicked the door open, and went out. What just happened?

Then he saw the pretty girl.

"Here's Lady Arya for you," said a gruff voice. A woman, no, a girl, walked up to him. "I'm Alysanne Mormont. King Stannis commanded me to bring her to you."

Jon was shocked. How could Stannis not see the difference?

Arya was always dirty and never pretty. This girl was so pretty that she looked like Sansa, but then Jon recognized her.

Jeyne Poole?

He decided to keep her identity secret, and then told Mormont to bring her to his solar. Just when he was about to enter, though, another shout cut through the air. This one Jon recognized as Grenn.

They were all huddled around something, whispering to one another. 

Jon told Jeyne to go into the room and wait for him. She obliged, and Jon went to see what the commotion was.

They were all huddled along some black thing, with the snow around it red. 

Then the realization came to him. You know nothing, Jon Snow.. whispered a voice in his head.

 "Take her to Clydas," said Jon. "Right now."

Pyp and Grenn gingerly lifted Nymeria's limp body by the paws, and advanced to Clydas's quarters. Jon went with them.

Clydas was tending to the ravens when he entered. "The direwolf," was all he could manage to say. Clydas understood at once, and he ordered a table to be set up.

Then Jon, Pyp and Grenn sat in a corner, and watched Clydas dealing with Nymeria. "Nothing will happen, Jon," said Grenn. "Yes, nothing. She'll survive," said Pyp.

Then something white slithered in the room. "Ghost," said Jon. He leapt up into Jon, and for the first time he could see his direwolf with tears in his eyes.

He was not the only one with tears. Clydas delivered the shocking news. "Nymeria has a very slim chance of surviving. I will try my best, m'lord."

Jon collapsed.

A/N- Guys, I'm so sorry if you cried at this, but I just wanted this to happen. Whether or not Nymeria's gonna survive, where Ned and Anguy are, and what will happen when Tysha receives this news, I'm going to pen it down in the next chapter. Wait for it.

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