Chapter 12

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Jessica's P. O. V.

"Braxton, can I talk to you in private?" I say, eyeing Landon who is listening to our conversation.

Braxton nods, "Sure. "

We go into the kitchen and sit down at the table. I take a deep breath, "Braxton, I'm pregnant. "

Braxton looks confused at first, "Who- oh. "

I sigh and look down at my hands, "Its Marcus' baby, which I'm sure you knew. But, Uhm, I have to end things for good with us, Braxton. I have to be with Marcus. I love him. Please understand. "

Braxton just stares at me, like he almost can't comprehend what I'm saying. Finally, he says, "Get out"

I furrow my brows, "What?"

Braxton stands up, "I want you out. I'm tired of you messing with Landon and my feelings. I'm not going to let you do it anymore. I want you gone. "

I blink in surprise, "Braxton, I got back together with you. For you and Landon! I didn't want to! You think I wanted to leave the man I love and get back with you? Well I didn't! I did it for you. So don't tell me I was playing with your emotions. I was trying to make you happy!"

Braxton slaps me and I cry out in pain, stepping back. I look at Braxton is shock, "What the hell?"

Braxton looks at me then at his hand as if he doesn't know what happened. I take a deep breath, "I'm grabbing a few things then I'll be gone. "

I walk out of the kitchen and go to my room, stuffing some clothes in my bag. When I walk out, I grab Landon. "Hey buddy. I'm going to go stay with a friend for awhile. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Landon nods as I kiss him and walk to the door. Braxton is standing there, "Jessica, please-"

I shake my head, "No, Braxton, we're done. Especially after you hit me. "

Braxton sighs, "Where are you gonna go?"

I shrug, "Jt's house or something. "


"You left Braxton?"

I nod as Jt and I sit in his living room, "yes. I'm pregnant with Marcus. I love him. And Braxton hit me before I left."

Jt studies my face then says, "Your eye is bruising. "

I groan, "Great. "

Jt sighs and pulls me into a side hug, "I'm sorry, Jessica. You know I love you and I'm here for you. "

I smile and nod, "I know. Thank you. "


Before I go to bed, I call Marcus. "Hey, Jess. "

I smile, "Hey Marcus. What are you up to?"

"Just laying around. It's been a lazy day. I've been worried about you and Braxton. How did he take it?"

I sigh, "Let's just say I'm at Jt's house right now. He hit me. "

Marcus raises his voice, "What?! He hit you?!"

I say, "Marcus, it's okay, really. I know it was just because he's upset. He's never done that before. "

His voice is a whisper, "Can you see where he hit you?"

I nod to myself, "Yes. My eye is bruised."

He's quiet for a moment, "Braxton has to pay for that. "

I bite my lip, "No, Marcus. Just let it go, okay? Please. "

He sighs, "We'll see. "

I laugh, "Babe, I appreciate you wanting to protect me. But Braxton already feels terrible. Let's not make it worse. "

Marcus says, "Okay, baby. I love you. "

I smile, "I love you too. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye. "

I hang up and get into bed. I love how Marcus wanted to protect me. But I know Braxton only hit me in hurt. I forgive him. But I'm not going to be able to trust him for awhile.

I miss Marcus. And I want to be with him. What if I moved to Oregon? How would that go? I don't want to be away from Landon. But I need to be with the father of my baby. I'll have to discuss it with Marcus and Braxton soon.

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