The Red Wedding

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Nymeria, Tysha and the others journeyed far and wide. The direwolf had heard that much and more had happened while she was with Tysha. 

Lord Eddard Stark had been beheaded for treason(Though Nymeria didn't believe Ned would ever commit a crime so foul). Arya Stark had run away. Sansa was a captive of the Lannisters. That brat Joffrey sat the throne. Robb Stark, the one who had claimed Grey Wind back at Winterfell, had crowned himself as King In The North. Theon Greyjoy, the ward of the late Eddard Stark, had captured Winterfell from Robb(Nymeria broke down at that).

Now for Arya. She had been captured at Harrenhal(Nymeria had been so close!). After running away from Roose Bolton, she had encountered the outlaws. They had kept her under care for some time, but the Hound had stolen her. Right now, the outlaws thought that the Hound had taken Arya to the Twins to ransom her back to Lady Catelyn, her mother. So they were going there as well.

At night, Nymeria got strange dreams. She was on top of a horse, riding with a man who had half his face burnt. They kept on riding and riding, when suddenly they reached a battlefield. 

Another example was that she was running with her pack. Suddenly a bush killed Lady. All of them shouted and screamed, but then moved on. After some time, a man with a crossbow appeared in front of them. The crossbow twanged, and it hit Grey Wind square in the chest. 

Nymeria hated those dreams. After rising each morning, Nymeria used to go to Tysha and let her comfort the direwolf. 

One night, when Nymeria was sleeping, she suddenly got up. A strange spirit moved inside her, like the spirit of a human. The human in her made her walk to the nearby river, and dive in it.

Nymeria was a strong swimmer. Two swift and huge strokes made her touch the bottom of the river. Then she found the monstrosity.

The body was white, and naked. Dried blood covered the face.

The human inside her made Nymeria drag the body up to the shore. Once the human in her left her, she ran to Tysha, scared. 

Tysha rose, and called Tom, Lem and the others. They came and inspected the body.

"'Twas a woman," said Lem.

"Not any woman," said Harwin. "Before you lies Lady Catelyn Stark, wife of the late Eddard Stark."

Everybody was shocked. If this was Lady Catelyn, then what had happened to Robb? 

Most importantly to Nymeria, what had happened to Arya?

Lord Beric knelt. "I must do it," he said.

"No," said Thoros of Myr. "If you do this, I won't be able to revive you any more."

"Her life is more important than mine," said Lord Beric. 

He pressed his mouth on the body's lips, and Nymeria could swear she had seen a flame pass from Beric's lips into Catelyn's.

Lord Beric Dondarrion fell. Nymeria and Tysha ran to his side. "Lady... Stoneheart," he said. Then he collapsed.

Nymeria turned. The body who was Lady Catelyn had risen. The other outlaws were bowing to her, all except Thoros of Myr. Tysha went to Thoros. "What is happening?" she asked.

"Lady Stoneheart has risen." Thoros said. Then he raised his voice. "Behold, brotherhood! Lord Beric has sacrificed himself, and I cannot revive someone if the flame of life has passed from him. Behold your new leader, Lady Stoneheart!"

A boy who Nymeria knew as Edric Dayne rushed forward and garbed Lady Stoneheart. All the while the lady stared down at them. 

Harwin knelt in front of her. "My lady, what happened?"

Stoneheart then spoke. Her voice was hoarse, and it sounded ghastly.

"The Freys have betrayed the guest right," she croaked.

"The Freys?" said Tom of Sevenstrings.

"Wait," said Thoros. "By betraying guest right.. Oh. Oh."

Lady Stoneheart gave a slight nod.

Thoros turned to face the outlaws. "A grave tragedy has happened. The Freys, while courting the Starks, have killed them. I fear the King in The North Robb Stark is no more."

Nymeria howled. That meant her second dream was true. If Robb was no more, then Grey Wind must have died too. She howled again.

Tysha stood beside Nymeria, shaking. "This was a brutal.. massacre.." she finished.

"Yes," said Harwin. "Exactly as you say. A massacre."

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