Chapter 3

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Jessica's P. O. V.

When I get back to OSU, I immediately go to the football field because I know the boys are practicing.

I see Landon standing on the sideline, watching his daddy practice.

Landon sees me runs to me. I pick him up, showering him in kisses, "Hi baby."

Landon smiles, "Hi mommy. I missed you. "

I grin, "I missed you too, love. Did you have a fun time with daddy?"

Landon nods, "Daddy said he misses you. "

I smile, "I missed daddy too. "

Landon shakes his head, "No, he misses living with you. "

I frown, "Oh really?"

Landon nods as the team finishes up their practice. Braxton walks over, kissing me, "Hey babe. How was your trip?"

I smile, "It was good. "

Braxton puts his hand on my hip, "You cut it short?"

I shrug, "Yeah. I missed Landon, and you. "

You may be wondering why Braxton and I kiss and still act like a couple. It's because we love each other. We always have and we always will. Especially since we share a son. We still have feelings for each other, we just work better as friends. With the occasional benefits.

Braxton sighs, "Let me go shower. Then we can go to dinner as a family?"

I smile, "That sounds great. Landon and I will be in the parking lot. "

Landon and I walk to the parking lot. Landon climbs onto my lap when I get In my car, "Mommy, daddy is going to ask us to move back in with him. "

I raise my brows, "He told you that?"

Landon shakes his head, "I heard him tell Jt. "

I bite my lip, "do you want to move back in with daddy. "

Landon nods excitedly. I kiss his forehead, "I'll think about it, okay?"

Braxton walks over, "Ready?"

I nod and put Landon in his car seat then we drive to Abuelos. We walk in and sit down, putting Landon in a high chair.

After we order, I look at Braxton, "Landon was telling me about something you said. "

Braxton raises his brows, "Oh yeah? What's that"

I bite my lip, "That you want us to move back in together. "

Braxton's eyes dart up to mine, "Wow, Landon heard a lot more things than he's suppose to. But yeah, it's true. I miss you, babe. And I just want to be with you again. "

I smile, "Okay. "

Braxton raises his brows, "You'll move in?"

I nod, "I will. "

Braxton leans across the table and kisses me, "I just want to give us another shot at being together. Being a family. "

I nod, "That sounds great, Braxton. And I know Landon is happy, aren't you?"

Landon, grinning from ear to ear, nods in agreement.

I look at Braxton as he colors with our son. I can't help but smile at the sight in front of me. I love both of them so much. We are finally going to be a family.

Once we're done eating, Braxton drives me to my apartment. We all go up and Braxton says, "Let's start packing your things. "

I laugh, "Okay. "


We spent a few hours packing and we've got mostly everything. Braxton and I are playing with Landon when there's a knock on my door. I stand up, "I'll be back. "

I go answer the door to see Marcus standing there. My mouth drops open, "What are you doing here, Marcus?"

Marcus tries to grab me but I step out of his reach, "Jess, I know I don't know you well, but I love you. I want to be with you. I don't care about football if I can't have you. You're all I want. I don't care if you have a son. I just want us to be together. "

Before I can say anything, Landon runs up to me so I pick him up. "Marcus, this is my son, Landon. "

Marcus smiles and waves at him, "He's a cutie. "

I nod but cringe as I feel Braxton's arm around my waist. This isn't going to go over well. Marcus furrows his brows, "Oh. You two are- I should've known," he looks at me, "I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye. "

Marcus starts walking down to his car. Braxton says, "I didn't know you knew him. What did he want?"

I hand Landon to him, "I have to go talk to him. I'll be back. "

I quickly jog down to the parking lot, running up to Marcus. "Marcus, wait!"

Marcus stops and turns around, "What?"

I stop in front of him, "I love you too. But I also love Braxton. And I love my son. And my son should live with both of his parents. He deserves a family. I have to give that to him. I love you. I just can't be with you. "

Marcus grabs my waist and pulls my body against him, kissing me. I kiss back for a second but then pull away, "My son is right up there. He can't see. Look, you need to focus on football anyway. I think it's for the best. Good luck, Marcus. "

Then I walk back up before Marcus can say anything. When I go back inside, Braxton says, "What was that about?"

I look at Landon, "baby, why don't you go play in your room. "

Landon runs into his room while Braxton and sit on the couch, "Braxton, when I was in Oregon, my sister tried to set me up with Marcus. We connected and I really liked him. But he needs to focus on football. "

Braxton runs his hand down his face, "So you had a thing with him?"

I look down and nod. Braxton sighs, "Are you sure you want to get back together, Jess? It may be the easiest thing, for Landon. But I want you to be happy. "

I grab his hand, "No, Braxton, I want to be with you. I want the three of us to be a family. "

Braxton leans forward and kisses me, "Good. "

I smile then he says, "So, do you think you'll ever want to marry me?"

I raise my brows, "What?"

Braxton shifts, uncomfortable, "We're staying together as a family. I love you. And I hope you love me. I want to get married and I want to know if you feel the same way. "

I rub my neck, "Wow, Braxton-"

"Jess, this isn't a proposal. I know better than to propose without a ring. But I just want to know if you would consider it. "

I sigh, "Braxton, I honestly don't know. Can I think about it?"

Braxton nods, "of course"

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