The Outlaw Band

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One day, Nymeria and Tysha were planting crops. They were at the bottom of the hill. Nymeria dug a big hole for Tysha to bury crops. Tysha laid down the plant, and Nymeria again covered it up with dirt and mud. While they were going up the hill, Nymeria went close to Tysha and rubbed her snout against Tysha's skirt. The skirt got covered with dirt, and Tysha giggled and said, "Bad Nym. Go on, let's race."

Nymeria knew every outcome of the races they had. Either Tysha would throw something at Nymeria to win, or she would herself slip on some dirt and go rolling down the hill. But still the direwolf accepted the challenge. 

Nymeria and Tysha ran. This time Nymeria ran extra fast, as to win. But, as usual, she slipped on a patch of wet mud and went down the hill again. Dirt covered her, and she rolled comfortably in the dirt.

A strange urge took over her. She curled up at the bottom of the hill, and camouflagued herself within the dirt there, and just stayed quiet for some time. She enjoyed the feeling of dirt and mud on her. Finally, she went up trudging to the house.

But when she reached it, Tysha wasn't there.

Nymeria howled. Where was Tysha?

She howled again. Then she noticed a man standing with his back to her. A scream cut through the kitchen. The man ran into the room.

The scream sounded eerily like Tysha.

Nymeria slowly followed the man into the kitchen. There she noticed Tysha tied to the tall post which hung there for the roasting. A gag was tied around her mouth.

Anger conquered her. She leapt into the room, and tore the yellow cloak that the man she had followed wore. The man gave a snarl, and turned back. He drew his sword. Tysha screamed even more.

Then a familiar face appeared. "Gods be good," he exclaimed. "Nymeria?"

Nymeria leapt towards Harwin, the son of the master of horse at Winterfell. She knew him from when Robb and Jon had found them. 

Nymeria shook all her dirt off, and went to Tysha. "Release her," commanded a man she had not seen before. 

He was a slight man, handsome with red-gold hair. His left eye was covered in a patch. He smiled down at Nymeria. "Weren't you Arya Stark's wolf? She was with us too, until the Hound stole her. We are searching for her."

Nymeria went close to Lord Beric Dondarrion, and sniffed him. He was telling the truth, she decided. But she would not leave Tysha.

The man whose cloak she had torn said, "Arya Stark's wolf? She better be, and better help us find Arya."

"Ah, don't speak so rudely, Lem," said a third man. He had a voice sweet as honey.

"Rude, Tom? This really better be her." said Lem.

Nymeria howled. It pierced the air like a knife through cheese. 

Tom brought a hidden dagger out of his pocket, and swiped at Tysha's ropes. She fell on the ground, and instantly Nymeria went to her.

"You know these people, Nym?" asked Tysha. Her voice was soft.

Nymeria nodded. She howled a second time.

Lord Beric offered down a hand to Tysha. "We are the brotherhood without banners," he said. "If you want to join us, and stay close to Nymeria, take my hand, and rise again as Tysha, member of the brotherhood."

Tysha did so. 

Tom laughed. "A big happy family," he mused.

"Rightly so, Tom," said Lord Dondarrion. Let's go."

"Can't we stay here for some time?" said Tysha. "This is my house."

"Every house stands a risk to be found, and we don't want to be found," explained Tom. 

"Oh," sighed Tysha. "At least eat something?"

"We would welcome a bit of food," admitted Lord Beric.

So they ate, and after eating, they left the house. When at the bottom of the hill, Nymeria looked back up at the house which had been her and Tysha's an hour ago.

She would miss it, she realized.

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