How You Know They Love You (without saying it)

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A/N wahey these are actually short.

January 2021 update: Used to include Carson, now removed for obvious reasons.

Cooper: Gifts

Whether it was a bouquet of your favourite flowers suddenly appearing on your kitchen counter when you woke up in the morning, or your favourite chocolate bar being placed in front of you as you sat at your desk, stressed from the day. Sometimes it would be a new t-shirt he would 'buy for himself' with the only intent to wear it once and you to have it, loving to see your smile along with your body in his clothes, or with a piece of jewellery he'd unsubtly put on you when you weren't looking. Cooper showered you with gifts, wanting nothing more than to see your sweet grin and string of thank you's you showed in your own way, wanting you to know how much he loved you with physical things along with his words.


Schlatt: Giving you his Jumper

Schlatt's tough persona never lasted when he was around you, especially if you showed any signs of discomfort or unhappiness. His sweatshirts were his pride and joy, a collection large and loved, but had he no second thought when passing you one to warm yourself up in when he saw you shiver once from beside him, the thought of his love being cold more devastating to him than anything that could happen to his clothes. He would even take his own off while you were out, if you'd even breathe the fact you were slightly cool it would be off, leaving him in his t-shirt but happy as long as you were, arms wrapped around you too and repeating to ask if you felt better.


Ted: Dropping anything for you

It could be during the middle of a stream or recording session, when he was just starting to cook his dinner or about to leave to go do some needed chores. If you called or messaged to say you were sad or missed him, or simply didn't reply to him, he was as fast as lightening heading straight to you. As soon as he'd find you, his arms would be encasing you, kisses peppered along you skin, wanting nothing more than to hear your laugh. His friends called him a simp, the few times he'd cancelled on them to hang out with you their only impression, but he didn't care. He'd do anything and drop anything if it meant he could make you feel better and loved.


Charlie: He gets jealous

Its rare, but very visible when it happens. As with each time Charlie got jealous, his nostrils flared and eyes bored deeply into whoever was talking to you, his hand would be in yours – hoping you would take the hint and pull him away from the scene. You'd always giggle once you saw him, placing a kiss to his cheek before moving away. Charlie then becoming in control once you were back in the car or at home, pressing his lips heavily to you to remind you of how he felt. The action let you know he was worried, that he cared so deeply for you that even a minor threat of someone else made him panic and want to remind you of his love for you.


Travis: The way he looks at you

The boys would joke that soon you'd be able to feel when Travis looked at you since he did it so often, admiring you from a distance or when he sat with you. His pupils always blown wide, like you were a drug he was stuck on, the darkness almost covering his eye colour. His lips always seemed to be curled up at least on one side when he looked at you, his body naturally happy that you were there with him. It would make you blush whenever you'd catch his gaze, your heart doing flips in your chest along with his as he'd see you smile.


Noah: Staying up to talk to you

You lived away from Noah and his friends, far enough that you were in a different time zone and so your morning and nights were slightly off in hours. But that didn't bother Noah. He would stay up to stupid o'clock in the morning just so he could hear you voice or see your face over the phone for as long as he could. Every time he would be fighting his own strength to keep his eyes open and brain focused on what you were saying. Often you'd insist on being the one to stay up so it was a normal time for him for a change, but he'd never agree, adamant to let you get your beauty sleep that you deserved as his slumber could wait. Many times it was you who'd end the call, after about 10 minutes of watching your boyfriend sleep, too exhausted and the fight against rest lost, you smiling softly at the attempt every time.


Josh: How he touches you

His fingers always felt light against your skin, always feeling them lightly caress your hands when he held them, or glide against your skin when he watched you rest. Josh loved to be able to touch you softly, seeing the goosebumps rise on you skin and your cheek dimple with your smile. It was habit after a while, whenever you were close his hands were moving on you, just slowly and usually in the same area while he was talking or doing any tasks. The pads of his digits teasing your senses as they glided over your cheeks or legs, any skin they could find. Always light, like a feather, letting you know he was there without having to say a word.


John: The way he kisses you

John's kisses changed with his mood. Sometimes he just wanted to be near, quick pecks as greeting or in passing. Sometimes he wanted to feel impossibly close to you, let you know there was no other person for him but you, heavy and hot letting you know how he felt. You could always feel the love behind them though. It was never about getting to a goal, just making sure you could feel his passion, no matter how light or heavy his lips move against yours. Making you know his movements were for both of you to feel each other, not for one or the other. Feeling the love through his touch.


Jaren: Everything he does is for your future together

Jaren mentioned his future goals and things he wanted to achieve very early in your relationship, and after some months, was beginning to include you in them too. The thoughts were never forced, just his brain accepting you as a part of his future naturally. One day you were doing laundry and were putting the sheets back on his bed, he'd come in and said how 'we should get some new sheets' casually, the first time he'd said for you two to make a big-ish decision together. You were out shopping next and he saw a chair and desk he liked, it wasn't for his place it would 'look good in our house' he had mentioned. Or when you he was looking at getting a new car, he was looking for something practical that 'you two could use for years to come'. You we never a second part to a decision he made, you were always at the forefront of them, an idea run past you but never finalised until you were happy. That's how you knew he loved you.

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