Josh - Muffin

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PAIRING: Josh x F-Reader

Words: 1.1k

Requested by @decay_flower


You were working part time in a café just outside of your university campus. It never got particularly busy, even your 'rush' was about 4 people waiting in the queue and 2 already sat down. You were in your second year and liked having something else to do instead of just course work, plus having that extra little bit of money every month was nice.

You also got to see a lot of cute guys who'd come into your work. Sometimes it would be some of the football team, or the popular guys who'd come in and flirt with you to try and get a free drink. But your favourite of all, was a guy who'd always come in by himself, you knew he had friends because you had one of your classes with him and would see him chatting away. You thought he looked so cute, his hair always perfectly placed, a cosy hoodie worn almost every day.

At least once a week he would come in and buy a muffin and a bottle of water, go and sit in the corner by the window and read one of the many books he seemed to have. It was something new every time you were sure.

The thing was, you knew he never actually ate the muffin. The first time he came in, he asked what you recommended – what your favourite was. You told him and now he buys it every time. Whenever he would leave and you'd go clean the table, it would be there – slightly squashed down and nibbled at but never even 1/8th eaten.

Today was another one of those days when your favourite visitor would come in, his cheeks extra rosy because of the harsh winter wind outside, seeing him shiver slightly at the sudden change in temperature. You caught his eye as he started walking over, him smiling bashfully before removing his scarf.

"Morning" you greeted once he was at the counter, "Do you want your usual?"

He always seemed shocked you remembered him and what he ordered. "Oh um morning and yes please" he nodded, watching you as you walked over to grab the water and the muffin from the glass case.

You smiled as sweetly as you could as you walked back to the till to type in the total, telling him the price and he handed over the change. Your fingers lightly grazing his, making heat rush to your cheeks, so you diverted your eyes to the draw as you put the money away. You then noticed he had quite a few things in his hands,

"I'll bring it over to you if that's easiest, you look like you've got your hands full" you giggled, he looked down as if to remind himself what he had,

"That would be great if you don't mind" he smiled,

"not at all" you replied, picking up his things on their tray and walking over to his usual table where he was already at, pulling out a book from his bag before it was placed on the surface.

You then noticed the title and smiled, "I've read that one, its really good! Did you find it was kind of hard to get into at the start?" you asked, noticing he was about halfway through.

He was taken aback by your conversation, happy that you did though. He took his seat and smiled up at you,

"Yeah I did actually, but I've read some of their other work and really liked it so I pushed through, glad I did too"

You then remembered to place down his tray, taking the two things off before removing the platter.

"Thank you.." he started, looking at you to try and find a name badge,

"y/n" you replied, knowing he'd be looking for a while since you didn't have one. He smiled as his eyes met yours,

"I'm Josh" he said, moving his hand up and subconsciously fixing his hair.

"Well nice to officially have met you, Josh"

"Do you uh, want to have a seat? I know you're working I'm sorry if you're busy and not allowed too but you seem nice to talk to" he rambled, making you smile.

You nodded, flattening your apron before pulling out the seat opposite him and sitting, placing the tray next to you against your chair. "Its fine, I'll get up if someone else comes in but I'm not sure someone else is going to brave that wind today."

The conversation slowly flowed between you, talking about your courses and what you do on the side of it all. Your small crush on him only growing as he spoke about his passion for streaming. You noticed again how he was taking sips of his water, but still not touched the muffin. Curiosity got the better of you.

"Listen, I know this may sound odd. But you buy that muffin every time you're in but you never seem to eat it? Just seems like a waste of money" you laugh lightly, your comment making him very noticeably blush and exhale.

"Well uh, I'm going to be honest, and this might come across dumb and weird and I'm so sorry" he started, "When I first came in all I was looking for was some water and a nice place to read but then I saw you behind the counter and thought you were cute, then I saw the muffins on the side and had this epiphany moment where I thought if I asked for your favourite I could then invite you to come sit with me to eat it and get to know you."

Your heart felt like it flipped and a small 'aw' left your lips. You then reached over and slid the plate with the pastry on towards yourself and began picking small pieces off and eating them. Josh watched you with a small and embarrassed smile, secretly thinking how cute you looked.

"Is this all you imagined it would be" you giggled, making him roll his eyes with your teasing tone.

"Much better" he mentioned.

"You could've just asked for my number, could've saved you quite a bit of money" you said with a shake of your head, still enjoying the muffin in front of you.

"Well what if I ask for that now?" Josh quizzed, confidence slowly growing.

You pulled a dramatic thinking face before saying, "Maybe if you buy another muffin for me I'll consider it" and winking. 

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