After the separation

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After their spearation, each night Nymeria could hear Tysha and Anguy arguing about something. One night she sneaked beside their tent and listened to their conversation.

"But why?" the voice of Tysha said.

"This woman Stoneheart is a witch. She is a villain. You saw how she was hanging Freys. She is going to bring us into the war on a particular side, and then we will perish. You know we can't stand against the power of Highgarden and Casterly Rock." said Anguy.

"That's a point, but we can't abandon all the others!" said Tysha.

"Thoros was a fool to proclaim her as the leader, and Lord Beric an even bigger fool to resurrect her," Anguy said. He stood. "Tomorrow I'm going to announce the break. We have no other choice, Tysha."

A sudden movement made her fur stand up. She growled.

"It's only me, Nymeria," said the young voice of Edric Dayne. "I'm listening too."

But the growl had arisen the two people in the tent. Tysha and Anguy came out and exclaimed at the same time, "Nymeria?"

Anguy looked behind her where Edric Dayne had squatted to hide himself. "No matter, lad." he said. "Rise."

Edric rose, and ran.

Anguy laughed softly. "That boy was always afraid of me."

"Why were you here, Nym?" asked Tysha.

Nymeria looked up at Tysha.

"Oh, for eavesdropping?" Tysha teased. "You better be clever to do that! Now, let's sleep."

And so they did. 

Next day, Anguy said what he had promised. And, as a surprise, almost all of the outlaws who had come with them agreed. The people who did not were given a choice- run or join. 

They chose join.

That day, they visited the ravaged town of Saltpans, where Arya Stark was seen last. There they met Ser Quincy Cox, who was very old. He reportedly had just sat inside his castle and locked himself in, while all around him his city got destroyed.

At first, the old knight would not let them in at all. When Anguy explained that they were not the type of outlaws who raided their city, he finally let them in.

When Ser Quincy saw Tysha, he said, "What's such a pretty girl doing with the likes of you, I wonder?"

Tysha blushed, but at that moment Nymeria came in. Ser Quincy's neck hairs bristled. 

"A bloody direwolf," he said. 

"As bloody as you," said Anguy."Why did you, a knight, close your gates when the savages destroyed Saltpans?"

The old man paused. "You don't know the Hound," he said finally. 

"He was with us some time ago," said Anguy. "He stole a member."

By member, Nymeria knew he meant Arya.

"The Hound had come here twice," said Ser Quincy. "Once to drop a certain boy on a ship, and then he ravaged our town."

"A certain boy.." said Anguy. "Which boy?"

"He had a long face, grey eyes, and brown hair. He was skinny, and wore a tattered shirt."

Nymeria felt something clink in her head. Arya?

"We'll think about this boy later," said Tysha.

"You're right. Let's go now." said Anguy.

With that, they left.

Once they were safely back in camp, Nymeria snuggled up on Tysha and thought, What if the boy who Quincy mentioned was really Arya?

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