Charlie - Livestream Confession

4.1K 102 11

January 2021 update: used to include Carson, changed for obvious reasons.

Had two requests for some Slime/Charlie fluff, hopefully this is okay!

PAIRING: Charlie x GN-Reader

Words: 1.3k


You loved being able to hang out with all your friends in one place. Having a huge house as your office space was all you could dream off. Your room was at the beginning of the hallway, just before the stairs. Your desk faced the wall with the door on and you'd left it open to get some air through, it also meant you could say goodbye to people as they left.

You'd just said goodnight to Travis and Cooper and were fiddling with how your webcam sat when Charlie poked his head through, startling you as he spoke.

"Hey y/n, you on your way out?" he quizzed, your heart jumping in your chest, heat rising to your cheeks as you looked to him and saw his eyes on you.

"Oh um no, was just going to stream actually, you off?" you replied, settling with how the camera was positioned and taking a seat, still looking at Charlie as you did.

"Yeah, finally. Guess I'll catch you later" he softly smiled, his eyes lingering on you for a few seconds before he was off.

"See you later!" you called after him, lifting yourself up off your chair to peer around the door slightly, seeing him turn with a grin and a small wave. You sighed heavily as you sat again, composing yourself and your racing heart.

It was just you and Ted who were left in the house, he'd been finishing up editing a stream while you were beginning one. Everyone else deciding to have the night off. You liked to do streams by yourself on separate nights to the others anyway, liking to just spend some time with your own chat – though you obviously loved when you all got together to stream.


Tonight, you had decided on playing a cringey dating simulator so that your chat could help you pick your answers and help decide who you end up with. You'd spent a long time creating your character to look as crazy as possible, your donations helping to choose the final touches.


There were many people to choose from but one specific one seemed to stand out to you.

This guy looked very typically nerdy, squared glasses, science pun t-shirt and a small dimpled grin in their profile.

"Ohh they're cute" you cheered, raising your brows at your webcam, laughing then at some of the responses you got from chat.

The game continued on, going on a few 'dates' with a selection of people, sometimes giving the worst answers and then trying your hardest with others, but it was obvious you and chat wanted the same person when it came to who you'd finally choose.

You started to see similar things being spammed in chat, things along the lines of:

"They're so obvious to who they'll choose"

"It's like this is actually y/n choosing someone irl"

"In life and in game y/n likes the same"

You rolled your eyes, then seeing another one pop up saying: "Y/n's crush is so obvious at this point it hurts"

"Chat who are you insinuating I have a crush on?" you teased, watching as the side bar was quickly filled with mainly one name – the mention of him and the apparent obviousness of your crush made your cheeks burn but you tried to move past it.

"I meant in game! And Charlie? I don't know what you're talking about, we're friends" it would've almost been believable, had your voice not cracked or been about 12 octaves higher than normal.

You continued to ignore the repetitive messages and teases from your viewers. Well at least you tried, it felt like you were being interrogated with the constant questions.

"Guys please let's move on, no need to talk about my crush any longer" you said, trying to disperse the conversation once again. Only too late realising what you'd said.

What you hadn't known was one specific viewer couldn't keep the smile off his face.

As soon as Charlie got home, he'd put your stream on the TV in his room as he changed, he loved watching you and even if you weren't friends he'd be your biggest fan. He watched as you attempted to flirt with some of the fake characters, even feeling a little jealous at your actions, his heart swooning as he heard your light laughter after a 'compliment' from one of them.

He'd just taken a seat on the edge of his bed, after grabbing some food from his kitchen, when you'd gotten to going on your final date with two choices left. He'd jokingly muttered about how similar the one guy was to him, only thinking it of a coincidence and not trying to persuade himself it was anything more.

But then he started reading the chat more, seeing them tease you about your 'date' and who they reminded them of, his eyebrows furrowing as he starts seeing his own name mentioned. Charlie was trying to brush it off, thinking they meant someone else even though some of them were using his tag name. Noticing how pink your cheeks were and how you were almost trying to hide your face behind the sleeves of your hoodie made him smile.

Then he heard you say: "Guys please let's move on, no need to talk about my crush any longer". Crush? Did you mean in the game.. or?

His food was long cold, having not had taken a bite, but that was at the back of his mind. Were you talking about him?

Charlie wasn't usually one for taking big chances, but this was one he felt was right. Soon his keys were in his hand and he was hopping on one foot trying to get his trainer on as he made his way outside. The car ride back to the house seemed to take 10 times longer, though traffic was basically non existent at that time.

You'd finished up your game date and were now just chatting with your viewers, they'd seemed to have calmed down about your accidental confession, a few mentions of him popping up but you ignored them.

You suddenly heard a slam of a door from downstairs, knowing it was the front door by the heaviness. You sat up straighter in shock, questioning to yourself whether it was Ted or something worse. There were heavy but quick footsteps up the stairs and your heart was racing.

It dropped slightly as you were soon met with the frame of Charlie swinging open your door, slightly panting with a playful smile on his face.

"Charlie?" you couldn't help the grin grow on your cheeks as you breathed out his name in surprise question. "What are you doing back?"

"Is it true?" he asked, still a little breathless.

"What?.." your brows furrowed, quickly thinking back to his name being brought up previously which heaved your chest. "Oh i-"

"Because god I hope it is" he was shaking his head slightly, as if having a conversation in his head, as he took the few steps closer to you. The door slightly banging on the wall as he pushed it. His hands were against your cheeks as he leant down and captured your lips with his, your eyes fluttering closed as you felt any weight lifted from you like you were floating. You began to feel him leaning back slightly, so your own hands reached up and tugged his t-shirt, pulling him closer again. Feeling his teeth against your lips as he smiled.

It took one $40 donation for you two to break apart, the loud ringing in your headphones that still sat on your head, making you jump away and flush crimson as you turned your head to your stream.

"Oh um, streams over guys" Charlie muttered, noticing the lack of movement from you as you sat in a state of shock and embarrassment. He reached over and clicked the buttons needed before he was facing you again.

"You really have a type huh?" he teased, "that guy looked just like me"

You couldn't help but roll your eyes, muttering "shut up" as you shook your head before you stood, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and bringing your face closer to his.

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