The Conquest of King's Landing

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As they had hoped, Arya, Asha, Nymeria and their garrison reached the battlefield right when the battle began.

Drogon roared fire from the skies. Thousands of gold cloaks were running through the city, some fighting, and some simply fleeing.

"Well met!" shouted Jon Snow, from behind Nymeria. Ghost bounded to her, only to be stopped by a crossbowman. Nymeria flew at him, and tore him to pieces. Now white and grey combined.

"How fares the battle?" asked Arya.

"Well enough. Half the gold cloaks fled at the sight of the dragons, and the other half are clumsy and sleepless." replied Jon.

Then Asha's knife caught a man through the throat who had been creeping up to kill Jon. "Be careful," said Asha.

Then they separated. Nymeria and Ghost were side-by-side, defeating every enemy. Once, Nymeria came in front of a familiar Kingsguard.

Ser Meryn Trant slashed at Ghost, but he moved swiftly away. Then Nymeria leapt up to bite him, but Ser Meryn caught her around the neck, and began to tighten.

Then breath was going out of Nymeria when Ghost leapt up, and bit the knight's ear off.

Ser Meryn dropped Nymeria in a frenzy, clutching at the blood squirting from his ear. Then he was killed by the timely intervention of Rhaegal, who bit the man, and gobbled him up.

Rhaegar Targaryen jumped down from the saddle. He swung his Valyrian Steel sword, and cut through every man standing afore the direwolves.

Even though he was wearing a helm, Nymeria could swear she saw him smile when Ghost looked up at him. 

"You would probably be saying 'thank you' if you could talk," said Rhaegar. Then he leapt onto Rhaegal, and off into the air he went.

Nymeria took that moment to look across the battlefield.

Drogon was lurching fires at every person who dared come near the huge beast. On his back, Daenerys Targaryen shouted, "Dracarys."

Jon Snow was fighting nearby, Longclaw killing people left and right. Nymeria could see his prowess with sword now.

Arya Stark was an excellent fighter. She whirled through entire legions of men, killing them.

Aegon Targaryen, from atop his dragon Viserion, had been struggling at first, as crossbolts hit his dragon. But that only served to make Viserion angrier, who made it rain fire.

Ser Jaime Lannister was fighting splendidly. He whirled and stabbed so fast Nymeria thought it a dance at first, before she saw the blood.

Then a crossbow hit Nymeria, and she plunged into darkness that her last thought was poison.

When she woke up, she found herself in a quarter. She saw Arya's muddy clothes hanging over a rail. She bounded out of the door, slightly limping, and made her way down the stairs.

She entered into a trial.

King Rhaegar Targaryen was sitting on the Iron Throne, while Daenerys occupied the seat to the throne's left. Aegon stood behind Rhaegar. Arya, Asha, Jon, and Ser Jaime sat in the leather cushions beneath. 

And in front of the king, stood Cersei Lannister.

"Nymeria!" Arya exclaimed. Jon gestured at her to be quiet, and Nymeria limped over to Arya.

"Cersei Lannister, you have committed worse sins anyone can think of." said Rhaegar. "You blew up the Sept of Baelor which was a holy place, and you killed the Tyrell family, who were your own allies. For these crimes, you don't have the right to live."

Cersei raised her head. "I know, King Rhaegar. I wish to die."

Nymeria at once understood her plan. She meant to persuade Rhaegar she was on the point of suicide, so that he might take pity. But Rhaegar was a hard king.

"You will be beheaded, tomorrow. Sleep well."

The former queen was led out, and a plump boy who Nymeria recognized as Tommen Baratheon held up the sword of the king. The king descended, and said, "You may go."

Back in the quarters, Arya kissed Nymeria gently on the cheek. "You are the true direwolf of the north, you should be the one flying on our banners." 

Then Nymeria and Arya laughed, and spent the night playing.

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